The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1025 The self-destruction of the starship and the belated rescue

As soon as Liang Ji sent out the message for help, he felt what sounded like an angry beast roaring from the star in the center of the galaxy.

The next moment, the creation power of the sky demon above the star suddenly became strong, and actually subverted and twisted the little bit of scarlet that he had just created and twisted with the 'Dragon Ball', and turned it into red again, becoming a complete round of 'red'. Positive'.

Affected by this, the entire galaxy returned to a stable and closed state again, sealing them, starships, family members, etc. in the galaxy.

Countless void demon clans from all directions attacked one after another, and even high-level void demon clans twisted the void and set off natural disasters of law to crush them.

The stars were changing and the galaxy was blocked so quickly that it was difficult for Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao and others to tell whether their message for help was successfully transmitted.

But at this time, Liang Ji was no longer able to distort the 'star', and everyone could only desperately escape outside the galaxy while waiting for possible rescue.

At this time, Liang Ji was in some situation. The distortion and cover-up of the galaxy and the hidden plan of the Void Demon Clan were probably the Void Demon Clan's own methods, and were not colluded with the infiltrated gods, elemental spirits, etc.

Otherwise, if there are several high-level gods or high-level elemental spirits hidden in this galaxy, their starships, dependents, etc. may not be able to sustain themselves until now.

hiss! Groan...

On the 'Dragon Snake' starship, the phantoms of the dragon and snake condensed again and again, and were destroyed again and again by the attacking void monsters.

And every time the dragon and snake condense, they will spray out Elemental Dragon Balls one after another, blasting a flesh and blood channel in front of them. The starship is like it is in the swamp and mud, moving forward with difficulty, approaching step by step towards the edge of the galaxy.

Regardless of whether the rescue message has been sent or not, regardless of whether someone will come to rescue them, they cannot give up the possibility of saving themselves and breaking out of the galaxy.

Time seemed to pass by like a year at this time, passing very slowly.

boom! Rumble…

Suddenly, a roaring explosion came from a distance.

The starship that Senior Chen Zhao was riding in was unexpectedly attacked by a steady stream of void monsters. It had its defenses broken through and suffered heavy losses.

No way! My starship can't hold on anymore...

At this time, Senior Chen Zhao’s voice sounded in several starships, and he raised his voice:

I'm going to blow up the starship and create a way out for everyone.

Xu Mao, your starship is the closest to my team. Please pay attention to receive my team's evacuation!


Xu Mao agreed directly.

Not to mention, everyone is from the same sect. Now that we are traveling in a team, we have the obligation to support and rescue each other.

What's more, his starship is the closest to Chen Zhao's starship. Once Chen Zhao blows up his starship and opens up a way for everyone to escape, he is the closest and will naturally benefit the most and be the first to escape.

Even with this benefit, he was obliged to assist and rescue Chen Zhao and the monks and troops in his starship.

Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao, your starships come closer to me!

Chen Zhao received Xu Mao's promise and quickly called Liang Ji and Bian Yujiao.


Thank you, senior!

Liang Ji and Bian Yujiao naturally had no objections and agreed one after another. At the same time, they drove the starship towards the void area where Chen Zhao's starship was located.

After getting close, it will be easier to use the power of its self-destructing starship to rush out of the galaxy.

At the same time, after getting closer, even if Xu Mao's starship led and rescued Chen Zhao and others, they made mistakes, and they were able to make up for it in time.

At this time, within the galaxy, Liang Ji and others' starships and family members were faced with many obstacles as they rushed out of the galaxy. However, when they approached each other inside the galaxy, there were fewer obstacles and it was much easier.

Within a moment, the four people and the four starships had already approached each other and entered the same void area.

Senior Chen Zhao's starship, which had suffered heavy damage, was at the forefront, followed closely by the starships of Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao, and Xu Mao.

Get ready, I'm going to take action!

As Senior Chen Zhao finished speaking, he saw bright starlight erupting from the starship impacting in front, rushing out of the galaxy like a star self-destructing.

The seventh-level starships in the Star Alliance are basically more than ten thousand feet in size, no less than some small stars.

Various seventh-level immortal formations and immortal weapons are arranged on top of it. The terrifying power erupted under self-destruction is even more terrifying than the destruction of stars of the same size.

In the starry explosion and burning, everything in its path, whether it was the waves of void demons that followed one after another, or the high-level void demons that were chasing and intercepting, were directly crushed and blown to pieces.

At the same time, in the self-destructing starship with bright stars, several escape capsules as small as spaceships rushed out under the protection of heavy starlight and rushed towards the nearest starship of Senior Xu Mao.

It was Chen Zhao and his team who escaped in the 'escape cabin' in the starship.

On Senior Xu Mao's starship, starlight burst out immediately, like a pulling light rope, tying up the 'escape cabins' and pulling them towards the starship.

But even so, the attacks from various void monsters from all directions still broke the long starlight ropes pulled by two of the 'escape cabins', and even one of the 'escape cabins' was blown to pieces. The monks in it were not allowed to Instead of escaping, flee towards the surrounding starships.

The starships of Liang Ji and Bian Yujiao also activated their formations and immortal weapons at this time. While guiding the escaping monks and immortals, they followed the starship that self-destructed and fled out of the galaxy.

In the end, Liang Ji's three starships each rescued some escape capsules, as well as the monks and immortals in Chen Zhao's team, but some people were still inevitably overwhelmed by the surging void demon attacks from all around and fell into the void of the galaxy.

However, Liang Ji and others, including Chen Zhao who had just escaped with his life, and the monks and immortals in his team, had no time to mourn for these sacrificed and fallen people.

The vast universe and the vast sea of ​​stars are so cruel. Even the immortals and star masters of the Super Civilian Star Alliance often can only perish silently in this boundless sea of ​​stars.

Liang Ji, Chen Zhao and other teammates didn't even have time to cry for them and collect their bodies, so they mobilized the starship with all their strength, followed closely behind the starship that self-destructed, and rushed out of the galaxy.

For everyone now, the most important thing is to break out of this strange galaxy and escape with their lives.

Otherwise, let alone weeping and avenging those who fell and died, it is impossible to say that all of them will die and fall in this galaxy.

The power of the starship's self-destruction is still very impressive. In the continuous roaring explosion, it crushes and breaks through the obstruction of the void demon clan, blasting a flesh-and-blood passage for the starships of Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao and others, directly to the edge of the galaxy.

However, when they arrived here, they suddenly discovered that there was an iron curtain blocking the edge of the galaxy, and even the self-destructing starships could not break through or knock it away.

Not to mention Liang Ji's starship attack, the 'Elemental Dragon Balls' sprayed out by the dragon and snake phantom were unable to shake the iron curtain that blocked the galaxy.

Just when Liang Ji ordered Peng Yue to prepare to activate the 'Elemental Sea', suddenly bright starlight tore through the iron curtain and shined in from outside the galaxy.

Liang Ji saw a figure of a 'celestial giant' appearing outside the galaxy!

Their message for help was finally passed on, and the rescue from the high-level star master finally arrived.

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