The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1006 Guardian of Kunlun Star Palace Broken Star

The silver light penetrated the void and tore apart the starlight that protected him. It was not until it hit his body that Liang Ji could see clearly what it looked like. It turned out to be a silver flying fish with a mouth as long as a sword.

There is no doubt that this is also a seventh-level void demon clan, and it has mastered body shape changes and the power of the void. It is a terrifying void demon clan that can penetrate the void. Its combat power is comparable to that of a seventh-level void-swallowing whale.

Even sneak attacks and assassinations are more powerful than the seventh-level Void-Swallowing Whale!

On the side of the Void Demon Clan, it was not just three seventh-level beings who came to ambush and intercept them, but there was also a fourth seventh-level being, but it had been hidden in the 'void whirlpool' of the seventh-level Void-Eating Whale.

At this time, under the cover of the seventh-level gods and seventh-level elemental spirits, a sneak attack and assassination were launched.

Neither Star Master Gao Yuan nor Liang Ji had time to react.

Seeing that the silver flying fish had attacked him, the 'Star Guardian' force field around Liang Ji had no effect at all, and was torn apart and pierced in an instant.

At this moment, Liang Ji noticed that the projection of the golden ‘Apotheosis of the Gods’ in the sea of ​​​​consciousness was suddenly activated.

A huge, golden phantom of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' emerged around him, protecting him and directly blocking the attack of the seventh-level silver flying fish.

There was a loud clang!

The silver-light flying fish that penetrated the void, penetrated the starlight guardian of Gaoyuan Star Lord, and penetrated Liang Ji's star guardian star technique, could no longer penetrate the phantom of the golden Feng Shen Bang, and was even counterattacked, blown away, and suffered by the divine light erupting from the golden Feng Shen Bang phantom. Heavy damage.

After blocking the blow, the golden phantom of the Gods List that appeared around Liang Ji did not disappear. It continued to maintain, and it was obvious that it could continue to protect him for a while.

However, Liang Ji noticed that the golden projection of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' in his sea of ​​consciousness had become very dim, as if it had lost all power.

The guardian of Kunlun Star Palace!

“I didn’t expect it to be used like this!”

When Liang Ji saw this, he immediately understood. He had completed the graduation examination and graduated from the Kunlun Star Palace before, and received the projection of this golden 'Gods List'.

It not only contains the 'Feng Shen Bang', as well as the 'Nine Transformations of Mysterious Jade', 'Nine Cauldrons Building Power' and other subsequent inheritances, but also contains a layer of protective power, called the 'Guardian of Kunlun Star Palace', which can help him withstand a high Hierarchy of attacks.

This is a gift and protection given by the Star Palace to every graduate, not only from the Kunlun Star Palace, but also from other star palaces in the Star Alliance.

At this time, in Liang Ji's sea of ​​consciousness, in addition to the golden projection of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods', there was also a bloody projection of the 'Bloodline Atlas', which also contained the protection of the Taiyi Star Palace.

This kind of power of Guardian of the Star Palace is undoubtedly very precious and powerful. This can be seen from the effect and power of the Guardian of the Kunlun Star Palace this time.

Being able to penetrate the void and the protection of the seventh-level star master Gao Yuan, the attack power of the silver flying fish is evident, but it is unable to penetrate the 'guardian of the Kunlun Star Palace', and is even blown away and severely injured by its power.

From this, it can be seen that the power of the 'Guardian of Kunlun Star Palace' is at least much stronger than the power of Gaoyuan Star Lord.

As for Gao Yuan Star Lord, he was sent by the Star Alliance's frontline headquarters to protect his safety, and from his battle to suppress the seventh-level gods and seventh-level elemental spirits at this time, it can be seen that even on the seventh-level star The Lord is definitely a very powerful being.

From this comparison, we can see how powerful this 'Guardian of Kunlun Star Palace' is.

It's a pity that it is wasted here like this!

I am fighting and wasting it for the Star Alliance. I wonder if I can make up for it again later?

Liang Ji couldn't help feeling regretful and secretly thought.

You are seeking death!

Star Master Gao Yuan on the side saw that Liang Ji was almost assassinated and even had to use the 'Guardian of Kunlun Star Palace' to save his life, and he immediately started shouting angrily.

He also graduated from Kunlun Star Palace, so he naturally recognizes the ‘Guardian of Kunlun Star Palace’ and understands the preciousness of this protection.

As a result, because of his negligence and lack of precaution, Liang Ji was harmed here, so he was naturally ashamed and angry.

The next moment, he suddenly activated the star map and shouted: Broken Star!

Then there was a roar and explosion, and in the 'dead galaxy' swirling around them, stars were like cannonballs blasting towards the seventh-order void demon clan, as well as the seventh-order gods and seventh-order elemental spirits at both ends.

These stars, after bombarding the enemy, were destroyed and self-destructed one after another. The terrifying explosion, the explosion of the origin, and the destruction of the stars immediately engulfed several enemies.

Amidst the screams and screams, the two seventh-order void monsters, the Void-Swallowing Whale and the Silver-light Flying Fish, were directly bombarded by the self-destruction and destruction of several stars, and even formed Taoist ruins, torn into pieces, Distort this void.

As the battle progressed, the battlefield in the void had been almost destroyed. At this time, after the death of two seventh-order void demon clans and the explosion of the source and law power they had mastered, they finally could no longer hold on.

The void was completely shattered, and the battlefield shrouded in the 'dead galaxy' returned to the void.

At the same time, Liang Ji could also see that as the stars exploded and destroyed, the 'dead galaxy' surrounding them was also rapidly turbulent and torn apart.

Obviously, directly urging the stars in the galaxy to self-destruct and destroy to attack the enemy would cause huge damage to the entire 'Star Map Spiritual Treasure'.

Even if we come here a few more times, this 'dead galaxy' may be destroyed, and then the 'Star Map Lingbao' that comes with the galaxy will naturally be destroyed along with it.

No wonder Star Master Gao Yuan did not directly use this move before. It was not until Liang Ji was almost assassinated that he did not hesitate to destroy the 'Star Map Lingbao' and launch the 'Broken Star' attack in anger.

And this effect is also significant.

Not only the two seventh-level void monsters who were being taken care of were killed by the ‘Broken Star’ on the spot.

The seventh-level gods on the other side were suppressed and restrained by the seventh-level ‘God List’. They also failed to escape and were destroyed and killed by successive ‘Broken Stars’.

It's just a pity that the seventh-level gods may have been prepared for it. In addition, under the attack of the 'Broken Star', the surrounding 'Dead Galaxy' and the void were shaking endlessly. The divine crystal that can retain the seventh-level star master.

The opponent's 'divine crystal' escaped back to the God's Realm, but obviously failed to kill it completely. The opponent could still be reborn and return in the God's Realm.

Star Lords, gods, and even elemental spirits are difficult to kill if they reach high levels.

Only a few have truly fallen.

The seventh-level elemental spirit on the other side was not restrained and was also involved by the Void Demon Clan and gods. The focus of Gao Yuan Star Lord's attack was not there, so although it was severely damaged with the 'Broken Star', it was not affected at all. He blasted and killed him, but he escaped directly.

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