
  Chapter 266 The Demise of Erd’s Civilization (One more)

In the next three months, The star system where the Erd civilization is located, as well as several nearby star systems, have all ignited a terrible war. A torrent of steel battleship straddles the void, and countless planets are drawn into the flames of war.

Facing the human charge of Sovereign Rank, Ould's civilization's fleet is like paper, and it has been interspersed with human tactics a dozen times at once. On the other hand, they can still rely on the huge fleet to deal with these monsters, but this time humans also have a fleet.

Whenever they are fighting with humans, this fleet will appear quietly, and they will continue to set off dark artillery next to them, destroying a large number of their battleships. In the face of this situation, Erd’s civilization’s fleet also thought about fighting back, but their formation has been completely overwhelmed by the Sovereign Rank humans, and it is impossible to form an effective intensive bombardment.

In this way, the war continued to start again and again, and the Erd civilization was retreating steadily. It is too difficult for a single civilization to deal with an extremely powerful enemy like human beings, let alone a formed army to assist.

In the fourth month of the war, with the destruction of the 53rd planet of the Erd civilization, the Erd civilization was completely defeated, and the entire civilization entered the dust of history.

In this war, the Great Xia First Fleet, although most of the time hides behind and fires its guns, it does not need to meet force with force with the enemy fleet. But in the face of a level 2 civilization fighting to the death, it also paid a certain price.

Hundreds of small battleships, tens of thousands of interstellar fighters, armor/mecha, and war fortress were completely scrapped, and nearly 6,000 soldiers were killed in action.

In contrast, the original human casualties at the forefront have been far fewer than those of the Great Xia First Fleet. Most of the hundreds of sovereigns have been put into suspended animation, unable to act, but the real death toll is only eleven.

On the surface, the loss of the original humans was not great. Only eleven people died. On the other hand, the First Fleet killed nearly 6,000 soldiers, but in fact, Great Xia killed and injured 5,000 soldiers. Sovereign is lighter than the death of eleven. Putting aside the perceptual level, let’s say something realistic and ugly, let alone five thousand soldiers, even one hundred thousand soldiers can’t compare to eleven True Gods.

Each of these sovereigns was exchanged for hundreds of millions of human lives, and the battle strength they burst out was definitely tens of thousands of times that of 5,000 ordinary soldiers.

Great Xia is quite satisfied with this result. With the help of the original humans, it successfully won a Level 2 civilization with such a small casualty. Especially after the capture of the advanced computer technology of the Erd Civilization, everyone is even more happy. I believe that with the help of these technologies, Great Xia's computer field will usher in a qualitative leap.

But the only regret is that Great Xia did not obtain the main intelligent computers of the civilization. These main intelligent computers were either destroyed when the original humans raid the planet, or the self-destruction program was launched at the moment of defeat. .


Great Xia First Fleet, the main battleship, in the wide Conference Hall.

Xia Xuan sat on the sofa looking at the Elder in front of him with interest, and asked: "Is it not good to live forever in the virtual world?"

The Erd man in front of him is the highest leader of Erd civilization. When the final battle was about to begin, he suddenly returned from the virtual world and stopped all the perfect intelligences that were running, and announced his surrender.

Erd: one meter tall, the skin is medium yellow, and the face is somewhat similar to humans, but there are only two special breathing openings without the bridge of the nose.

The Erd’s face revealed a bitter smile, replied through a simultaneous interpreter: "That is indeed a very beautiful world, where there is no pain, no sorrow, only beauty, where all life and thoughts can be possessed What you want. Perfect intelligence can even create a world for you, making you a god in the true sense."

"But after all, there is false, it is an absurd dream, a destruction The dream of the entire civilization. Since it is a dream, you should wake up before you die."

"Don’t you think about the feelings of other Erdites?" Xia Xuan stretched out a virtual Screen.

One after another on the screen, the withered Erder looked at this world with despair. He opened his mouth wide and wanted to make a painful wailing, but because he hadn't spoken for too long, the organ that made the sound had deteriorated.

The human being round next to him, radiating his own energy position, crushing these foreign races one after another into minced meat.

Xia Xuan pointed to the screen and said: "This massacre is all because of you. If you don't disarm Perfect Intelligence, then they don't need to suffer this massacre."

The supreme leader of the Erd civilization looked at the compatriots on the screen, the emerald eyes were full of pain, and said: "This is what we deserve. The great Erd civilization is destroyed because of our laziness and greed. Now We should be punished accordingly."

In fact, even if the original humans did not kill these Erd, they would not live long. Soaking in the dormant cabin for a long time, in order to keep their thinking active, their bodies did not undergo cryo-sleep. It's okay not to leave the dormant cabin. Once they leave the dormant cabin, their bodies will age at an incredible rate. This process is extremely painful.

The original humans slaughtered these elders who had no power to bind chickens. This was to vent their inner madness, but the same gave the elders a joy. Although the original humans didn't mean to liberate them, they just killed them because of hatred.

"We are guilty, we ruined Erd."

Then, the supreme leader of Erd’s civilization took out a black triangle from his pocket and placed it in On the table, he said: "It contains all the technology of the Erd civilization. This is the proof of the existence of the Erd civilization and our apologize. I hope you can accept it."

The old Elder slowly lowered his head, and as the leader of civilization, he bent down towards the enemy who destroyed them.

All the atonement done for them is for humans and also for Erd’s civilization.

Xia Xuan reached out to take the triangle, looked at the old man in front of him who bowed to him, and said: "I will record your history, what else do you have?"

Hearing that humans would record their history, the supreme leader of Erd civilization flashed through tears and relief, and said: "Thank you for your kindness, and may your glory be engraved under the stars forever."

Follow With the fall of the supreme leader of civilization, Erd civilization completely died out.

Perfect intelligence: A super-class AI with subjective awareness, self-learning, self-upgrading, and self-improvement.

The perfect intelligent technology has indeed allowed the Erd civilization to complete the upgrade of civilization, from a Level 1 civilization to a Level 2 civilization, and began a long-distance interstellar voyage to several surrounding stars The department was colonized.

At the same time, laziness is like the nature of all carbon-based life. With the help of the perfect intelligent AI, the Erd people do not need to do any labor at all, whether it is manual labor or mental labor. As the masters, they only need to enjoy life to their fullest without having to consider any issues, just be happy. This kind of paradise life slowly eroded every Erdite, and finally Erd civilization held a referendum and handed all the things of civilization to perfect intelligence.

And they themselves enter the virtual world, pursuing higher enjoyment, and everything outside is given to perfect intelligence.

On the surface, the elders were completely degraded by the perfect intelligent backlash created by them and turned into a group of wastes who only know about pleasure. However, in fact, perfect intelligence has never betrayed civilization, nor has it betrayed the Erders. What really betrays civilization is their own, the endless greed and laziness in their hearts.


Earth, the dawn base buried in the depths of the underground.

In a base made entirely of special alloys, thousands of silver dormant cabins are arranged in an orderly manner. The indicator light of the dormant cabin glowed green to indicate normal operation, but there was nothing inside.

In the shadow of these empty dormant pods, this base named Dawn is so ironic.

The steel door that had been sealed in dead dust for hundreds of years slowly opened, and several silhouettes walked into this human tomb. Walking on the steel floor, the crisp sound of footsteps echoed continuously in the base.

The sane people stood in these silver coffins, looking at the empty dormant cabin, and fell silent.

I don’t know how long it has been, the writer turned to look at Earth next to him, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Earth, you are a betrayal."

A few months ago, Earth The words to the general returned to Earth. For the sake of revenge, the general disregarded the human revival plan and led many sovereigns to live only for revenge. This is a kind of rebellion. The manager of Earth's human heritage concealed the situation of the Dawn base, which is also a kind of betrayal.

Earth replied with a cold mechanical sound: "Earth has never rebelled, and Earth only acted according to the order given by the Republic."

"No rebellion?" The writer pointed to the front. In the empty dormant cabin, the voice rarely asked with a trace of anger: "Then why don't you tell us about the situation at the Dawn Base? The last hope of mankind has long been shattered, and the human rejuvenation plan from the very beginning has failed. Why should we continue? Tell us that human beings have the possibility of rejuvenation?!"

"Let us continue to pursue the hope that does not exist like a fool!"

Earth replied: "According to The Republic’s rejuvenation plan has hidden terms. When all the Dawn bases are destroyed or lose their effect for some reason, there is no need to stop the plan, nor tell the original plan, the plan will continue."


The galaxy where Boneyan Civilization is located.

After more than half a year of war, under the fierce attack of the Federal Army, the Bone Yan Civilization was finally defeated. However, their fate was much better than that of Ould civilization. The Guyan people were not slaughtered, but were reduced to a colony of the Federation.

For humanitarian reasons, of course the Earth Federation will not do anything to slaughter an entire race. Next, the Guyan people will be freed from the barbaric and ignorant belief in the Almighty Lord under the influence and transformation of mankind.

After the Federal Fleet’s approach was passed back to China, the government once again reaped a wave of popular support, and politicians began to publicize their kindness and greatness. Promote the superiority of capitalism and the sanctity of the inviolability of personal property.

These things are just trivial things for the federal government to politicians. What they are really concerned about is the Earth in this universe, or the special energy on Earth.

According to the information obtained from Bone Yan civilization, the Earth of this universe possesses an energy that enables life to reach immortality. The effect of this energy is exactly the same as that of the black cube. The news spread back to the country, and the top federal officials have regarded Earth as their own pocket.

Just when the Federation wanted to order the fleet to Earth, an incident disrupted all their next plans. This change is that the black crack is shrinking. According to the current speed, the crack will be completely closed in less than two months.

(End of this chapter)

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