
  Chapter 250 They are all my wings!


The scene became extremely embarrassing in an instant, everyone was silent and didn't know what to say for a while.

Hello, hello, hello, but ah, staring in front of him, this strangely dressed man, a few seconds later, the members of the visiting group discovered that although this person is about 1.8 meters tall, But the appearance is slightly green. If age is not counted, from the physical appearance alone, he should be a taller teenager.

At this time, the Chief of the visiting group came back to his senses and took two steps forward, intending to ease the awkward atmosphere and give the suspected to be fantasy sovereign a step forward.


However, when the Chief of the visiting group uttered a word, he was interrupted by the weirdly dressed young man in front of him.

The young man took two steps back and stretched out his hand to cover his right eye, his face was very ugly and said: "Damn destiny, is even you affected by destiny? Sure enough, those who look at the abyss will be watched by the abyss. ."

"The hand named destiny has held us tightly in the palm of the hand, is it the arrangement of fate no matter what you do? No, no! I will never accept such an ending, one day I will I want to tear the fate of playing with others into pieces."

The artist had no intention of letting this strange guy continue to perform on his own. He directly interrupted and said, "No, that's just your delusion. . And I advise you not to map writers all the time, and be careful of perfectly clear arranged by him."

However, this junior middleman obviously did not listen to the painter's words, and slowly moved the right hand to it. On the black blindfold of the left eye, he said: "Darker than dusk! More red than blood! Come out in the lost time, and put yourself under your great name!"

The painter is ruthless The blow said: "The dusk is not dark."

Tone barely fell, the dark red color centered on the youth spreads all around at a very fast speed, swallowing other colors of this world.

"The pupil of the end!"

The young man slowly tore off his black blindfold, which was the pupil of a scarlet. At the moment when the blindfold was torn off, the boy also opened a scarlet pupil 5 meters high behind him. A majestic imposing manner erupted from the young man, and this imposing manner was full of extreme hatred and madness.

The pioneers who accompanied the interview team raised their guns, and their inner vigilance was raised to the extreme. Although this teenager speaks very well, but it is undeniable that this is a Class 6 powerhouse and a True God.

At the same time, the pioneers are very familiar with this aura, which is exactly the same as the breath of "ordinary" humans without any saneness at night, full of extreme hatred and the madness of destroying everything.

Facing the imposing manner that this Class 6 True God broke out, even if it was a visit group composed of trailblazers, it was a bit unbearable. After all, most of their strength is only Class 4, in the eyes of ordinary person, Class 4 is a powerhouse that surpasses human beings. It is a monster that can meet force with force with power armor or outer skeleton armor by physical strength alone.

But in front of a Class 6 True God, it is nothing at all, at best it is just a slightly stronger ant. Class 6 is a transformation of life, and the gap between the two sides is like an ant and a mountain.

The painter noticed the changes of pioneers, and slowly released his own power to block the imposing manner sent out by the fantasizing fool for the pioneers.

The delicate little face of the painter slightly frowned, and said: "What do you want to do?"

The illusion of this posture is obviously to start the original, and the original is when they are ready to fight desperately. It will be used. At this time, the fantasy action made the painter suspect that this guy was crazy and wanted to attack her.

If it really fought, the artist would not be ignorant of this problematic fantasy, but she was worried that she would not be able to guard the trailblazer behind her in such a close-range battle.

A bitter smile appeared on the boy’s face and said, "Don’t be afraid, I will rescue you from fate soon."

Look at what he looks like, then With a slightly helpless and miserable smile and gaze, coupled with the horrible imposing manner and the surrounding special effects, people who didn't know really believed his nonsense.

The painter didn’t say anything, the imposing manner of sovereignty also broke out, and the surrounding energy began to surge wildly. A paintbrush without any paint appeared on her hand, and then she also appeared in front of her. An easel.

She doesn't know exactly what the fantasy is, and she doesn't want to explore this issue. What she wants to do now is to beat this guy to the general to deal with.

The tension of the atmosphere rose to the apex, and the battle was on the verge of breaking out.

Pioneers are also ready to use teleportation magic to escape this place where True God level battles will erupt.

At this time a soft voice sounded.

"Younger brother, stop making trouble, I will be angry if this continues."

Upon hearing this voice, the imposing manner and special effects on my imagination shrank instantly, and it shrouded The scarlet in the entire city also quickly faded, and the city quickly returned to normal. The animals that were shiver coldly lying on the ground slowly stood up and looked at all around suspiciously.

Numerous vines in the sky in front of her continued to stretch out to this side, and a tall and beautiful woman stood on the vines. The woman has long light green hair and is wearing an elegant white dress. She exudes a natural and feminine temperament.

The woman came to the interview team, bowed slowly, and said, "I'm sorry, my younger brother has caused you trouble."

The artist put away his own The brush and the easel showed a pure smile on his face, saying: "Forest, long time no see."

The forest also said with a smile: "Long time no see, how has the painter younger sister these years? He didn't come to play with me."

The fantasy boy next to him saw the pure smile on the artist's face, his eyes straightened, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

The painter noticed that the young man’s eyes were pointed at him, replied: "He is too annoying."

This sentence fiercely pierced into the young man’s heart like a sharp sword. .

"Hehehe, it seems that this is my fault. I didn't think about the fantasy." Forest covered his mouth and let out a bell-like laugh, not caring about his younger brother at all.

"Then elder sister will find you next time."

"en." The painter nodded said: "When the time comes, I will paint some portraits of the forest."

The fantasy teenager next to him clutched his chest and said with a painful face: "Although I know you have forgotten what we experienced between us, but I don't know why, my heart still hurts so much."


Sin Lin turned his head and glanced at his younger brother who had a problem with his brain, and said, "I remember that you told Qing Wu the same way last time, and I was taught by fiercely."

Then the forest covered his face and helplessly said: "You are over a hundred years old, can't you be a little mature? Don't say that you are a man of destiny when you see a beautiful girl, you brat, don't you want to step on How many boats? But with your appearance, even a girl can't catch up, let alone two boats."

"No, they are indeed my destiny, but Because of that hateful fate, they have forgotten their memories with me." The fantasy boy's expression became unusually serious.

"And old sister, you are slandering me, I am a very dedicated person, always impossible to step on a few boats."

The forest is white. He glanced at him and said: "Your passion is to confess to someone every time you meet a beautiful girl?"

Fantasy opened his arms loudly and said: "In the old days, the fate between us has long been tight Tied together, my heart has long been divided into many pieces by them, they are my wings!"

tone barely fell, a white fist as white as a white jade was hit hard on the young man Face.


A huge sonic boom sounded, the violent wind roared, and the boy's figure disappeared in place. Immediately afterwards, there were loud crashes in the distance, and the boy's body smashed through a building more than ten kilometers away and flew to the unknown distance.

Seeing this scene, the pioneers standing behind the painter swallowed subconsciously. At this moment, they most intuitively felt the power of the Sovereign Rank human. This world the most powerful force of mankind is not all kinds of strange abilities, but the physical, unmatched power.

Although Sovereign Rank humans have the ability of various laws, the most powerful force for them is their own body. Just like a painter, on the surface is a True God whose books are all laws, a protagonist like the legendary Immortal-like painting.

But in fact, the fight really started. The petite body can carry the orbital bombardment, and the white jade hand can tear the interstellar battleship by hand.

False human beings: the laws of manipulation, Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, walking in the void as an Immortal God.

Real humans: tear the interstellar battleship by hand, carry the high-particle energy attack of the battleship, and chase the interstellar fleet to hammer them.

There is nothing that cannot be solved with your fist. If there is, it means that your strength is not enough.

At this time, the forest looked towards the visiting group, and two steps forward, he stretched out his right hand and said: "Hello, welcome to my city."

With a smile, he held the forest’s right hand and said: "It's nice to meet you, your city is very beautiful."

After the two parties introduced myself, they quickly entered the topic, without any diplomatic occasions. Brag about each other's links. According to the experience accumulated by the visiting group the past few days, human beings didn't like to be circumspect at first, instead they talked straight and communicated better.

The Chief took out a set of black tights. The shape of the clothes was a bit similar to the normal armor/mecha nerve-connected battle suit. However, considering the battle method of the original humans, in order to avoid the original humans from destroying the clothes due to excessive strength, this suit only covers the wrists and ankles.

At the same time, the clothes are made of a substance similar to Slime solids. Even if they are torn to pieces by various attacks, they can be recovered by exposing them to the sun for a few days.

This suit will not provide any defensive ability, its only function is to heal even if it is broken.

The forest is holding the clothes and stroking the soft material. The more I look at it, the more I like it. This clothes can perfectly solve the problem that has plagued her for many years.

That is the clothes of the compatriots. Although these compatriots have not fully woken up yet, they don't care whether they wear clothes or not, but she does. A group of compatriots in the fruit body dangled in front of her every day like savages. The forest could not tolerate this situation at all, or it would be difficult for all sovereigns to accept this situation.

For them, although their compatriots have not been born with a clear mind, they are the few remaining compatriots in this universe. They are human.

The forest asked: "What do I need to change to your clothes."

According to the knowledge taught by human heritage, everything has a price. There is no free lunch in the world. If suddenly a stranger gives you a lot of things for free, it means that he has another plan.

The Chief of the visiting group was not polite, and directly replied: "This is the deposit paid in advance by Great Xia for your future help. Of course, if possible, we would like to register the rules under your control. You can Rejection, this is just our incidental work, it is not important."

The ability to record each sovereign is the main goal of the visiting group this time, but the words cannot be said directly.

The forest slightly smiled and said: "Of course it’s okay, how do you record it?"

For primitive humans, the ability is this thing. Except for some special primitives, most sovereigns don’t Too concerned. This thing is just that their power reaches a certain level and is born automatically. Although it is very magical, their fists are not effective in fighting.

If there are many abilities that can be compared with their fists, it is only Space ability. After all, the universe is really too big, and physical power alone cannot beat those spaceships. Space's ability made up for their shortcomings and replaced their legs in the universe.

Chief replied: "Just say it directly, we have recording equipment."

"In this case, let me introduce my own abilities first." The forest has no ink marks, so I just start Describe your abilities.

"My ability is to control all kinds of plants, and to be able to observe everything around them through plants. Simply put, all plants can become my eyes. At the same time, I can also use plants to a certain extent. Strength to enhance one's own abilities."

"Although this ability is very magical, but..." The forest's soft face, still with a gentle smile, raised his right hand into a fist.

"Fighting is better with fists."

In the past, some Sovereigns who controlled their own abilities brought to the point of perfection fought with Sovereigns who relied on physical strength, and finally Sovereign, who relied on ability to fight, was pressed on the ground and rubbed.

What Space cutting, sun True Fire, mental attack, various laws of death ray ability, in front of the ultimate power, appear so bells and whistles.

Although this discussion ended with physical strength over the power of law, the original humans did not despise the power of law, and wanted to oppose this power and invested more energy and continuously developed their own abilities. Law power can't beat physical power, but if physical power is matched with law power, it can definitely beat pure physical power.

And with their in-depth understanding of law, the power of law may one day surpass the power of the body. However, at the current growth rate of their physical strength, it is obviously impossible for the power of law to surpass unless their physical strength no longer grows.

Chief's expression has become a bit weird. Although it seems that the law is a little stronger, but from your mouth, I can't refute it.

"My younger brother's abilities are just like his title, fantasy. You can invent something that doesn't exist with your own power. For example, the eyes released from his back just now, the younger brother's setting is This is a pair of eyes that can destroy the entire universe. When the seal is completely undone, it will emit a beam of light that can destroy all celestial bodies within tens of thousands of light-years."

"But the real situation is that the formidable power is just like those. The alien’s battleship main gun is similar, and can only blast a large pit of ten kilometers in radius at most. It has a hand in destroying the environment. It really hits the enemy’s battleship, and it may not even be able to penetrate the shield."

Chief asked: "Then can he imagine some special objects, such as room temperature superconductivity, or even a sun compressed to three kilometers in diameter."

It would be an extremely terrifying ability to create anything he imagined. For example, imagine a black hole, a red giant...

The forest shook his head and said: "He can only imagine something with a power level lower than him, and the things he imagined need his power to maintain. , Once the supply of utilization is lost, then this thing will disappear."

"Simply put, it is the ability of fantasy. Anything imagined cannot exceed its own power level. At the same time, these fantasy needs their own strength support. ."

"This ability sounds very powerful, but the actual effect is not as powerful as one's own fists. No matter what kind of attack it hits, it is one level lower than itself, and it consumes a lot of money. It is useless except to look good. ."

After recording the abilities of the two sovereigns in this city, all the humans in the city also gathered under the order of the forest. Pioneers began to distribute clothes to every human being, while recording their quantity.

Forest Lin City, the number of humans is 3,221, and there are two sovereigns: forest, fantasy.



The silhouette sitting in the corner of the library is still struggling to write a reasonable story.

[When the deer headed-man boarded the energy spaceship, his true identity was detected. The robot quickly grabbed him and put him in a cell, preparing to use various methods to find out who sent him. Which civilization did he take refuge in. 】

【After a series of in-depth scans, the Erd civilization suddenly discovered that the deer headed-man gave birth to a soul, and it was still a complete soul. This discovery quickly attracted the attention of the senior leaders of the Erder civilization. According to the deer headed-man, the departure time and the return time were only a short three days apart. In such a short period of time, the deer headed-man actually gave birth to a complete high-dimensional. consciousness. 】

The story slowly extends from the two bottom collectors in the shelter to the entire shelter, and even now reaches the upper level of the Erd civilization.

[Oerd civilization wants to get a way to give birth to a high-dimensional consciousness from an inferior lifeform in such a short period of time. For this reason, the deer headed-man escapes the danger of being dealt with. 】

After writing here, the silhouette stopped and began to think about how to lead the next story to the ending he wanted to see.

After half an hour of contemplation, the misty road ahead appeared again.

"The sanctuary itself is fish and dragons mixed in together because of the collectors. Although the Erd civilization monitors the collectors very strictly, spies from other civilizations can still enter, perhaps spies. I found that it can force the Erd Civilization to send the deer headed-man to the Space station, and even return to their mother planet."

silhouette bowed his head and worked hard to write the book again, and Sasasa’s writing voice spread throughout the book. Pavilion. This is the voice of destiny, and a big net called destiny has slowly spread.

(End of this chapter)

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