549: I won

549: I won over Ren in one breath

Ye Chen immediately ordered: “Mew, use Confusion to control the mongoose inspector!”

Mew immediately used Confusion to control Inspector Mongoose.

Under the control of Confusion, no matter how the Inspector Mongoose struggles, there is no way to break free from Confusion.

“Shadow Claw!

While the inspector mongoose was unable to move, Mew under the command of Ye Chen launched another attack.

This blow of Shadowclaw directly hit the key of Inspector Mongoose.

When the overlord Pokémon Detective Mongoose fell down, everyone held their breath and couldn’t believe what their eyes were seeing.

Ye Chen actually won!?

Moreover, I used a Pokémon to challenge one-to-two, one-on-one, two consecutive 160 duels, and they all won!?

In the end, they directly won their overlord Pokémon, Inspector Mongoose?!

My goodness…

Even Mr. Hara, who is the king of the island, couldn’t believe this scene.

He was stunned for a long time before he realized that he wanted to announce the result of this test–

“I announce that the overlord Pokémon Inspector Mongoose has lost the ability to fight. This time, it is Ye Chen who passed the test of the overlord Pokémon!

When Mr. Hara, who was promoted to the king of the islands, announced the result, everyone immediately rejoiced. They had just begun to celebrate Ye Chen’s victory in this test.

And only Ye Chen noticed the overlord Pokémon Inspector Pokémon, who had just escaped from the battle.Because he had suffered too many attacks from Mew, now even if he has lost his combat ability, he has also suffered some damage. The damage, stamina and energy are particularly consumed.

So Ye Chen immediately took Mew to the side of the overlord Pokémon Inspector Pokémon, and took the initiative to change and support this overlord Pokémon Inspector, who is several times the size of the ordinary Mongoose Inspector.

He asked with concern: “How is it? Is your injury okay?”

The overlord Pokémon has his own arrogance. For the opponent who has defeated him, he does not want the opponent to visit him out of pity. Therefore, the overlord Pokémon Meerkat Inspector pushes Ye Chen away fiercely. The hand that came out didn’t need his care.

But Ye Chen didn’t get angry because of it. Instead, he was more concerned about the Inspector Mongoose’s injury, because he saw the two partners next to him with anxious faces.

So the mongoose detective (bdf)’s long body injury should be quite serious, so he immediately lowered his head and said to Mew, “Mew, you immediately find some fruits that can heal the injury and restore your strength.

Mew knew what his trainer Ye Chen meant, so he didn’t hesitate at all. After nodding, he immediately flew out of the cave and followed Ye Chen’s order to find the fruits that can heal and restore physical strength. .

Before that, Ye Chen himself did not rest. He fumbled on himself, and then found out the Pokémon food he usually fed to him, and then took the initiative to put it in front of the mongoose inspector. Said:

“I don’t know whether you like these flavors or not, but now there is no other food on hand. You should eat a little bit first to restore some strength temporarily.

The mongoose inspector originally thought Ye Chen just wanted to pity himself, but now he sees that Ye is so sincere. Share food for him.

Ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!

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