The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1005 Gao Yuan takes action, the fourth seventh-level existence

The galaxy represented by the star map was in a stalemate with the three attacking enemies, and no one could defeat the other.

Liang Ji also discovered at this time that the power of the 'Star Map' that was refined from a 'dead galaxy' was obviously not as powerful as the original 'star map' that was refined from the 'falling star' galaxy.

After all, that 'star map' contains the power of 'fall of stars', and can even suppress and capture the eighth-level void demon clan.

The power of the star map formed by the ordinary 'dead galaxy' in front of us could only block the attacks of three seventh-level enemies. It was obviously not enough to completely defeat them.

Although these three incoming seventh-level enemies each have their own methods and trump cards, which are far superior to ordinary seventh-level enemies, they are undoubtedly still inferior to the real eighth-level void monsters.

No wonder the galaxy that was discovered in the 'Fall of Stars' was so valued by the upper echelons of the Covenant Alliance and even gave our team a lot of rewards.

Liang Ji now understood something in his heart.

Like the falling star star map, the star map spiritual treasure contains special phenomena in the universe, and its power is far superior to these ordinary star map spiritual treasures.

However, although this ordinary 'dead galaxy' in front of them cannot defeat the enemy, the combat power of Liang Ji and others is not just a 'dead galaxy' with a 'star map' spread out.

Seeing that the enemy was being resisted by the 'Dead Galaxy', Star Master Gao Yuan beside Liang Ji also began to take action.

But when he reached out and swiped forward, he actually opened the 'Star Gate' directly in this chaotic and broken void. The next moment, the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' blooming with bright divine light flew out of the 'Star Gate' and flew directly Towards the seventh-level holy light god who turned into a 'star'.

Star Master Gao Yuan is a seventh-level star master who was born in the Kunlun Star Palace. He practices the inheritance of the Gods List and he is the most restrained god among the same level.

Therefore, the god who takes action at this time is naturally the first to choose restraint.

I saw the 'God List' flying above the god, and a ray of divine light shone down, falling on the god, and immediately expelled the 'star' state it had transformed into, turning it into the appearance of the holy light god again.

Slay God!

Following the order given by Star Master Gao Yuan, a group of winged 'Birdman' family members were seen fighting out of the 'Star Gate' he opened and heading straight towards the seventh-level god.

Star Lord Gao Yuan and other bird-man families, led by seventh-level family members, drive spaceships, starships, and even starships. Whether they are family members, starships, or starships, they are all shining with bright divine light, and there are even All kinds of divine edicts are looming, and their power and fighting spirit are soaring to the sky.

Liang Ji looked at the Familia sent by Star Master Gao Yuan. Their strength was actually no worse than the twenty starship team composed of him, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao, Senior Chen Zhao and others.

It is truly done, one person can become a starship team!

No wonder the development teams of those star palaces and large companies will basically have high-level star owners in charge.

This is not only because the high-level star masters themselves are powerful in combat, but also because the dependents summoned by these high-level star masters are strong enough. A high-level star master's dependents can become a powerful pioneering team!

No wonder that when they reach the stage of high-level star masters, most of them start to act alone, exploring and developing the outer starry sky. Unless they have special tasks, they no longer form a team.

Three-level immortals can only form teams with mid-level star masters, and cannot form teams with high-level star masters.

With the fighting power of these Familia, the high-level star master still needs the help of the third-grade immortal!

Liang Ji's heart was filled with electric thoughts.

In the void, in the unfolding death galaxy, the Birdman Familia sent by Gao Yuan were already killing the seventh-level god.

The seventh-level god was obviously not an easy person. At this time, he had also opened the divine domain, and sent many divine servants and slaves from it to fight and fight with the family members of the Gaoyuan Star Master.

This seventh-level god also had seventh-level divine servants and slaves under his command. He also drove temples, battleships and other artifacts, and the fight with the family members under the Lord Gao Yuan was fierce.

However, under the divine light shining from the 'God List' in the sky, the seventh-level gods and their divine servants and slaves were all suppressed and restrained, while the family members sent by the Lord of Gaoyuan, the starships, and starships driven by them, etc., It is blessed by the power of the 'Feng Shen Bang'.

With this wave of decline and rise, the resistance and fighting of the seventh-level gods soon fell into a disadvantage.

A large number of divine servants and divine slaves were being killed continuously. The seventh-level dependents of Gao Yuan Star Master, driving the starship, had already reached the vicinity of the seventh-level god and attacked the god.

The seventh-level gods sacrificed various gods, and turned into divine light several times to resist and escape. However, the divine light illuminated by the Apotheosis of Gods in the air was fixed and restrained, making it difficult for them to exert their full combat power and even more difficult. Escape easily.

Liang Ji's eyes flashed when he saw the explosive effect of the 'God List' launched by Master Gao Yuanxing.

It can be clearly seen from this that the high-level ‘God List’ also has a very powerful suppressive and restraining effect on high-level gods.

No wonder the Kunlun Star Palace can withstand the attacks of gods from the divine realm with the power of one palace.

Damn Kunlun Star Palace!

Damn blasphemer!

Seeing this, the seventh-level god couldn't help but curse angrily.

At the same time, as the 'star' transformed by the seventh-level god was destroyed, the power to resist and hinder the operation of this 'dead galaxy' was suddenly greatly reduced.

The Lord of Gaoyuan Star urged the entire galaxy to speed up immediately, and the stars in it were rotating, as if a star mill was suppressing and grinding towards the ocean transformed by the seventh-order elemental spirit.

Under the crushing and wearing down of the stars, magnetic field, and void power of the entire galaxy, the ocean transformed by the seventh-level elemental spirit was also continuously crushed and worn away, and finally the figure of the seventh-level elemental spirit was forced out of it. Manifested in the 'Dead Galaxy'.

The reason why we attack the seventh-order elemental spirits first instead of killing the seventh-order void-devouring whales is because, like the seventh-order gods, the seventh-order elemental spirits have a super-order civilization behind them, and they may have some trump cards or treasures in their hands. , you may be hit hard by them if you don't pay attention.

Therefore, Gao Yuan placed his main attack targets on seventh-level gods and seventh-level elemental spirits.

As for the seventh-order Void-Swallowing Whale, you only need to use the power of the 'dead galaxy' to temporarily block and hold it back.

Seeing that the Gao Yuan Star Lord had the upper hand, the seventh-level gods and seventh-level elemental spirits that were being crushed were almost unable to fight back, and they were constantly being defeated or even killed.

The seventh-level god finally couldn't hold on anymore and shouted loudly: Swallowing the Void Whale, don't do it yet!


not good!

Liang Ji and Gao Yuan both realized something was wrong and wanted to withdraw their strength to defend and suppress.

But at this moment, a silver light flashed out from the huge mouth of the Void-Swallowing Whale that tore open the void, instantly piercing the void and attacking in front of Liang Ji.

The starlight that Gao Yuan Star Lord blessed him with and protected him was torn and pierced in an instant under the attack of this void silver light.

The silver light immediately attacked Liang Ji.

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