The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1010 The ‘Zhoutian Star Formation’ shows its power and the counterattack begins

In the light curtain manifested by the starlight, the Lord of the Huntian Star manifested dozens of galaxies on the frontline battlefield, as if a huge star map was displayed in the light curtain.

Through this light curtain, Liang Ji could see the manifestation of the 'Star Map Array' on each of the dozens of galaxies. These 'Star Map Arrays' were interconnected and integrated with each other, forming a semi-finished 'Star Domain Array'. 'star map.

And it can be clearly seen that more than half of the star map arrays that cover the galaxies and connect them into a piece have been restored, completely covering and suppressing the galaxies everywhere. These are obviously created and restored by him. galaxy.

But in addition, the ‘Star Map Array’ in nearly half of the galaxy is still in a distorted and broken state, and is constantly being attacked by a large number of void monsters, infiltrated elemental spirits, gods, etc.

Liang Ji could even see through this starlight screen that quite a few of the galaxies that had not yet repaired the 'Star Map Array' were already in danger under the enemy's siege and might fall at any time.

This couldn't help but make Liang Ji and others secretly anxious.

There are too many galaxies in crisis. Even if they rush to rescue them immediately, it will be difficult to rescue them all. At most, they can only save one or two galaxies.

At this moment, Liang Ji suddenly saw that on the starlight display screen, the Star Map Array of more than a dozen galaxies that had been repaired and connected in an array were all shining with bright starlight, as if they were all being affected by all their strength. Start and move.

Those starlights gathered above the repaired galaxies and 'star map arrays' everywhere, condensed and manifested into 'starlight gates'.

Subsequently, these 'Starlight Gates' connected and gathered with each other. On these galaxies, they condensed and manifested into a giant 'Starlight Gate', suppressing more than half of the galaxies on the frontline battlefield.

At this time, Liang Ji could see bright starlight bursting out into the void in the galaxy he was in and in several nearby galaxies, even without passing through the light curtain manifested by the Huntian Star Lord.

The 'Starlight Gate' is condensed in the void, and the giant 'Starlight Gate' is formed.

Behind the giant 'Starlight Gate', there was a cosmic starry sky faintly emerging, but Liang Ji recognized it at a glance. It was the innate spiritual treasure manifested in the thirty-three star fields of the Star Alliance. Heavenly Star Formation Diagram'!

In these galaxies occupied by the star gate development team on the frontline battlefield, the ‘Star Map Array’ arranged is not only connected to each other, but also connected to the innate spiritual treasure ‘Celestial Star Array’ that covers the star gate.

This is what the Covenant monks and teams must do to occupy various galaxies in the cosmic sea of ​​​​stars outside the Covenant.

Arranging the 'Star Map Array' in the occupied galaxy is connected to the 'Celestial Star Array' and becomes a sub-array of the 'Celestial Star Array'. This will not only strengthen the power and defense of the 'Star Map Array' in the occupied galaxy. , which will make it easier to include the occupied galaxies into the Covenant's rule later.

The Star Alliance's development team naturally has such operations and arrangements in all the galaxies they develop and occupy in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'.

Originally, due to the influence of the power of creation in the tide of the power of the sky demon, the stars and stars in each galaxy were changed, and the Star Map Array covering the galaxy was distorted, deformed, and broken. There is also a problem with the connection between the diagrams. The 'Starlight Gate' cannot be condensed and manifested. Naturally, it cannot borrow the power of the 'Celestial Star Array Diagram' to fight against the enemy.

Now, as Liang Ji created and restored more than half of the galaxy stars and the 'Star Map Array' on the front line, these galaxies have also restored their connection with the Star Alliance's innate spiritual treasure, the 'Celestial Star Array', and can once again operate the 'Starlight' Gate', and received help from the power of the 'Zhoutian Star Array'.

Seeing this, Liang Ji already understood the plan of the Covenant's pioneering army's frontline headquarters.

Sure enough, I saw the huge 'Starlight Gate' taking shape, and the Star Alliance's 'Celestial Star Array' was manifested inside the 'Starlight Gate'.

The next moment, dazzling starlight burst out from the 'Celestial Star Array', rushing out through the giant 'Starlight Gate' condensed and manifested in the void, like a torrential wave, towards the galaxies on the frontline battlefield. Sweeping and impacting away.

Liang Ji's eyes turned again to the light curtain manifested by the Huntian Star Lord with starlight, and he could clearly see that the power and starlight of the Star Alliance's innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Array' poured out through the giant 'Starlight Gate' , spreading across the galaxies on the front line.

Needless to say, those galaxies that have been created and repaired by him are blessed by the power of the 'Star Chart Array' and the 'Celestial Star Array' that cover the galaxy. The power of the star masters, immortals, Even the families, battleships and other forces have become stronger with the blessing of starlight power, while the enemies have been suppressed and weakened one after another.

The pioneering and garrison teams in these galaxies took this opportunity to launch counterattacks against the enemy, attacking outside the galaxy and killing a large number of void demons, infiltrating gods, elemental spirits, etc. in the tide of sky demon power.

And those galaxies that have not been created and repaired by Liang Ji, the galaxies that have been distorted and destroyed by the 'Star Map Array', and the galaxies everywhere that are in danger under the enemy's attack, are also under the influence of the innate Lingbao's 'Celestial Star Array'. Under the sweeping influence of starlight, astonishing changes occurred.

Liang Ji even saw through the light curtain manifested by the Huntian Star Lord that the distorted and ruined 'Star Map Array' on the galaxies was quickly swept away and nourished by the power of the 'Star Array of Zhoutian Star Array'. Complete restoration.

Affected by these completely repaired 'Star Map Arrays', the stars in those galaxies began to shift and return to their original positions; the stars in the center of the galaxies also began to distort and change, returning to their original colors.

This is a process different from Liang Ji's creation and restoration.

Liang Ji first created and restored the power of the stars in the galaxy, and then affected the entire galaxy, and then repaired the Star Map Array that enveloped the galaxy.

But now, the repair process of the Xiantian Lingbao's Celestial Star Array is exactly the opposite. It uses absolute power to first repair the Star Map Array covering each galaxy, and then uses the power of the Star Map Array to The entire galaxy twists and returns to its original appearance, and finally uses the power of the entire galaxy to twist and restore the power of the star.

It is exactly the opposite of Liang Ji’s process of twisting and repairing.

The power and power contained in it are undoubtedly more powerful and terrifying.

After all, after Liang Ji mastered part of the power of the sky demon to create stars, he followed the trend and reversed some star changes, thereby reversing the changes in the galaxy and repairing the 'Star Map Array'.

However, the power of this 'Celestial Star Array' relies entirely on its own power to reverse the changes in the galaxy, restore the original nature of the stars, and suppress and expel the changes contained in the tide of power of the sky demon.

One is using skill and skill, the other is using complete force, breaking through all methods with one force!

The difference can be imagined.

In those galaxies that had been distorted and restored by the power of the 'Celestial Star Array', the power of the 'Star Array' was not only restored, but also greatly increased. It crushed down the void monsters, gods, and elemental spirits that invaded it. etc., were suppressed and defeated one after another.

The pioneering teams in the galaxy, which were already in danger, greatly increased their combat power under the power of the 'Star Map Array' and the 'Sky Star Array', and immediately began to launch a counterattack.

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