
  Chapter 265 Wastrel (two more)

Facing the raid of primitive humans, Erd’s civilization was early It is expected, or that Erd civilization has always had relevant filings to deal with human raid. After receiving the destruction of the fleet in Earth, the defense level of the entire planet has been increased to the highest level, and all weapons have entered combat readiness.

The various weapons developed and produced for many years are all turned on for humans, the star ring shield on the orbit is turned on at full power, and the Defense System acting on the Space level is running at an overload. Even the final plan has been launched, and the entire planet is like walking on a steel wire in the abyss, possibly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke at any time.

However, at this time, the Erd Civilization used superb computer technology to calculate more than 1 billion human raids. Because all humans of raid this time are Sovereign Rank, there is no ordinary person class in the plan. This also means that the weapons they have prepared for many years have no effect on human weapons. The so-called human weapons are essentially aimed at ordinary persons, and they have no effect at all for those sovereigns who are open to the ground.

Those special steel needles cannot pierce the surface energy of Sovereign Rank humans, let alone pierce the body that is as hard as a light-speed kinetic energy weapon. In the original plan, the main effect of these weapons on humans was to continuously reduce the number of ordinary person types. Without the restructuring of ordinary person types, they could concentrate on using various cutting-edge weapons to destroy these monsters.

The smog-like weapons that permeate the entire planet now only cover human dynamic vision, not even obstruction.

There is no ordinary person in this sneak attack. According to the plan, the Erd civilization should be able to concentrate on dealing with Sovereign Rank humans. But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. The battlefield they set up before was placed on the vast universe, not on the planet. In the battle with humans, the battlefield can only be the universe, because if it were not the universe, they would lose.

In today's universe, even those super huge planets are still too narrow for human speed. So narrow that they only need less than ten seconds to come to any place on the surface of this planet.

Cutting-edge weapons can indeed deal with humans, but if they are to be used in the universe, if they only need one shot on the surface of the planet, their hometown may explode in place.

This is one of the reasons why interstellar civilization fears humans. As civilizations, they are far superior to humans in terms of size and strength, and they can instantly kill humans on the frontal battlefield. But in the face of the small raid warfare of humans, even they have no effective restraint.

After developing for tens of thousands or even tens of millions of years, all weapons are actually developing in accordance with the environment. At present, it is known that most civilizations in the universe can ensure long-distance interstellar navigation, interstellar battleships. Need to configure various high tech devices and build a complete circulation system, so the size of the interstellar spaceship is generally extremely large.

They also want to reduce the size of the battleship as much as possible to reduce the scope of attack, but technology does not allow it. Perhaps advanced civilization's fleet has a way to reduce the size of the battleship, but they cannot do this step at the moment.

The emergence of new humans, just like a bug in this civilization game, instantly stunned all civilizations. Everyone is so big, and all the technologies and weapons are developed for large-scale battles. Suddenly a group of dust-sized enemies appeared, making many civilizations unable to react for a while.

Their huge fleet fights humans, just as humans fight with insects smaller than ants. Since then, the size is countless times smaller than that of humans, but the insect has more power than humans, and a single punch can hammer a human to death.

For this phenomenon, the interstellar civilizations of Milky Way Galaxy also want to change, but this short two hundred years is not enough. Even if there is enough technology support, it will take some time to develop weapons that can effectively combat humans.

They have developed technology for so long, and only the technology of cream of the crop can kill sovereign. However, it is obviously difficult to develop a cutting-edge weapon that is completely opposite to the current weapon direction in one hundred years.

The sky full of energy beams flew everywhere, and the steel wreckage continued to fall like a torrential rain. This cold planet instantly became lively in just a few minutes, which was almost crazy.

The various weapons of the Erd civilization make the war more magnificent and more tragic, and it looks like the two sides are fighting inextricably. In fact, this is just a human unilateral carnival. The sovereign door dismantles this steel planet step by step from the demolition workers of the old age. The various weapons of the Erd civilization are like insect ants living in the house, making meaningless resistance.

A few hours later, the steel star ring shrouded on the orbit completely collapsed under the dismemberment of humans. The "Heaven" that once shrouded the planet forever like the sky is now fragile like milk froth on coffee, spreading out in the dark void.

With the fall of "Heaven", the destruction of the mother planet of the Erd civilization is a foregone conclusion, and the mother planet of a dignified Level 2 civilization is captured by humans. It took less than three hours from the beginning to the end. Although the resistance of the Erd civilization was fierce, it did not see a fleet coming to support it from beginning to end.


Erd civilization mother planet, a cylindrical steel planet, a high mountain of 10,000 meters high, completely cast from black metal.

This magnificent steel mountain is one of the main computers of the Erd civilization. It stores all the Erd’s data and various types of AI source codes.

At this time, this place has already been captured by humans. This super-class computer of the general size of Tan Yongtong’s mountain range is full of various large and small breaches. Most of these breaches are in the shape of fist prints or footprints. .

In the depths of the main computer of the Erd Civilization, the general looked at the virtual panel in front of him.

[Humanity, our Erd civilization is willing to surrender and become an ally of mankind to help mankind deal with other civilizations. 】

Faced with such disadvantages, the main intelligence of Erd Civilization System without the slightest hesitation made the best choice. As for the so-called shame, this does not exist for it, as long as it can survive and develop, even if it is a dog?

even more how In its view, everything is just equivalent exchange, surrendering in exchange for the cost of existence.

The general replied coldly: "Your help is worthless to mankind. What we need now is your destruction, the destruction of all planets, and the demise of civilization."

[ Humans, this is not a wise choice. My existence is now a necessary condition for your existence. 】

Then the virtual panel in front of it changed, countless data flowed through it quickly, and then a countdown composed of Earth numbers appeared at the top.

[Humans, when Mother Planet is used as the transfer planet connecting the wormhole of the solar system, Oerd Civilization has already anticipated your invasion, and the final plan is perish together. 】

The general eyes slightly narrowed, and did not interrupt the main intelligence.

No wonder there is no fleet, it turns out that it has long used its mother planet as a bait.

[At the center of the planet, we installed an antimatter extinguishing bomb as early as 100 years ago. Using your human calculation unit, this bomb has 300 tons of antimatter. This also means that antimatter is extinguished. Once the bomb is activated, 300 tons of antimatter will be converted into 600 tons of positive and negative matter into pure energy. The huge energy produced here is enough to swallow this planet completely. 】

[The antimatter extinguishing bomb's activation procedure adopts a negative timing, and the bomb is in a countdown state at every moment, and each time is a normal human breath. This device will only stop the countdown after receiving my signal, and then restart the countdown. ]

[Once there is no signal from me, then the entire planet will be completely swallowed by the antimatter extinguishing bomb, and you humans will not be able to escape in such a short period of time. 】

Every interstellar civilization is not someone who is easy to deal with, especially this kind of machine civilization that puts aside all sensibility, they do not have the moral bottom line of human civilization, as long as they do anything useful come out. Now blowing up a mother planet in exchange for the death of these powerful humans is simply an extremely cost-effective business.

For them, whether it is other colony planets or mother planets, there is only a difference in production capacity and no other significant meaning.

After listening to the explanation of the main intelligence, the general was taken aback, then smiled, and a smile full of irony appeared on his face.

"Didn't expect you to be a master intelligent AI will be afraid."

It is the best choice to directly start the antimatter explosion. There is no need to tell him. Then the main system directly talked about the bomb, just in exchange for the chance to survive.

"But even so, humans still don't need your surrender."

If Great Xia sees this scene, it will definitely be heartbroken. It's too prodigal, you don't want to give it to me!

The next moment, this tens of thousands-meter-high black mountain range appeared one after another crack, and the crack instantly covered the entire mountain range at a very fast speed.

kācha! bang!

With the explosion of the black mountain range, the humans on the planet have already disappeared at this time, or when the general entered the depths of the main intelligence, other Sovereign Rank humans have already evacuated.

Although they disregarded Great Xia's prevention, they insisted on acting as the vanguard and launched a devastating blow to alien civilization. But it doesn't mean that they took Great Xia's words completely to the ears, Great Xia's words did arouse their vigilance.

Other civilizations fighting against humans may take into account the mother planet, fearing that their hometown will be blown up by themselves, and dare not use cutting-edge weapons. But for machine civilization, which has no sensibility, as long as it is beneficial to them, whatever the planet is, it will blow up.

Facts have proved that Great Xia's guess is correct.

At the next moment, a touch of snow-white rays of light emerged from the planet underground, and then the white mushroom cloud swelled sharply, occupying the entire land. The earth and sky burned instantly, and the terrifying energy swallowed it all, and the whole planet began to all split up and in pieces.


An Earth day later, the steel planet at this time has been disappeared. The wreckage floating in the void is the only proof he left.

At this time, an incomparable gigantic black crack slowly opened, and then one after another white light flew out of it. This is an interstellar fleet.

The first interstellar fleet of Great Xia drags the particles of rays of light left behind. Through the exchange of the original world and the Akame ga Kill world, they come to this star system more than ten light-years away from the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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