The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1011 The tide of the power of the sky demon ends and the living central black hole

For the Star Alliance, the biggest and strongest power and trump card is always the innate spiritual treasure Zhoutian Star Formation, which is even stronger and more powerful than the ninth-level star masters and first-level immortals.

As long as there is this Zhoutian Star Formation, the Star Alliance will be invincible in the cosmic sea of ​​​​stars and in internal and external battles.

It is the Star Alliance's exploration team, pioneering team, etc., who explore and develop in the outer star sea, and after occupying various 'life galaxies', they immediately set up large formations to connect the occupied galaxies with the 'Celestial Star Array' , in order to obtain the power of the Zhoutian Star Array for protection and defense.

Now, in the Sky Demon Star Territory, the frontline battlefield of the Star Alliance's pioneering war, seeing that the situation was not right, the frontline command finally decided to introduce and activate the power of the innate spiritual treasure Zhoutian Star Formation.

The torrential starlight rushed out from the huge 'Starlight Gate' and spread throughout the galaxies on the frontline battlefield.

Whether it was the galaxies that had been created and restored by Liang Ji, or the galaxies that he had not yet created and restored, with the help of the power of the Zhoutian Star Array, they all reversed the situation and began to gain the upper hand in battles and fights. .

They even began to launch counterattacks against enemies outside the galaxy and in the tide of the demonic power.

Through the starry screen displayed by the Lord of the Heavenly Sky, Liang Ji could clearly see that in the galactic battlefields on the front lines, starships of various colors, many families, immortals, starry figures shrouded in starlight, etc. were fighting out from various galaxies. , charging into the tide of heavenly demon power outside the galaxy, killing those void demons, infiltrating gods, elemental spirits, etc.

With the starlight protection sent from the Zhoutian Star Array, the counterattack forces in various galaxies even suppressed the power of the sky demon.

Just like ships and warriors rushing into the sea, they cut through the waves and even suppressed the sweeping waves and rolled them back.

As for the various 'fish, shrimps, crabs, turtles' and other enemies that came with the waves, they were naturally smashed into pieces and killed continuously.

The pioneering team of the Star Alliance launched a counterattack with the help of the Zhoutian Star Formation.

Not only did they drive the enemies out of the galaxies they occupied, they even took this opportunity to pursue and crush those enemies, heading deeper into the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' and into more galaxies, hoping to take this opportunity to open up and occupy more galaxy of life.

Among the galaxies manifested in the light curtain, Liang Ji even saw the 'Dragon Snake' starship, the 'True Dragon' starship, etc., which belonged to the team in the 'Guiyang Galaxy'.

At this time, Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others also led the team to break out of the Guiyang Galaxy and chased the void monsters, infiltrated gods, elemental spirits, etc. into the depths of the Sky Demon Star Territory.

This is undoubtedly a very good opportunity. With the help of the power of the Zhoutian Star Array, the combat power of everyone has greatly increased while the enemy's strength has been greatly reduced. If we can take this opportunity to open up and occupy a life galaxy, naturally Can get a lot of benefits.

When Liang Ji saw this in the light curtain, he couldn't help but want to rush back immediately and join the team to participate in such a counterattack and pioneering battle.

However, he also knows that his most important task now is not with the team, but to keep an eye on the situation on the front line here, and to go to the rescue in time if anything changes.

As for the team, Liang Ji could see that in the team of the 'True Dragon' starship he was in charge of, there was a 'Star Spirit Giant' sitting there, following the team's counterattack and expedition.

Obviously, it was the high-level star masters who were arranged by the frontline command to guard the Rose Sun Galaxy, and they had also launched a counterattack and expedition with the team.

With the opponent here, the combat effectiveness is undoubtedly much better than him, so there is no need to worry too much.

Therefore, Liang Ji calmed down his thoughts at that moment and concentrated on staying with Master Huntian Star, paying attention to the situation on the entire battlefield.

In the process, he gradually made some new discoveries.

The most important point among them is the collision between the starlight power swept by the Sky Star Array and the tide of the power of the sky demon.

During this process, Liang Ji could clearly see that the 'Tide of Heavenly Demon Power' was no match for the starlight power emitted by the 'Zhoutian Star Array'. Anyone who collided with it would be smashed into pieces.

After these 'Tides of Heavenly Demon Power' are smashed, some mysterious starlight, rainbow light and other energies will be produced.

Liang Ji could see many familiar and unfamiliar powers, which were all the creation power of the sky demon. The familiar ones were those that he had already studied and mastered, such as the 'power of the sky demon to create stars', and the unfamiliar ones were those that he had not yet studied and mastered. What has not been mastered, such as the power of the sky demon to create life stars, etc.

He looked at the smashed 'Tide of Sky Demon Power', his heart moved slightly, and he suddenly took some of the smashed 'Tide of Sky Demon Power' from the surrounding void, preparing for later research.

Among these smashing forces, although the various forces are very complex and chaotic, they also smash the power of the 'Celestial Demon Creation' into pieces. If you study it carefully, you can gain a lot from it.

In fact, at this time, not only Liang Ji, but also Huntian Star Master, Gaoyuan Star Master, and even many people in the counterattack teams of various star systems discovered the power of the 'Celestial Demon Creation' that was smashed around them, and many of them took action to collect it. For research.

And just when these Star Alliance pioneering teams launched a counterattack with the help of the power of the Zhoutian Star Formation, they launched an exploration and attack into the deeper galaxies of the Sky Demon Star Territory.

Changes also began to occur in the depths of the ‘Sky Demon Star Territory’.

Liang Ji suddenly saw that the situation in the light curtain manifested by the Huntian Star Lord with starlight changed. The picture quickly became higher and wider, as if the entire Sky Demon Star Territory was manifested in the light curtain.

As a result, he saw a huge black hole quietly emerging in the void in the star field that was not too far away from the frontline battlefield where many teams were launching counterattacks.

The starlight and power of the 'tide of demonic power' erupted from this huge black hole and rushed in all directions.

At this time, after the huge black hole emerged, it stopped erupting and changed to swallowing. The tides of the surrounding demons, stars, etc., flew towards the huge black hole one after another and were swallowed up in the black hole.

The Sky Demon Star Territory, the central black hole!

When Liang Ji saw this, he immediately recognized it.

The thirty-three star fields occupied by the Star Alliance have a huge 'central black hole' in the center of these star fields.

The huge black hole emerging in front of us is undoubtedly the ‘central black hole’ of the Sky Demon Star Territory.

However, what made Liang Ji a little strange was that the black hole seemed to suddenly emerge from the void, as if it were alive.

At this time, the situation in the light curtain changed again. After the 'central black hole' emerged, the starlight power of the 'Central Star Formation' sweeping across the front battlefield suddenly burst out and rushed towards the 'central black hole', seeming to rush in. 'Black hole'.

As a result, the huge 'central black hole', before the starlight power of the 'Celestial Star Array' rushed in, directly closed the black hole entrance and disappeared into the void again.

Liang Ji was stunned when he saw it: Is this black hole really alive?

What a pity! At this time, Lord Huntian sighed softly and said, I almost caught him!

It seems that we need to continue to expand forward and occupy more galaxies.

“However, this ‘tide of demonic power’ has finally passed.”

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