
  Chapter 252 Successfully sneaked into the goal (one more)

More than a dozen sovereigns blow their beards and stare, no one Unwilling to give in, the medicinal smell became more and more intense, and even began to shout out who won first.

And the Chief next to him spoke out to discourage him, intending to act as a peacemaker, but no one listened to his words. Instead, let him stay away, otherwise he might hurt him if he waited a while.

This is one of the effects of the incomparable power of the original human beings. It is in the form of an unusual trash. Things that can be solved with the fist are basically not solved with the brain. Without the cunning of the previous generation of humans, it basically maintains the barbarism of the top predator of the Savage Age.

Of course, this cannot be blamed on the original humans. After all, since they were conscious, most of the problems have been solved by them with their fists. Whether it’s alien invasion, Earth is about to be destroyed, planetary grade weapons are coming...

At the beginning, interstellar civilization was disdainful of primitive humans, and would only use brute force and humans who didn’t know how to think and develop. No matter how strong it is, it will eventually be conquered by the power of civilization. However, after experiencing several wars and being rubbed against the ground time and time again by humans, the interstellar civilization began to think about whether it had made a mistake in its perception of humans.

Finally, as two civilizations of the same level were stolen by humans and spiraled to heaven, the major civilizations realized a problem.

Civilization can indeed conquer races that only use brute force, but when the power is large enough, civilization may be conquered instead.

fuck, as long as the brute force is strong enough, you can really crush everything.

After the interstellar civilization was pushed on the ground by mankind again and again, these civilizations began to have an illusion of "Is they on the wrong path".

Just when more than a dozen sovereigns were spreading out to discuss and decide who would get this batch of clothes first, a beautiful girl in blue and white sportswear appeared out of thin air in front of everyone.

The painter said with her clear and pure voice: "Fighting is forbidden here."

The sudden appearance of the girl made the atmosphere full of fire and medicinal smell stagnant.

The painter continued: "If you want to fight, go to the insect's residence and clean up the garbage."

With the Sovereign Rank, humans are destroying the heavens and extinguishing the earth. Power, even if it's just discussing destructive power, is no less than a huge disaster. Therefore, they must not fight in a human city or near a human city, as that would destroy the buildings left by the previous generation of humans and hurt the compatriots living in the city.

Therefore, the general place for comparison between sovereigns will be far away from human cities, and most places far away from human cities have shelters established by the interstellar civilization in Earth. Once the sanctuary becomes a place for sovereignty, it will be a disaster for it.

Of course, the sanctuary can also resist using various weapons to attack the Sovereign Rank humans, but it will die faster in this way. You will die if you resist, and you will die if you don't resist. All shelters will choose to escape before and after death.

Although running away is very embarrassing, but this is the only way to survive. And when the two Sovereign Rank humans are finished fighting, they can return to rebuild the shelter.

Hearing these words, the Chief beside him couldn't sit still. If you rush to destroy a few shelters now, you might beat the grass to scare the snake to alert all civilizations. Even if the Sovereign Rank human beings flattened a few shelters because of competition, it is a sparse and common thing, but Great Xia is not willing to take this kind of risk.

In desperation, Chief gave a suggestion: "Would you like to guess the boxing decision?"

In the end, the humanoid natural disaster that was about to erupt was offset by a boxing decision. However, the Chief who served as the referee had to sigh with True God, as he deserves to be True God. Even the guessing is so different.

The bodies of both parties are extremely strong, and they can change the gestures according to the gestures of the other party at the moment of punching, so this guessing has evolved into a comparison between the speed and reactivity of both parties. .

See who changes their gestures quickly within the prescribed time. The time from a guessing punch to putting down is 0.4 seconds. In this short period of time, the sovereign gestures are in the fists and scissors. , Cloth, constantly changing, on average, every sovereign changes three thousand times.

A simple guessing gave them a feeling of passionate competition.

The final winner was an old man with gray hair and muscles all over his body, the sovereign named Martial God.

However, the other sovereigns did not return empty handed. When they were guessing the boxer, Chief had sent a few tons of ordinary clothes with Dimensional Formation and sent them here. Every sovereign got 100,000 sets of clothes, but these clothes are made of ordinary materials. Although the quality is good, they can't withstand the power of human beings.

For those ordinary person, it can be said that one piece of clothing is broken a day. After a while, these tons of clothing will become pieces of rags.

Martial God opened the container in front of him and took out a black tights cautiously from it. While stroking it lightly, he exclaimed: "Oh! How soft this material is!"

The other losers looked at the exaggerated appearance and tone of Martial God and rolled their eyes. Everyone wanted to take this kind of unbreakable clothes for their compatriots. But it's not an important necessity. You don't need to be so exaggerated. I think you are showing off purely.

The other sovereign turned around and didn't want to look at the old urchin, opened his own container, and saw the clothing full of the entire container. Although these costumes do not have the unbeatable characteristics of Martial God's hands, the workmanship is very exquisite. Seeing these exquisite costumes, the corners of the sovereigns' mouths are slightly upturned.

"Oh! How exquisite the workmanship of this costume is, even if it was put in the last era, it is the top product!"

Some sovereigns imitated the tone of Martial God and praised themselves Exquisite workmanship in hand.

Martial God turned his head and saw the clothes in the hands of the sovereigns, and his expressions were a little awkward, as if the clothes in their hands were more beautiful than the original clothes in my hands.


An ordinary piece of clothing suddenly flew out of the container and fell into the hands of Martial God. All the sovereign stopped his movements and looked at Martial God with curious eyes, wanting to see what the old man was going to do.

Martial God put the two clothes flat on his hands, and then gently pulled out, a huge gap appeared in the two clothes, and then the black tights began to heal slowly, and the workmanship Nothing happens to the exquisite costumes.

Seeing this scene, Martial God looked up at the other monarchs, and revealed a victor’s smile: "hehe, it seems that your clothes are not of good quality."

Next Sovereigns began to argue about the quality and appearance of the clothes again. This scene made the pioneers beside them feel a little weird. They suddenly felt that they were not in front of a group of Class 6 True God, but a group of "primary school students"?

Chief glanced at the painter, said with a smile: "In this danger lurks on every side, in a universe where the world is enemies, didn't expect them to be childish."

The painter said: "This is not a childlike heart, but they are paralyzing themselves, making themselves look a little happier, so as not to lose their rationality."

"Even if it is me, if I don't find something Doing things, I'm afraid I will be swallowed up by hatred."

the next moment The painter's figure disappeared out of thin air.

Chief was stunned for a few seconds, and then asked someone to record what the painter had just said.

The Chief guessed from the painter's sentence just now that the sovereigns are not as relaxed and normal on the surface, or that this relaxed and normal is deliberately pretended by them.

It seems that Great Xia has to reconsider the hatred of the original humans. This hatred will be a huge variable. [ Hungry Tuan], holding a yellow and blue box in his hand.

Martial God saw the man and said: "You are here at the hungry group. Can you help me send this big iron box back to my city?"

The man took a look. The container, nodded said: "No problem."

Then the man opened the box in his hand, and the container next to Martial God was sucked into the box at the moment the box was opened.

Other sovereigns also opened their mouths one after another, asking Erchuan to help him send these large boxes of clothes back. They do not have the ability to Space Jump, and even if they rely on their own strength to perform Space Jump, they cannot carry such a huge container.

And these containers obviously cannot withstand Space jumps.

Hungry Tuan tugged at the corner of his mouth while putting these containers into his own box, while vomiting: "I am a food delivery person who is about to be called by you to deliver a courier."

Martial God asked with a puzzled expression: "en? You are delivering food, I always thought you were delivering courier."

Hungry group said: "No way, who told you rarely For dinner, even the chef has very little business, let alone me."

After talking about the hungry group, they didn’t continue to grind with these guys. They came all the way to Chief and took out a piece of paper. Said: "This is the writer, let me send it over."

The Chief took the paper, looked at the paper, and saw a very neat line of text.

[The coordinates have successfully reached the Space transfer station]

"Thank you." Chief turned his head and handed the paper to a pioneer, instructed: "Send the message and this paper back To Your Majesty."

Seeing this scene, the sovereign who was present did not continue to descend but looked at the imposing manner on the letter blankly, vaguely uncontrollable.

I hope that Great Xia can really find the hometown of that group of insects, and let the group of insects truly feel the hatred of human beings.


Akame ga Kill world, Imperial Palace.

Xia Xuan handed the paper in hand to Goddess of Knowledge, who was sitting next to him, and said: "Everything is ready, now it’s up to you to operate Goddess."

Goddess of Knowledge took the paper, a smile appeared on the beautiful face, and said: "There is this Goddess shot, a trifling Space coordinates are very easy. Let alone Space coordinates, give this Goddess hundreds of years, I absolutely It’s not clear that these civilizations can die."

"I don't have so much time for you." Xia Xuan didn't doubt Goddess' words. Although this guy usually looks funny, no one knows her. What are the 21 threads in my mind thinking?

At present, the interstellar civilization of the solar system is a very powerful enemy for Great Xia, and it can rub the Great Xia fleet on the ground on the frontal battlefield. But if Goddess of Knowledge is given hundreds of years, it is really possible that these civilizations will die. After all, Sun God and Death God are lessons for the past.

Even Dice of Destiny was finally cheated by Goddess of Knowledge.

And these interstellar civilizations are now obsessed with the study of higher dimension energy, and their research on higher dimension energy has only started for less than a hundred years, and various understandings of higher dimension energy still exist in appearance. When encountering a Spiritual God like Goddess of Knowledge, which has studied higher dimension energy and laws for millions or even hundreds of millions of years, it is completely a dimensionality reduction blow, and it may not be known between being played with and applauded.

If interstellar civilization does not touch higher dimension energy and does not allow its own civilization to have a lifeform with soul, Goddess of Knowledge may not be able to use them. After all, neither side is in the same system, and if you want to destroy them, you must rely on pure power. But once they touch the higher dimension energy and start to use it, Goddess of Knowledge has thousands of ways to make them die unclear.

Goddess of Knowledge said: "Your Majesty, don’t worry, how could wyvern riding a face lose? Although the technology level of these interstellar civilizations far exceeds ours, their research and understanding in the field of higher dimension energy Compared with us, it’s like modern people and wild people."

"At present, they only know how to absorb higher dimension energy to make themselves metamorphose into souls, and they can observe the existence of souls, but they are like Blind people, for example, they didn’t find the soul of my lodge in the coordinates."


Outside the solar system, a Space station with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers, this Space The station consists of eighteen Space stations connected to each other. Space station and Space station are connected by a special space material, and each Space station is separated by a distance of tens of kilometers.

These Space stations represent the 18 member civilizations of the Twelve Alliance. The reason why they gathered together is mainly to prevent human attacks, which is called Bao Tuan for short. After all, no one can stand it. The Space station was hammered by humans twice in three days.

At the same time, Space Station faces the solar system side. Tens of thousands of interstellar battleships form a semicircular formation with a diameter of several thousand kilometers. The battleship and the battleship emit energy shields to connect with each other.

This is mainly to guard against human attacks, to prevent humans from discovering that they have assembled a fleet, and then launch a devastating attack on them. With the experience of previous wars, various civilizations know that although humans mostly rely on their own incredible strength to fight in close quarters, tear armor/mecha, and kick battleship, it does not mean that humans have no means of ultra-long-range attacks. .

Tens of thousands of interstellar battleships of different sizes are parked at Space Station, and countless energy transportation spaceships return to Space Station from Earth, or set off for Earth.

An energy transportation spaceship belonging to the Erd civilization docked at the Space station of its own civilization, and transported it as usual one after another huge higher dimension energy container. And one of these higher dimension energy containers is hollow, and what is stored in it is not a higher dimension energy, but a collector transformed from Earth creatures.

These higher dimension energy containers were quickly sent to the warehouse, and then one of the containers was quietly opened by several robots and sent to the laboratory in secret. The secret that exists in this deer headed-man is likely to have been knowledge of a certain civilization, and now they must figure out the secret as soon as possible, and then destroy the deer headed-man.

On the way the robot was sent to the laboratory, a dozen faint spirits quietly left the soul of the deer headed-man, moved towards all directions and flew towards all directions to start looking for a new Host. The high-dimensional consciousness monitoring on the Space station did not respond at all, or they could not observe these spirits at all.

In the next few months, these spirits continued to replace the Host, and the level of the Host became higher and higher, from ordinary Space station staff to management personnel in a certain area. Even one of the spirit hosts is a Civilized Fleet Commander, and Commander is also the representative of this civilization in the alliance. A body very similar to a human being, with white skin all over, and a creature covered with skeleton on its head.

This race is translated in human language and called: Bone Yan Race.

One of the twelve civilizations that caused the extinction of mankind, and a core member of the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations.

As the Highest Commander of the fleet, this bone-faced person is qualified to absorb higher dimension energy, and a soul is born on his body. He has already broken through his life utmost and reached Class 3. However, even if his strength reaches Level 3, he still cannot detect that he has been parasitized. Even if his soul was transformed by some kind of power, he didn't even know that it no longer belonged to him.

The Bonyan Clan Fleet Highest Commander sits in the Space Station Command Center of his own civilization, taps the armrest with his right hand, his face is thoughtful.

In the past few months, various civilizations have conducted hundreds of negotiations. The opinions of the two sides have been getting closer and a consensus is about to be reached. However, the rewards offered by those civilizations are still somewhat lion's big mouth, and he is trying to use some method to keep the price down.

At this moment, a notice suddenly appeared in front of him, the notice of the start of the meeting.


In the Conference Hall, virtual projections of civilization representatives are connected one after another.

Another new bargaining has begun. The Alliance of Non-Twelve Civilizations wants to get more benefits from the Alliance, and the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations wants to get assistance from other civilizations with minimal benefits.

A few hours later, the civilizations of the non-Twelve Civilizations Alliance seemed to have negotiated in advance with a unified caliber and gave the same bargaining chips. This time, they did not intend to regress at all.

[In view of the danger of fighting humans, the Alliance of Twelve Civilizations needs to pay a shelter and fifty tons of higher dimension energy for each civilization that provides assistance. At the same time, if the number of human sovereignty is successfully reduced, 70% of the civilizations that provide assistance in the extra safe zone will need to be provided. 】

[That is to provide assistance to all civilizations, and jointly share 70% of human cities without sovereignty. 】

A representative of a non-alliance civilization said: "This is the lowest bargaining chip we need. If the alliance cannot give this bargaining chip, then we will refuse to participate in the war, even if we quit the solar system."

The faces of the representatives of the alliance civilization are a bit ugly. Even if these guys lion's big mouth, even at this time, they united to put pressure on them, which is simply profiting from somebody's misfortune.

The spirit of Great Xia watched the meeting quietly with the help of the Highest Commander of the bone-faced civilization fleet, and these representatives of civilization didn't expect that someone would be able to monitor them in this way.

There are not so many things today, and there is no Kavin, so I should be able to tens of thousands every day.

(End of this chapter)

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