
  Chapter 251 Countless are just

the city of steel.

The underground laboratory in the center of the city. There is no researcher in this laboratory entirely made of steel, or all the researchers are standing in the quantum network and controlling the everything.

There are all kinds of Earth creatures in this research institute. Of course, none of the interstellar civilizations want the most human beings, even the Erd civilization that is most keen on studying humans so far. Not even one complete human experiment has been carried out.

It is not that the interstellar civilization does not want to conduct dissection research on humans, which are beyond common sense, but that they have no effective way to catch humans and make humans unable to resist, obediently and honestly accepting human experiments. After all, with the extraordinary power of that group of monsters, a single blow can reach thousands of tons of force, a full strength attack can blast an interstellar fighter with an energy shield into fragments.

In the absence of anesthesia, it is as difficult as heavenly ascension for interstellar civilization to trap humans. Even with a special imprisonment device, it is difficult to capture humans at the speed of breakthrough sound.

However, as various civilizations continue to study higher dimension energy and humans, most interstellar civilizations have the ability to imprison an ordinary person. For example, the method of the Erder civilization to imprison humans is to first use compressed high-particle rays to drive humans into a state of suspended animation, and then use steel nails made of light-speed kinetic energy weapons to insert every inch of human muscles and skeletons.

In the beginning, the Erder civilization used this method to successfully capture dozens of ordinary person classes at one time. However, before they were happy, there were a few Sovereign Rank humans in a short while, and they smashed them. Research institute.

I couldn’t catch it before, but now I’m caught, and I don’t know how to protect it, and I also have to guard against mankind’s crazy revenge.

Of course, if it’s just the above difficulties, the interstellar civilization will continue to try to capture humans for human experiments. As long as humans can be studied thoroughly, even if all their bases in the solar system are trampled on by humans, it is worthwhile . As long as they can develop weapons against humans, they can change the current situation of being chased and beaten by humans.

Adhering to this kind of thinking, even if the interstellar civilization was crushed by countless shelters, it would still not give up the capture and research of human beings.

As soon as Earth’s shelter catches humans, they will be trampled by sovereignty. Then I will use Space to move humans to outer space. Outer space is also not good, so I will use the speed of light spaceship to escape the sun after catching it.

Humans use a certain method to directly teleport to the spaceship by using the Space ability. If this method is not working, I will change it.

Launch a large-scale attack on humans, drag most of the Sovereign Rank humans with a huge fleet, and then grab a few humans through the secretly erected wormholes and transport them back to their mother planet.

You can use Space ability to catch up with the speed of light spaceship, and now I have captured human beings back to the mother planet which is a full ten thousand light years away from the solar system. Can you still fly here? Even if the Sovereign Rank humans really follow, the interstellar civilization in their own turf is not a human being at all.

The solar system can only send expeditionary fleets due to the long distance, and the fleet cannot carry too many sophisticated weapons due to various reasons. Coupled with the ability of humans to freely shuttle Space in the solar system, it has created more than two dozen interstellar civilizations, tens of thousands of interstellar battleships, and hundreds of millions of interstellar fighters, which can not beat more than a hundred thousand humans.

But if you put the battlefield on your own mother planet, it’s different. It has the most cutting-edge weapons of civilization and the most powerful logistical support, so you don’t have to worry about energy issues. If human beings really dare to come, the interstellar civilization is confident that it can push this nasty group of humans to rub against the ground.

As for human Space ability? All civilizations have installed devices that can block Space in their own territories, and humans cannot use their Space capabilities at all.

Space blockade device: A civilization used to prevent other civilizations from using Space technology to raid itself. Similar to when human beings were still in Level 0 civilization, the missile defense systems of various countries were the same.

The energy consumption is large, and the deployment time is long. It is generally impossible to move to the battlefield.

These two civilizations are confident that they are doing a perfect solution, looking at their human research plan, dreaming that they will thoroughly and successfully occupy Earth in human research. It even replicated the human army, unifying the Milky Way Galaxy and becoming a new Level 3 civilization.

These two civilizations did not fulfill their wishes. Instead, the humans took the original humans they captured back as the coordinates and went directly to their hometown. As a result, the entire civilization spiraled to heaven.

In the headquarters of the interstellar civilization, humans are indeed not their opponents, but the battlefield is placed in their mother, and the situation becomes very interesting. No matter how many cutting-edge weapons you have, if you have the ability, you can shoot it to see if your mother explodes first or humans die first.

Halfway through the war, the fighting between the two sides suddenly stopped, and all the civilization's fleets silently began to withdraw from the solar system.

In a certain laboratory, the deer headed-man lay on the metal table again, this time there are no humans around him.

Various mechanical arms stretched out from the ceiling and inserted a thin needle tube into the brain of the deer headed-man precisely.

[Brain wave connection is successful, has invaded the cerebral cortex, and consciousness guidance begins. 】

For interstellar civilization, it is not necessary for him to voluntarily speak out what is in the enemy's mind, even if they do not need to say it, his brain will tell interstellar civilization.

[Start to guide memory and look back at the scene. 】

Although deer headed-man gave birth to a soul, it only transformed consciousness into a soul. It had the basis for storing higher dimension energy, but it would still be affected by its own body in essence. Different.

Under the guidance of some kind of technology from the Erd civilization, the deer headed-man walked again in the virtual world, and he encountered human memory.


deer headed-man started a new round of collection activities with other collectors as usual, but this time their previous collection points suddenly had human activities Signs, this made their squad have to abandon this collection point and look for other collection points instead.

This is a very uncertain place, gathering energy is very likely to encounter humans, but they have to do so. If you don't collect energy again and go back, all of them will be cleaned up due to lack of points.

The collection operation went very smoothly. No humans were encountered along the way, and no signs of human actions were found.

However, when they finished collecting and preparing to quickly leave the human city and return to the sanctuary, a human did not know when they had already arrived outside their several hundred meters!

"Yes...Yes! Humans!"

As a team screamed in fear, everyone turned around and ran, and the death chase began, one teammate after another Was beaten into minced meat by humans.

[Pause, memoir 11:23:53.66 seconds, there is an anomaly: humans appeared in the collector's field of vision, and the squad collected did not notice the existence of humans. The squad where the subject is located is an elite collection squad, which is very cautious to avoid being famous by humans. ]

[This human has been around 324 meters to collect the squad, only when the collector discovered the human, the probability of this happening is very low according to normal calculations. It is currently speculated that there are two reasons, one of the collectors has been affected in some way. Two humans use the Space jump ability to come near the collector. ]

[Memory backtracking restarts]

Collecting squad and running around, but in front of the speed of human breakthrough sound, soon only deer headed-man is left as a survivor.

Because the scene is too chaotic, coupled with the aftermath of the deer headed-man suffered several human attacks in front of him, his brain was knocked into a dizzy head and even the direction was a little confused, and the escape route was all taken. wrong. He did not run away from the city, but moved towards the building complex on the right.

In the end, the deer headed-man ran and suddenly discovered that the human being did not continue chasing himself, and he slowly stopped and found a place to start regaining his strength. However, just when he thought he had finally escaped from the dead, humans blasted the building he was hiding in to pieces.

The deer headed-man also flew out and fell into a bottomless pit. Although the attack didn't hit him at this time, the mere fist pressure shocked many organs in his body and fractured many bones in his body.

The deer headed-man lay on the ground unable to move even a little bit, looking desperately at the hole above, waiting for the death that was about to come. A few seconds later, the ragged human stood at the entrance of the cave, looking down at the deer headed-man with those dead-eye eyes.

Just when the deer headed-man thought he was about to die, a very good smell entered his nose. The human face immediately above showed obvious horror, and then turned and fled the cave.

The AIs of the Erd civilization have improved their calculations to the extreme, ready to observe every detail of the next screen. They know very well how precious a thing that can scare humans is.

Such a thing is likely to be the key to their successful occupation of Earth, the cornerstone of their victory over mankind, and an opportunity for the Erd civilization to become a Level 3 civilization.

deer headed-man slowly turned his head, about to reveal this thing that can scare mankind, and let him give birth to a high-dimensional will in just a few days.

the next moment The memory backtracking screen was suddenly interrupted, and the emergency lights in the laboratory kept flashing.

[Warning! An unknown virus was detected to steal laboratory data, an emergency filing was initiated, all experiments were closed, and the laboratory was thoroughly investigated. 】

The AIs of the Erd civilization did not show the slightest panic in the face of the sudden invasion, or that they have no emotion at all. The entire Erdian civilization also has bit by bit emotions in those main intelligences that have absorbed higher dimension energy, and all other AIs do not have any emotions.

The AIs began to assist the monitoring AI to find and prevent intruders, and then they may invade again.

All the weapons and equipment of the entire city of steel were activated, and countless fighter robots rose into the sky, searching every corner of the city.

Seeing the robots rushing into the collector’s residential area, all the collectors looked bewildered and did not know what was happening, but did not make any resistance actions, obediently and honestly cooperated with the robot's actions.

In the end, the fighter robot picked one after another and grabbed it out, broke his stomach on the spot, and took out their hearts.

[The intruder has been found, and the unknown forces have modified part of the collector's body, using heart vibration to simulate a special sound wave to transmit various information. 】

The Erd civilization found out the invaders very quickly, and at the same time dealt with all the "spy" installed in the shelter by unknown forces.

This matter, the Erd civilization does not need to guess but also knows that it should be the ghost of other civilizations. It uses all kinds of unexpected means to place spies to monitor the shelters of other civilizations. Collect information and wait for the opportunity to see if there is a chance to capture this shelter.

At the same time, it is also monitoring the civilization, various trends in Earth, and the progress of the research on higher dimension energy. Although this part is difficult to detect, it can always be calculated from some subtle information. The Erd civilization also has spies installed in the shelters of other civilizations, and it is not surprising that it shelters all spies.

The Erd civilization did not show anger like other civilizations when its own research institute was invaded, but quickly began to calculate the pros and cons, and at the same time list the possible things, and prepare accordingly Countermeasures.

[The experiment of Subject 2535 is 60% likely to be stolen. Based on the value line currently shown in the experiment, 98.5% of it may be stolen by the intruder’s forces. attack. 】

【The safety of Subject No. 2535 staying in the shelter is too low, and the transfer began. 】

The deer headed-man was loaded into the sleeping cabin, sent to the energy transport spaceship, and left Earth. The transportation spaceship came to Earth's outer space through the Space jump, and then began to accelerate continuously, flying towards the huge Space station outside the solar system.

Countless coincidences were superimposed on each other and sent up the deer headed-man who was originally impossible to board the Space transfer station of the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations. This series of things happened very rightly, and the cause process was extremely reasonable, so that people couldn't find any faults at all, and couldn't detect any abnormalities.

Yes, this is a very reasonable thing, a reasonable story.


Earth, the city of painters.

In the past few days, the delegation visited six cities and saw one after another Sovereign Rank humans with different personalities. Generally speaking, these human beings are very friendly to their arrival, and it can even be said to be enthusiastic. This may be that there are very few human beings with the sane, and most of them are very friendly to their kind at first.

Regarding the mission record of the visiting group, all the Sovereign Rank humans are glad to say their abilities, and the pioneers have also seen various magical abilities.

However, today the visiting group did not go to other cities under the leadership of the painter to continue its mission. Instead, it came to the painter's domain, Yunhua Academy.

As for why the mission did not continue, this is mainly because they do not need to visit, some sovereigns have already found them in droves. These sovereigns felt that the speed of the visiting group was too slow, and worried that the clothes would be distributed before it was their turn. What about his compatriots when the time comes? Do you continue to be naked?

In the past, all of your compatriots were naked. Although there was something wrong, there was no big problem. And if only his compatriots were naked, then their faces would not be able to hang on.

Isn’t it just to record the ability? I will tell you that was enough, you give me the clothes first.

More than a dozen sovereigns stood in front of the chief of the visiting group and glanced at each other. The moment their eyes met, there was a trace of medicinal smell.

The Chief looked at the more than a dozen Class 6 True God expressions in front of him, and said in embarrassment, "Uh...sorry, due to time issues, we have just put this special clothing into production. The current output is not high. For the time being, it will be provided to some humans."

This kind of unbreakable clothes is tailor-made for the original humans. It has just appeared for less than a month, and even the production line of raw materials has not been formed. The yield is poor.

Great Xia originally planned to proceed slowly, but didn't expect that the original humans were so eager for clothes.

As soon as these words came out, the medicinal smell among a dozen sovereigns became stronger.

A man wearing a khaki shirt took the lead and said: "We humans pay attention to first-come, first-served. I come first, so I should be the first to provide it to me."

"Fart! Obviously we both arrived at the same time."

An old man with white hair and youthful face and full of muscles stood up and said: "Do you understand respect the old and cherish the young, It should be provided to me, an elderly man first."

"Martial God, you can beat ten of us, and you are still elderly, then I am disabled."

These dozen or so True Gods destroying the heavens and extinguishing the earth began to pick up the shelves like an aunt in the vegetable market. After all, they can hear that the clothes are limited. If they don’t move quickly, they may be behind. I'm out of my own place.

If it's a fight, they will be the two of them. But it is difficult for them to engage in production and the like. Even if it was made forcibly with its own strength, but that amount was not enough for all the compatriots to use.

(End of this chapter)

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