
  Chapter 249 Painter: Roll (one more)

After cleaning up the various data of this world, And determined the main goal, that is to reach the planet position of other civilizations as early as possible. There are a total of 28 interstellar civilizations gathered in the solar system. It is obviously impossible to get the coordinates of the 28 interstellar civilizations. Xia can't wait so long.

If it takes dozens of hundreds of years to complete this mission, Great Xia would rather wait for the opening of the next world. Fortunately, the original humans did not ask them to obtain the Space coordinates of all interstellar civilizations. They only need all the interstellar civilization coordinates of the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations, and at least the civilization coordinates of the ten core members.

This is much easier to handle. The mission has changed from targeting all civilizations to targeting the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations, and the operability can be very large. It simply limits the scope of the front road to the Space transfer station of the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations outside the solar system, which greatly reduces the difficulty of completing the mission.

At present, what Great Xia has to do is how to sneak into the Space transfer station of the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations outside the solar system. The goal sounds very simple, but the implementation is extremely difficult.

The first problem is also the most important problem, the distance is too far. The early interstellar civilization wanted to build the Space transfer station on the Earth’s orbit, so that a short-distance wormhole could be opened with no difficulty to transport materials and dispatch troops. However, a part of the civilized spaceship just approached the orbit of Earth and was destroyed by humans before it entered.

After hundreds of interstellar spaceships were blown up by humans, various interstellar civilizations also gave up their plans to build Space stations in Earth orbit, and instead planned to build them in Earth's outer space. The ending is the same as before. The Space Station was just built, and within a few days it was hammered by humans.

The interstellar civilization took a few steps back and planned to build a Space station on the fire star revolution orbit. This time Earth's humans did not attack the Space station, and the construction of the Space station went very smoothly. Just when all civilizations thought it was possible to build an outpost at this distance, the fire star turned around a few months later and came to the vicinity of Earth. Then the Space station, which was just halfway through the construction of each civilization, was hammered by the humans on the fire star.

At this moment, the interstellar civilization knows that it is not only Earth that has humans. Fire star, the first colony planet of human civilization, also has many humans.

After the Space Readiness Hammer exploded countless times, the interstellar civilizations retreated and then retreated, and finally retreated to the edge of the solar system before being attacked by humans.

However, there are some civilizations with an exception, that is, the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations. As long as the civilization in this alliance builds the Space station in the solar system, as long as it meets within a year, the unfathomable mystery will be destroyed by humans.

Sometimes, even if you have done a perfect plan, you will be slammed by human beings doing some weird things.

Although the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations recruited humans, he came early and had the first mover advantage. At the beginning, he occupied almost all places on Earth that would not be attacked by humans. In this way, subsequent civilizations can only continue to lie down on thunder and lie out one after another that is rarely attacked by humans.

Of course, most civilizations are directly robbed from the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations, some civilizations rushed to fight with the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations, and some rushed to join the League of Civilizations. Alliance of Twelve Civilizations.

However, although the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations built a Space station outside the solar system because of compelled by circumstances, it is not only far from Earth, but also difficult to obtain energy from the sun. However, there is still an advantage under many shortcomings, that is, it is difficult for humans to attack this Space station.

The Alliance of Twelve Civilizations can expand Space at will, and can apply various powerful technologies to the Space station.

There is no way for Great Xia to fly out of the solar system and sneak into the Space station of the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations silently. At present, Great Xia can fly away from the solar system in only two ways: the first after another interstellar spaceship, which uses the light sail technology obtained by the worm Avatar world, accelerates to more than 60% of the speed of light and flies away from the solar system. .

However, this method cannot be concealed at all, and it was discovered by various interstellar civilizations at once.

The second method is to set up a super large Space teleportation magic. Although Great Xia is indeed capable of erecting a Space teleportation magic spanning half of the star system, assembling all the Grand Mages, it takes a few months to successfully erect it. But this method also doesn't work. The energy fluctuations generated by teleportation magic are really too big.

With the idea of ​​giving medicine to a dead horse, Great Xia randomly sent someone to try to ask the painter if there was any way. After all, according to their calculations, there were hundreds of True Gods in the original human beings. And each one is very likely to control some laws. Perhaps these hundreds of True Gods have so few abilities that Divine Item can solve this problem.

In the end, the answer Great Xia got from the painter was to directly find a relatively suitable reason and send it up. As long as the reason is suitable, everything can go smoothly.

This answer seems to be perfunctory to them, but for this group of True God, Great Xia finally chose to believe that the deer headed-man was sent out.

Through one of Lich's parasitic soul magic, Great Xia, I saw what happened, and suddenly found that things were going too smoothly, and it was a little unbelievable smoothly.

In this regard, Great Xia can only attribute this phenomenon to the power of a certain Sovereign Rank human, most likely it is some kind of power that interferes with fate or cause and effect. However, the force of this kind of force to interfere with fate is obviously not great, and it can only interfere with some small things.

After all, if this Sovereign Rank human beings can arbitrarily interfere with the trajectory of the world, these interstellar civilizations would have been extinct long ago, and there would be no time to jump in Earth.

The next plan is controlled by a Sovereign Rank human hidden behind the scenes. Before getting information from Wormhole related personnel or Highest Commander, nothing happened to Great Xia.

Of course, Great Xia will not just stay idle. Great Xia has begun to send a large number of pioneers to other cities to collect the sovereign and human location of these cities. At the same time, it counts how many primitive humans and humans are in each city. sovereign.

In the beginning, in order to avoid arousing the revulsion of the original humans, pioneers' investigation was very careful. Generally, it is only a rough statistics of ordinary primitive humans, and by the way, these ragged humans put on a new set of clothes. After all, so many years have passed. After the battle of large and small, most of human clothes are already in tatters, and even they have no clothes on them and only hang a few pieces of cloth.

Some capable sovereigns will find some cover for the humans in their cities. For example, painters will use their power to create a special kind of paper for humans to use as clothing, but those abilities are purely for fighting. Sovereign has no way to add cover to the humans in its own city. In desperation, they can only be left naked or pulled off from those insects.

At present, most of the coverings on humans are taken off from the collectors, but due to the large difference in body size between the two sides, humans can only put these clothes on them as a piece of cloth. After a few battles, this piece of cloth also became torn.

His eyes are dull, and his body is covered with a rag. This is the configuration of the ordinary person class. Dressed appropriately, with a god-like gaze, like a normal human being, this is a configuration of a sovereign human.

Every new Sovereign Rank human will be taken to a tailor called a sovereign to choose a set of clothes, but because the tailors make special clothes and the output is small, they can only be supplied to the sovereign.

The problem of compatriots’ clothes has always been one of the concerns of sovereigns. Although the ordinary person is muddy and has no consciousness, there is no shame in it, and there seems to be no problem with being naked. But they are humans and not wild beasts, so they certainly can't wear any clothes like this. And now that someone comes to deliver clothes, this is simply a good person.

After the spread of the Great Xia giving clothes, pioneers in the city government of the artist received more than a dozen sovereign requests within one day.

Finally, the artist came forward and led the visiting team formed by everyone to go to human cities one after another to deliver clothes. By the way, count the number of humans and the distribution of sovereignty, as well as their abilities. Except for a small number of abilities that are particularly easy to be restrained, the sovereign unwilling to reveal ability, most sovereigns have readily stated their abilities.

At present, Great Xia has visited three large cities and counted the number of humans in these cities. The results are somewhat beyond Great Xia's predictions.

The area of ​​the first city is three times larger than the painter city, and it is visually a super-class city with a population of over 100 million. The number of humans is 2301, and the Sovereign Rank is 1 human.

The area of ​​the second city is also larger than that of the painter city, and the estimated habitable population is 70 to 80 million. There are two thousand and thirty-two human beings, and one Sovereign Rank human being.

The area of ​​the third city is almost the same as that of the painter city. The number of humans is 3,125, and the Sovereign Rank is two.

In the city where the painter is located, there are 3,562 humans and one Sovereign Rank human.

These several cases show that Great Xia's previous estimation of the number of humans is wrong. The number of humans does not depend on the number of humans in the original city, but the number of sovereigns and the strength of sovereigns. how.

This is the fourth city today. According to the artist's introduction, this is a city with two sovereigns.

"I'm not very familiar with fantasizing about this person, but I heard that his character is a bit weird, and he always uses his abilities to do strange things." The artist introduced to the visiting group behind him Of the two sovereigns of this city.

"The forest has a very good personality and is very enthusiastic to every human being. But where she lives, there are a lot of weird plants, you better be careful."

With the visiting group behind the painter, I quickly recorded this information. From the two sentences just now, it can be inferred that the fantasy is a man, and the ability is probably related to the illusion spell, or it may be turned into an illusion. Reality.

The forest should be a woman, and her ability may be related to plants. The situation in this city should be caused by the sovereign's ability.

A visiting group of hundreds of people walked in this beautiful city full of exotic flowers and rare herbs. One after another humans walked out of the building to look at the group of intruders.

At this time, a man appeared out of thin air in front of everyone, and everyone was stunned when they saw the man dressed up. The man was wearing a black leather jacket, full of ripped jeans, a black blindfold on his face, and a chain wrapped around his right hand.

The man's right hand held his forehead, his chin slightly raised, and he looked down at the beautiful girl in blue and white sportswear with the corner of his eye, and said: "The gear of destiny is turning again, the wave of the times Set off again, in this age full of death and destruction, we once again met miraculously, my destiny..."

Before the strange man in front of me was finished, the artist used her ethereal and peaceful A word came out in his voice: "Get off."

Facing the beginning of school, there have been a lot of things recently.

The second watch is still on the way

(End of this chapter)

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