548: Powerful Pokémon physique

548: Powerful Pokémon physique

Mr. Halla on the side hurriedly explained to everyone: “He is the real overlord Pokémon!”

“Ah! It’s scary!”

“Such a big one!”

“Oh my God! The overlord Pokémon looks like this!”

Everyone was shocked, and Ye Chen’s classmates, all of them were also stunned. After all, everyone came to this place for the first time and saw the rumored overlord Pokémon for the first time.

Originally thought that the appearance of the overlord Pokémon meant that he wanted to fight him, so Ye Chen just looked at the overlord Pokémon first, and did not have time to do it.

But I didn’t expect that when the overlord Pokémon’s mongoose inspector appeared, he was full of anger. After he roared ragingly at everyone, he directly moved towards Ye Chen.

It is not so much that he came out to meet the challenge with Ye Chen, it is better to say that he wants to avenge his companions, so every time he makes a shot and every attack, he is full of anger and strong. Of the strength, there is no mercy at all.

When the overlord Pokémon Inspector Mongoose launched an attack on Ye Chen’s Mew, Ye Chen was even a little caught off guard. He didn’t even think that the opponent would make a sudden move.

Fortunately, Mew’s reaction was also extremely quick, and he directly avoided the attack of the overlord Pokémon Inspector Pokémon directly with an Agility.

“Wow, you actually did a sneak attack|!

Ye Chen saw that his Pokémon Mew had nearly avoided the attack of the overlord Pokémon Inspector, so he took the time to say a word.

What I didn’t expect was that the overlord Pokémon Mongoose inspector didn’t want to pay attention to him at all.After the first attack on Smack Down was empty, he immediately launched the second attack and grabbed his fist that had gathered all his strength. He smashed directly at Mew.

“Mew, get out of the way!”

Ye Chen didn’t expect that this overlord Pokémon would be able to use his body’s power to attack so truly when he was fighting.

If Mew hadn’t avoided this trick, I’m afraid he would have been shot directly to the wall.

Moreover, the overlord Pokémon Inspector Mongoose’s speed is extremely astonishing. The speed that it showed when it attacked was already on the same level as the quasi-god Pokémon in Ye Chen’s hands.

This really shocked Ye Chen.

So, during the battle, he also lost his mind for a moment.

It was also at this moment that Mew didn’t immediately get the combat instructions from his trainer when he was fighting, and he missed the best time to attack or defend.

Mew was hit hard by a blow from the overlord Pokémon Inspector Mongoose!

Mew suffered the impact of that powerful force and flew out across the board.


When Ye Chen saw this scene, his whole heart chose his throat.

Fortunately, Mew knows how to protect himself and knows how to find the time to turn in the face of adversity!

After it flew out, the speed slowly slowed down, and after the aftermath of the shock on its body was not so strong, it used Confusion against itself in the opposite direction and stabilized itself.

The angry overlord Pokémon Mongoose Inspector was somewhat uncomfortable and rational during the battle.

When he saw that Mew was still able to stabilize himself from his tricks and did not suffer much harm, he immediately went up, his eyes were anxiously red, picked up the stone on the side, and went up (take Li Zhao). Want to throw a heavy throw at Mew.

Ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!

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