
  Chapter 260 Precursor: Fuck him!

Virtual Command Center for the Alliance Fleet.

The one after another command was continuously issued from here, and the entire fleet began to respond quickly according to these commands. According to the agreement, all major decisions require the approval of all Commanders, and no Fleet Commander can command the entire alliance fleet in the name of an individual. However, the temporary decision in this kind of emergency situation is obviously impossible and everyone's discussion is over, so this decision is handed over to the most sane AI, the main AI of machine civilization such as Erd civilization to make joint decisions.

As long as these decisions are not opposed by Commander, the entire alliance fleet can be commanded smoothly.

A Civilized Fleet Commander said with an ugly expression: "What's the matter? Why did a fleet suddenly appear behind us? How did they escape us and the scout came behind us silently?"

A cold mechanical sound sounded, and the main AI replied of the Erd civilization: "All the ultra-wide-range reconnaissance devices of the Alliance Fleet did not detect the enemy. The reconnaissance equipment detected the enemy at the moment the enemy launched an attack. "

Then an image appeared in front of everyone, and there was a huge black crack in the image.

"The super large-scale reconnaissance device, although no trace of the enemy was found, it can be basically determined according to the image observer that the fleet came to the rear of our fleet through this space similar to the crack of the space channel, and carried out raid. "

"Due to insufficient data at present, we can only speculate subjectively. The enemy may have appeared behind our army through the crack. This crack has the effect of ignoring the solidification of Space. It may also be this. The teleportation method of Dao cracks is not through Space at all, but through some technology that we don’t know about."

"According to the current situation, our fleet has fallen into a disadvantage. If we don’t do it as soon as possible Opportunity, the enemy that suddenly appears in the rear, this disadvantage will continue to expand. It is predicted that if the enemy in the rear is not defeated within an hour, our central force will be solidified by the human breakthrough Space. There is an 80% chance that the phalanx will be Human beings are destroyed."

"It is recommended to abandon the second position troops, stop giving fire support, and concentrate all firepower on the enemy behind."

This proposal has just been issued, all non-civilized alliances All Commanders agreed, but the Alliance Civilization was silent. According to the agreement, the non-Alliance civilizations had their fleets on both sides. Although they were also attacked by some humans at this time, the loss was not great. And if the fleet in the second position is abandoned, it means that the fleets on both sides of them no longer need to provide fire support to the second position, and they can retreat with all their strength, and the casualties become even lower.

The main fleets of the alliance civilization are gathered in the center position. The first position is composed of machine civilization, and the second position is composed of many elite fleets of the alliance civilization. These elite fleets are the main force of the alliance civilization in the solar system, and only these elites can resist the charge of humans on the frontal battlefield.

Now if they lose the fire control of the fleets on both sides, then their fleet defenses will be instantaneously broken through by humans, and they will fall into a melee with humans. The best result of this situation is heavy losses, the entire army is defeated, and the general situation is that the entire army is annihilated.

Whether it is a planetary grade battleship or a constant planetary grade battleship, or even the main battleship of the fleet, as long as humans enter the battleship, then the battleship can basically be sentenced to its demise.

If these elite fleets are destroyed by humans, their power in the solar system will drop by one level. If only this can maimed mankind, they are of course willing, but those non-civilized fleets have no loss. Following this trend, they will be able to preserve most of their power after the war ends. This is something Alliance civilization does not want to see.

After the scene was silent for ten seconds, the Commanders of the Alliance Civilization finally chose to agree. The battlefield is changing rapidly, every second is extremely precious, and there is not so much time for them to weigh the pros and cons.

For the sake of future development and the safety of our own civilization, it is not unacceptable to suffer temporary losses as long as humans can be maimed or even destroyed.

At the same time, the Commanders of the Alliance Civilization are also ready to be sent to the Civilization Court after the war is over. Their decision will make their civilization temporarily lose the dominance of the solar system. Although they are for the future and consideration of civilization, their decision-making has caused heavy losses to the fleet. This is an indisputable fact. Simply put, there is always someone who has to take the blame.

[The proposal was passed. All battleships in the second position fleet should try to block humans as much as possible. The two sides established teams to stop fire support and quickly return to attack the enemy behind. 】

The next moment hasn’t waited for the fleet to take action. There are four virtual projections of civilized Commanders in the virtual Command Center, which suddenly disappeared.

[Mochizuki Civilization Commander, Gwent Civilization Commander, Wake Civilization Commander, Amethyst Civilization Commander, Disconnect]

Everyone present was stunned. This is What's up? Why did you quit Command Center without warning? Could it be that their place was attacked by humans.

However, before everyone reacted to the sudden disconnection of the four Commanders, another sound rang at the next moment.

[Warning! Mochizuki Civilization Fleet, Kunte Civilization Fleet, Yike Civilization Fleet, and Zixi Civilization Fleet withdrew from the alliance agreement. ]

"What?!" A civilized Commander lost his voice.

Then a terrifying thought appeared in their hearts. First, the four Commanders suddenly withdrew from the Command Center, and then the four civilized fleets withdrew from the alliance agreement. This all shows one thing, that is, they have rebelled.


After receiving orders from both sides of the alliance fleet, part of the battleship of the retreating fleet suddenly stopped, and then the giant cannon on these battleships became strong. The rays of light. The fluctuations caused by the concentration of energy instantly attracted the attention of the surrounding fleet that was evacuating.

However, without waiting for these fleets to respond or inquire, a beam of terrifying energy swept across them. The horrible energy beam cuts these unsuspecting battleships in half like a hot knife cutting butter.

Countless battleships exploded instantly, flames continued to rise, and the surrounding fighters were lifted by shock waves.

The fleets on both sides were completely defeated by the sudden attack, and they had tried their best to resist humans. Now the friendly army beside them suddenly opened their fangs and bit their necks.

As the flames rose, steel fragments scattered all over the sky, and the formation of the alliance fleet was completely chaotic, first from the sudden raid from the rear, and then the betrayal of the fleet that was originally part of the fire support on both sides. A series of things happened in less than ten minutes, and these ten minutes describe what a rapidly changing battlefield is.

The winning ticket is already in hand, and the alliance fleet, which is marching towards victory step by step, fell into the abyss at this moment.

The rear fleet fought fiercely with the raid enemy, and the fleets on both sides were suddenly attacked by mutineers. At this moment, the fleet on the front battlefield instantly became isolated and helpless, and could only face the offensive charge of humans alone.

The offensive of human beings is getting fiercer. Numerous battleships have been hammered by humans and incomparable forces. Hundreds of sovereigns have given up their fancy abilities and started to use the most primordial and most powerful forces. That pair of fists, every swing is accompanied by the fragmentation of countless fighters and the explosion of battleship.

If there is a side fleet to provide fire support at this time, the sovereigns will not be able to charge with their own power like this, but need to use their own power to provide protection to their compatriots. But now the side fleet has fallen into complete chaos, it is difficult to protect itself, and there is no spare capacity to provide support.

They should have encircled human beings. I don’t know why, but they were surrounded by hitting themselves?

Three hours later, as the last main battleship was captured, the war and the destruction of the Allied fleet by humans came to an end.


Great Xia First Space Fleet master battleship, in the Conference Hall temporarily prepared.

Shentu wearing black officer's uniform and Minister of Foreign Affairs Cui Shan introduced themselves to the four civilized representatives in front of them. Shentu has been promoted continuously over several decades. As early as five years ago, he became a general and served as Chief Commander of the First Fleet two years ago.

Four various upright type aliens introduced themselves through their own simultaneous translator.

After a few courtesy words between the two parties, Cui Shan directly entered today's topic, the mining of higher dimension energy. In addition to these four civilizations, the all civilizations fleet in the solar system was maimed, and the remaining Space will soon fall into the hands of Great Xia.

In short, now humans dominate the solar system in a truly complete sense. Regardless of the original humans or other reasons, Great Xia will not allow civilizations to continue to build shelters in Earth as they did before.

The fundamental purpose of these four civilizations cooperating with mankind is technology and energy. Great Xia does not give them the right to develop higher dimension energy in Earth. Although they cannot resist, they must have resentment in their hearts.

So Great Xia chose a compromise and rejected their request to build a collection factory in Earth, and instead sold higher dimension energy and technology.

At the technology level, Great Xia is definitely not the opponent of these interstellar civilizations, but in the field of higher dimension energy, Great Xia can hang them up and fight. After several decades of digestion and development, hundreds of new disciplines have emerged in Great Xia's scientific field. These disciplines have given birth to two new scientific fields, namely magic and physical transcendence.

Although Great Xia absorbs the magic created by Goblin Slayer world Goddess of Knowledge, most of these magic spells are used in combat, and most of them depend on the innate talent and personal insights. Without forming a complete theoretical system, it has not been classified as a discipline.

However, with the continuous improvement and refinement of magic theory, magic has now formed a more mature scientific field. Although it is not possible to become a Grand Mage through systematic learning in the magic field, it is not a problem to become a formal Mage.

"The main purpose of our meeting today is to discuss the future direction of the solar system in a peaceful way."

The four civilizations represent expression congeals, and the body is involuntarily sitting upright. , Showing their inner tension. Now the power of human beings exceeds them too much, and there is a fleet that is not weak. If human beings want to abandon one's benefactor after achieving one's goal now, they have no room to resist.

Because humans did not have a fleet before, they were relieved to cooperate with humans. Now humans have a fleet that can sail long distances, which makes them instantly nervous.

Cui Shan stretched out his hand, and then a virtual screen appeared in front of everyone.

"The Alliance will not abandon Earth here, so humans still need your help. We hope to use higher dimension energy and related technologies as rewards in exchange for your defense."

The representatives of the four civilizations, after carefully reading the various information on the virtual screen. The expression was somewhat surprised, and the terms inside were better than they thought.

There are many clauses, covering all aspects, assistance regulations, remuneration increase in the state of war, technical exchanges... Simply put, humans use higher dimension energy and technology as rewards to hire them to fight against the alliance civilization.

Although this clause is a defense clause, one of them has caught their attention, and that is the technical exchange clause. Humans should use breakthrough life utmost technology in exchange for technology? !

In their view, this is equivalent to the core technology of civilization in exchange for various technologies for interstellar navigation, and most of this technology does not involve the core technology of civilization. Using these ordinary military technologies in exchange for this kind of technology that can realize the sublimation of life in the true sense and move towards immortality is simply a profit.

Faced with such attractive regulations, representatives of various civilizations did not immediately agree. There is no free lunch in the world. Although the regulations are attractive, the regulations can be torn down at any time.

The representative of Mochizuki Civilization asked, "Is it a bit too generous? I can't believe it to exchange these not-so-precious interstellar navigation technology for life evolution technology."

Cui Shan slightly smiled replied: "The preciousness of technology is only for people. Although we humans are very powerful now, we are not capable of long-distance cosmic voyages."

Great Although Xia's current strength has reached the level of Level 2 civilization, it is just battle strength, and other aspects are still at the level of Level 1 civilization. For example, the various technologies and experiences of interstellar navigation generally take time to explore.

However, Great Xia's situation is a bit special. Great Xia can directly absorb New World's advanced technology. It only takes more than ten to twenty years for the Great Xia to complete the path that other civilizations can only take for thousands of years.

After all, they need to constantly explore from scratch, step by step, while Great Xia feels the way out of other civilizations, rushing all the way, rarely encountering obstacles.

The representative of Yike civilization also asked: "According to the size of this fleet, humans should not lack the ability of interstellar navigation."

The emergence of this fleet is that they are nervous. The reason for this is that this fleet is not very strong in terms of weapons and equipment, and may not even be as good as theirs. But the information revealed by this fleet made them think deeply.

Having an organized fleet means that human civilization has not actually perished! And they are constantly fighting for Earth, and there may be human shadows behind them.

What is humanity planning? On which planet are they now? What do they want to do in hiding? All kinds of problems harass everyone's mind. If you think of the previous civilizations that were destroyed by humans, everyone will feel chilly.

They feel that everything that happened before was guided by humans. If Earth is a stage, then they are human puppets.

Cui Shan shook his head and replied: "Although this fleet has the ability to conduct an interstellar war, it is unable to conduct long-distance navigation. The various technologies and experience of long-distance navigation are currently the largest short-term flight of mankind. Board."

After some explanation from Cui Shan, the representatives of the Four Civilizations signed this ordinance under the order of the upper party.

Although the senior leaders of these four civilizations knew that this matter was not simple and what human beings might be planning, they eventually signed the co-defense regulations.

Human civilization has not perished. Everything that happened before was led by human beings. Earth is a trap that tempts Milky Way Galaxy all civilizations to expose itself... Various speculations make them chill.

But they still signed the agreement because they gave too much. Originally, because they suspected that human civilization has not perished, they planned to give up signing the cooperation defense with mankind and return to their own civilization, and no longer participate in this dispute.

But when human beings directly produce the promised special energy and the history of technology that can break through the life limit, everyone can't help it. Humans may be planning something, but they are now on the thief ship, and now even if they return to their own civilization, it is useless to stop participating in this matter. Because the wave of the times has come, Milky Way Galaxy will be completely plunged into war until an advanced civilization is born or is invaded by other advanced civilizations.

Those who wish to escape the wave will definitely be destroyed by the wave in the end. Now that you have boarded the human thief ship, try your best to strive for benefits.

Cui Shan and Shentu shook hands with the representatives of the four civilizations, and then the representatives walked out of the room and prepared to return to the battleship.

After they left, Cui Shan showed a weird smile and said: "The evolution of Life Level is not only beneficial. The soul can make lifeform understand the meaning of its own existence, but it will also add one to itself. Fatal danger."

Of course, Great Xia will give the technology, especially magic, as much as you want. It’s okay to give them the newly developed superposition magic, just the higher dimension energy required by magic. It doesn't matter how they get it. And the soul this thing is very dangerous. If an Evil God was born accidentally, it would be difficult to handle.

At present, only Earth has higher dimension energy in this world, and all the points are placed on the body. The research on the soul level is very shallow. Most civilizations only know the existence of the soul and its speciality. No one knows that the soul can be controlled and the soul can be polluted.


A few days later, ten light-years away from Earth, an extremely prosperous planet.

Every place on the planet has been transformed. The high-rise buildings of several kilometers high stand in great numbers, and the flying device densely packed in the air shuttles back and forth along the planned flight track. The spiral cities are as high as tens of thousands of miles above the sky, and down to several kilometers underground.

The incomparable gigantic star soul shield on the orbit rotates continuously with the rotation of the planet, and countless battleships in outer space are parked at one after another huge Space station.

This is the mother planet of bone-faced civilization. This place should have been more prosperous. However, in recent years, the civilized government has continuously transferred various industries and populations to several other colonial stars, which seems to disperse the mother planet. Power.

At this time, an incomparable gigantic black crack in the void slowly opened. The crack was very huge, and its width alone was more than two thousand kilometers.

Bone Yan Civilization reacted quickly, and all the Defense Systems launched countless battleships to enter the state of combat readiness.

On the other side of the crack, Precursor civilization looked at the crack that reappeared after a few years with a dumbfounded look.

How did it become so big?

Next, Precursor civilization, without any hesitation, immediately sent a small fleet into the crack. Anyway, this kind of ordinary creature battleship needs as many as many.

So there was no suspense, the two sides collided together and detected the other's planet.

Guyan Civilization is very interested in the civilization behind this crack, and the first reaction is to send a diplomatic team to negotiate.

There is no conflict of interest, the strength of the other party is not clear, and the location of the two sides is so close, it is a very stupid decision to attack rashly.

The reaction of Precursor civilization is completely opposite to that of Guyan civilization. The first reaction of Precursor is to fuck him.

This is the consistent style of Precursor civilization. When encountering other civilizations, the first reaction is to invade, conquer, and destroy. Regardless of him fighting for the first three seven sixty-one, and they are so close to their headquarters, don't fight heavens cannot tolerate!

So the war broke out, countless hideous flesh and blood monsters drilled out of the cracks and fought fierce battles with the steel fleet outside.

The scene is fierce, and the two silhouettes of onlookers who can see from a distance cried out for fun.

It really deserves to be Great Xia's ironest ally. It's really hard-spirited. You don't need to be guided, you just fight the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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