547: The True Overlord Pokémon

547: The True Overlord Pokémon

When Mew’s Protect resisted, and after Bite, who had little mongoose, Ye Chen immediately let Mew start a counterattack.

“Mew uses a vortex of flames!

As a result, a fierce flame was immediately launched from Mew’s mouth. With this fierce flame vortex, Mew trapped the Mongoose and the Inspector Mongoose in it, as successful as Ye Chen had previously imagined. Contained, the actions of both of them prevented them from being able to move quickly.

The mongoose and the mongoose inspector didn’t know how to deal with it for a while. Once they were trapped, they immediately panicked and didn’t know what to do with the 13-step.

Ye Chen took advantage of this opportunity to let Mew pursue the victory and attack again.

“Mew, use Mega Punch against Meerkat and Inspector Mongoose.

So Mew resorted to this trick, full of power, fists towards the meerkats and mongooses, and went to the cat meat and pork that had nowhere to hide, and directly lifted the punch, two Pokémon fell straight down.

Mr. Halla, who was the referee, ran over to check the situation of Miss Mongoose and Inspector Mongoose.

After confirming that the two of them had completely lost their fighting ability, Mr. Halla announced to Ye Chen and all of them: “You have lost the fighting ability!

“Wow, Yelaoshr succeeded, you passed the assessment!

“Teacher Ye, you won!”

“Teacher Ye, you unexpectedly won the assessment with one pick and two.”

When I heard that the king of the island, Mr. Halla couldn’t see the result, he didn’t wait for Ye Chang himself to be happy. , Jumped up in place, cheering for Ye Chen’s happiness.

Even though Ye Chen has experienced so much, but like this experience of having a group of children next to him cheering for himself, he has never had a time when he is still a little warm in his heart, but he is a little touched, I don’t know what to say What is good.

However, now everyone was jumping for joy. When they were happy for Ye Chen’s victory this time, suddenly a roar came from the depths of the tree hole.

That roar, and even everyone who was carrying a powerful shock wave shook their bodies, frightening them to grab the things next to them and stabilize their body, which did not cause them to fall down. Go down.

After the arrogant roar of my life, a hurricane violently lifted up inside the cave, and a dark shadow appeared directly in front of them after the hurricane.

Everyone took a closer look and found that it was another Inspector Mongoose, but the difference was that the Inspector Mongoose was imposing and fierce.

His height and weight are even several times that of an ordinary mongoose inspector.

It is not comparable to an ordinary mongoose inspector!

When he saw the mongoose detective appearing, Ye Chen finally knew that the overlord Pokémon they said was really powerful, and there is no need for the king of the island Mr. Hara and the Kukui Professor to be too much. The explanation shows that Ye Chen can already tell who is the real overlord Pokémon.

157 The real overlord, Inspector Pokémon Mongoose, appeared. He angrily stood behind the Inspector Mongoose and Miss Mongoose. He looked at the two companions he had been defeated. There was a roar.

The loudness of the sound made everyone’s eardrums hurt.

Ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!

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