
  Chapter 259 Advance, Bring the glory of mankind Turns out. Hundreds of millions of steel weapons are flying in the sky, and various terrorist weapons that can destroy the planet's surface are flying around.

One after another insignificant that is not even the dust of the universe, humans are fighting, resisting, and guarding among these steel monsters. Using his tiny body to block the huge fleet like a planet, the attacks of hiding the sky and covering the earth kept falling on their tiny bodies, and their energy was constantly being consumed.

The fist in the hand carries incomparable power, strangling all enemies in front of him. Even if the flesh and blood on the fist has completely disappeared, only the pale bones are left, even if the body is already riddled with holes, even if the front is hell, an endless abyss, even if one step forward is true fall.

But their legs continue to move forward, their hands are constantly tearing apart all obstacles in front of them, and their eyes always look at the enemy in front of them. The human spine is still straight, and the human head has never been lowered.

This is their duty, and the meaning of their existence is to isolate all death, sorrow, and war from human civilization.

They are the sharpest swords of mankind, and the tenacious shields of mankind.

A five-meter long diamond-shaped interstellar fighter jet is propelled by light blue particles and shuttles through this battlefield that is already full of steel wrecks.

[Humanity has broken through the first position, the interception plan started, and all fighters cooperated with the battleship to intercept. The first array of battleship has cancelled the peace agreement and opened fire freely. 】

Thousands of battleships in the first position have been breached by humans. At this time, humans and the battleship are mixed together, and one after another humans have boarded the battleship in the first position. In a war against mankind, once mankind and the battleship are in a melee, it can basically be determined that the fleet has been defeated, and it is only a matter of time before the destruction. No civilization can gain an advantage in close combat with mankind, and it can't even fight against it. Most of the time, it is a unilateral slaughter by mankind.

Considering this situation, the battleship in the first position of the Alliance fleet is not driven by any lifeform, and is composed of machine civilization and AIcivilization's fleet. The fact that these civilizations are at the forefront also means that if this kind of melee occurs, the fleets behind can be fully fired without any scruples.

In the follow-up battleship, the huge interstellar cannon once again emits strong rays of light, and the horrible energy quickly converges. Thousands of horrible energy beams moved towards the chaotic battlefield ahead, launching humans and Allies swallowed together.

The terrifying energy fluctuations spread all around, even if the sound cannot be transmitted in the universe, all lifeforms can still feel the formidable power in it.

After a while, the saturation bombing ended, leaving a piece of battleship wreckage. The huge battleship and hundreds of millions of unmanned interstellar fighters that were originally signed for quickly have turned into fragments in the sky.

[Hit the target]

In the sky of steel wreckage, there are humans covered with scarlet energy one after another, and a small part of the human energy has disappeared. This situation generally means either entering a state of suspended animation or having fallen.

Then the scarlet energy in all humans skyrocketed again. The terrifying imposing manner rose again, and the scarlet eyes did not become weakened by the attack just now. The death of their companions did not make them feel scared. There is only the front in the eyes, only the enemy, and only victory!

The figure turned into a stream of light and charged forward. Wherever it passed, the surrounding steel fragments were rolled up. Numerous battleship wrecks revolved around human beings, spinning faster and faster. More and more, finally formed the shield of human charge.

Go forward and bring the glory of mankind!

[Second round saturation bombing is ready, the entire battleship, full firepower! 】

Thousands of concerns flew again, carrying terrifying energy, and crashed into those human beings with the overestimate one's capabilities.

At this time, a weirdly dressed young man took the lead in front of all human beings. He imagined that he reached out his hand to take off the blindfold, revealing the extremely black white of his eyes and the pupil of a scarlet.

I imagined taking off the blindfold, and did not stop the movement in the hand. The index finger, middle finger, and thumb of the right hand were directly inserted into the eye sockets, and blood flowed down the cheeks.

Fantasy took his left eye and pointed it at the enemy in front, with a hideous smile on his face. Obviously in the universe, but all lifeforms in a radius of 10,000 kilometers heard a hoarse voice.

"Witness the abyss!"

With this voice fell a tens of thousands of meters long, the star-red pupil opened in the void, and the space in front of it was shattered. . The Space solidification phalanx erected by the Allied Fleet unexpectedly produced a gap. The Space, which had been affixed with steel plates, was ripped apart by a strange energy.

Clear air ahead, allow jumping!

The energy of all human beings skyrocketed again, and the speed instantly increased countless times, turning into one after another rays of light that surpassed Space! The next situation was the same as before. The energy attack of the Allied Fleet hiding the sky and covering the earth couldn't hit humans at all.

Since the attack cannot effectively hit humans, the fleet will not continue to carry out such meaningless attacks. The saturation bombing that has just begun has stopped immediately

[Blocking failed, Reversal linkage energy shield on]

A huge battleship shot a purple rays of light, and the rays of light flew hundreds of kilometers away, forming a light purple barrier in front of the fleet. This barrier spans hundreds of thousands of meters, like an iron curtain separating the universe.

The girl in blue and white sportswear raised her right hand and aimed it at the purple barrier in front. Around tens of thousands of people rushed to the girl from the majestic power of the human body, followed by the Space change in front. Ten black cracks were formed instantly.

The next moment One after another various light-speed kinetic energy weapons flew out of the crack. This is a beam kinetic energy weapon used by some civilizations on Earth, hoping to use these weapons to destroy Earth in one fell swoop.

These weapons only account for a small part of them, most of which come from the arduous strikes of distant galaxies, which have been intercepted by the various civilizations of the solar system. The light-speed kinetic energy weapon that reaches Earth is destroyed by humans through some means, or thrown into a closed alternate space specially made by himself like a painter.

The moment the black crack opened, the purple barrier in front was knocked out of several large holes in an instant, and then hundreds of battleships in the Alliance fleet were instantly penetrated by these light-speed kinetic energy weapons. The energy shield is like a layer of foam in front of the penetrating damage of the speed of light kinetic energy weapon, without even the slightest blocking effect.

The speed of light kinetic energy weapon itself is the cutting-edge weapon of advanced civilization, and it is a weapon of precise strike. Although ordinary kinetic energy weapons, in the vast cosmic wars, kinetic energy weapons are inferior to energy weapons in any respect, and kinetic energy weapons may not be able to keep up with the speed of battleship.

But when the kinetic energy weapon accelerates to the speed of light, there will be a qualitative change. The traditional energy shield cannot resist the attack of the kinetic energy weapon at all. Although this kind of weapon can be said to be completely immune to energy interference, the general Level 2 civilization has dozens of hundreds of ways to deal with this kind of weapon.

The universe has also experienced a history of civilizations confronting each other. The interstellar civilization offensive ability may not be good so far, but the defensive ability is definitely full, at least the Milky Way Galaxy is like this. At the same level, even if there is a huge gap between the two sides, as long as they are given the time to prepare, they can always crack the enemy's ultra-long-range devastating blow.

Of course, this kind of resistance to fight has a limit. There is no way to face a higher level 1 civilization attack. Level 3 civilization’s attack is not something that Level 2 civilization can resist. Fortunately, according to the current situation, Level 3 civilization is extremely far away from Milky Way Galaxy. It will take at least several million years for their attacks to reach Milky Way Galaxy. .

Even if they come to Milky Way Galaxy by special means, or even the solar system, the military power they can carry is limited. This is equivalent to that it is very simple for a modern country to destroy an ancient farming country, but this modern country can only allow a special warfare squad to come to the ancient country.

This situation may be very simple to destroy him, but occupation and rule are basically impossible, so most advanced civilizations want to destroy Earth.

Ten holes have appeared on this huge barrier spanning 100,000 meters. These gaps are of different sizes and are generally more than ten meters in width. Although it is not large, once the barrier is breached, its defensive ability will be greatly reduced.

The sovereigns rushed to the front of the team, knocking the purple barrier in front of them into huge holes one after another. The humans who followed closely from behind broke through this one hundred thousand meters across. barrier.

The battle was once again in a state of melee due to the charge of humans, but this time the Allied Fleet was prepared. The large battleship kept retreating while using high-compression energy attacks against humans.

Attack on humans with high compression energy: weapons developed for humans generally use the special energy of Earth, which can effectively eliminate the special ability of the human body.

Human beings are looking for ways to be immune to energy attack on alien civilization, and are also looking for ways to penetrate the special energy layer of human beings. After a normal interstellar civilization gets Earth energy, it is impossible to stay in place for hundreds of years.

Although the function of Earth's energy is somewhat unimaginable, it is a technology that can be used by civilization. They can't understand it but the research is not deep enough. The reason why human beings are so strong is that they actually use the characteristics of this energy to continuously realize the evolution of life, breakthrough the utmost of life, and reach an unimaginable height.

If they are given time and a lot of Earth energy, they can also be sure to create a batch of creatures comparable to human beings.

At the same time, one after another madly pounced on humans with human weapons, using that special energy standpoint to block the progress of humans. Although in most cases, this position cannot limit the actions of human beings at all. In the face of the incomparable power, both interstellar fighters and human weapons will break like glass at one touch.

Although the current situation is that the Alliance fleet is being beaten back by humans, hundreds of millions of battleships, interstellar fighters, and armor/mecha steel torrents have been beaten by hundreds of thousands.

However, judging from the current casualties caused by humans, it would take at least three days and three nights to completely destroy the huge number of allied fleets. And human beings are not without casualties. If you continue to fight like this for three days and three nights, only those one hundred sovereigns may survive in the end.

Without other human beings as a check, even if there are hundreds of True Gods, they cannot defeat a huge interstellar fleet. If the battlefield is placed in Earth or Earth’s outer space, sovereigns will use Earth’s power to beat them like cutting melons and vegetables, but after several previous wars, all civilizations have basically realized that Earth has a certain bonus to humans. Simply the Earth energy that involuntarily floods into humans can give humans endless energy.

Hundreds of millions of human weapons form a huge steel torrent, which surrounds all human beings. The weapon against human weapons is not a variety of extremely penetrating energy weapons, but a kind of Pulse weapon. This impulse weapon is very special. Instead of launching high-density objects, it allows a huge steel spur to strike forward, a bit similar to a percussion drill.

Once this kind of steel needle successfully penetrates into the body, the energy extractor in the human weapon will quickly extract the energy from the human body. This is not Earth. Once human beings are drawn from the energy in the body, then he will completely lose his power and become a lamb to be slaughtered.

Although this weapon is very beautiful, it is generally difficult to get close to humans.

All the huge battleships of the Alliance fleet began to slowly disperse, preparing to half-enclose humans. At the same time, in order to prevent the attack from hitting their own people, only the frontal battleship of humans fired, while the side ones kept firing* * Quasi-high compression energy attack.

If you put this formation on the civilization's fleet, it will not have any effect, and it may even bring the opponents together to use the linkage energy shield, but it is very effective for humans.

Although humans have incomparable power and various weird abilities, their biggest shortcoming is that they have no means of ultra-long-range attacks. In other words, there are relatively few long-range attack methods, and they cannot continue to carry out long-range bombing like they do.

As the battle continues, more and more humans are put into a state of suspended animation. The Alliance Fleet successfully expanded its encirclement, pulled humans into its own rhythm, and launched the war of attrition in the plan.

As long as you keep on getting the quantity pile like this, the number of humans will become less and less, when the time comes, they can concentrate on dealing with the Sovereign Rank humans.

Just when the alliance thought it had a chance to win, the mutation protruded, and countless small mysterious lines suddenly appeared in the void. In just a few seconds, the lines formed a circle covering tens of thousands of meters.

Have not yet reacted to the alliance fleet, the mysterious lines burst out with strong rays of light, and terrifying energy fluctuations emanated from it. Hundreds of thousands of white dotted lines stretch out in the void. These white dotted lines have no entity, and can directly penetrate these rays regardless of whether it is human weapons or human beings.

[The situation is abnormal, and all weapons against humans exit the light range. 】

The alliance quickly made the safest decision. These sudden lights are definitely problematic. However, it was too late, or that the moment they surrounded mankind, they were doomed to their own defeat.

With hundreds of millions of weapons against humans in the light, the core driving device in the body began to tremble slightly under the unknown force, and then gradually twisted.

This change only lasted three seconds. The place affected by the force was not destroyed, but a certain degree of distortion was produced. However, for high-precision weapons, this distortion is a core part Minor damage is deadly enough.

The steel torrent that was constantly surging suddenly stopped, and these weapons against humans that were responsible for blocking humans all turned into one after another scrap iron.

[The Human Blocking Unit No. 1 lost control due to unknown reasons, and the whole army retreated again, and the Human Blocking Unit 2 took off and continued to execute the Human Blocking Plan. 】

Before this war broke out, the various situations that the war might have had been deduced by the Allied Fleet using super-class quantum computers. The Allied Fleet has prepared several plans for every incident with an occurrence rate higher than 0.1%. It is not an exaggeration to prepare hundreds of plans for intercepting such important missions as humans.

No civilization dares to underestimate human beings. The previous wars have shown them how powerful humans are. For such terrifying opponents, it is worth their efforts.

the next moment Thousands of energy beams suddenly attacked from behind the fleet and penetrated the battleship behind the fleet. Unsuspectingly, countless battleships are strung together by energy beams.

This immediately stunned the Alliance fleet. Where did this attack come from?

Turn the observation instrument to the rear of the fleet, a mysterious fleet. I don't know when it has come to the rear of their fleet. Immediately after that, all the battleship guns of this mysterious fleet once again glowed with a strong white light, and one after another terrifying plasma beam flew out again. The speed is so fast that there is no time for the alliance fleet to react at all, and countless battleships are once again penetrated by the plasma beam.

The entire alliance fleet is stupid. What is going on? Why suddenly a fleet appeared behind them, when this space was completely frozen. Even if Space is not solidified, the Space jump of such a large fleet will definitely cause huge movements, which cannot be hidden at all.

But now there is a fleet that quietly touched behind them, and they didn't notice it until they were attacked!

[An unknown enemy appeared behind the fleet. Our fleet has been flanked by the enemy back and forth, and the side fleet began to return to defense. 】

Although things are very unimaginable, why is there a fleet out of thin air behind them, but the AI ​​without the slightest emotion quickly made the most secure plan.

Now that they have been flanked by the enemy front and rear, if this formation continues, the frontal fleet is very likely to be destroyed by the enemy flanking back and forth. So the best plan now is to return the fleet on both sides to form a long serpentine and fire on both sides.

Prioritize the strongest firepower at the rear fleet, quickly resolve the fleet that has suddenly emerged, and then continue to retreat and start a war of attrition with humans.

The fleets on both sides stopped their attacks, began to quickly change directions, and continued to retreat. At this time, the weapons of a new group of people rushed to the front again, blocking the human attack.

However, this time the lack of battleship fire support quickly fell into a complete disadvantage for the human forces, and was unable to deal with humans as before.

At this time, all sovereigns and humans burst out, more than ten times stronger than before, and between the waves, all the weapons against humans in a radius of hundreds of miles were shattered into fragments. Faced with weapons that are relatively fragile to human weapons and have no energy shield, sovereigns gave up their proud fists and turned to use its various laws.

Law Power may not have physical strength, but his biggest advantage is the range attack, which is just right to deal with these densely packed weapons.

The mysterious fleet that suddenly appeared behind the alliance fleet seemed to be a signal, causing the humans who were dragged into the encirclement by the huge fleet to engage in attrition wars, suddenly bursting out with power several times stronger than before. The sovereigns led the original humans to instantaneously break through the defense line of the alliance fleet, so that the alliance fleet that was shrinking the defense line became more chaotic.

The war has just begun, starting with the elimination of you.

(End of this chapter)

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