The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1026 The Pursuit of the Eighth-Level Void Demon Clan

Senior Gao Yuan!

When Liang Ji saw the figure of the 'Star Spirit Giant' appearing outside the galaxy and tearing apart the iron curtain at the edge of the galaxy, he immediately recognized the person. It was the Gaoyuan Star Lord who had escorted him many times before.


At this time, as the High Yuan Star Lord appeared and tore apart the iron curtain on the outer edge of the galaxy, a beastly roar and roar came from the star in the center of the galaxy behind, spreading throughout the galaxy.

It proved that he had failed to distort the stars before, and the roar of beasts heard in the stars was not an illusion.

Liang Ji and others couldn't help but look back in the direction of the star, and saw the figure of a high-level void monster emerging from the star. It seemed to be suppressing the star, and it seemed to be trapped by the star.

But the power and aura of its explosion, which swept through the entire galaxy, was obviously far superior to the seventh-order Void Monster Clan!

Eighth-level Void Monster Clan!

Even though they had seen the Iron Curtain being torn apart and the high-level Star Lord coming to rescue, Liang Ji and others couldn't help but look horrified when they saw this.

They didn't expect that there was an eighth-order void monster hiding in this twisted and obscured galaxy.

Fortunately, the eighth-order void monsters seem to be trapped in the star. Perhaps in order to suppress the changes in the star and maintain the distortion, cover and blockade of the galaxy, they have been unable to leave the star and cannot take action against them. .

Otherwise, in this trap encounter, they might not have destroyed a starship and killed or injured some monks and immortals.

It is impossible to say that the starships of Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao and others will be destroyed, and all the star masters, monks, immortals, etc. will all perish in this galaxy.

Even Liang Ji was not sure whether the 'Star Immortality' star technique that he and others had cultivated would still be effective under the attack of the eighth-level Void Monster Clan. If they fell, they would still have a chance to be reborn in the stars.

After all, their highest level of cultivation is only that of sixth-level star masters. The gap between them and the eighth-level void demon clan is too big. It is difficult to understand and know the methods of the eighth-level void demon clan.

Liang Ji was not even sure whether the two remaining 'star palace guardians' in his sea of ​​consciousness could withstand the attack of the eighth-level void demon clan and protect his life.

Fortunately, the eighth-level Void Monster Clan had been suppressed in the stars before and could not take action against them.

But unfortunately, now that the Gao Yuan Star Master has come to the rescue and tore open the iron curtain that blocked the galaxy, the situation and information here have been completely exposed. The eighth-order void demon clan that was suppressed in the star seems to have been completely liberated. At this time, it was roaring and breaking out of the star, killing them.

Good guy! Let's go...

Gao Yuan Star Master also saw the eighth-order void monster clan struggling out of the star, and his expression also changed drastically. He was only a seventh-order star master, and he was no match for this eighth-order void monster clan.

At that moment, while the eighth-level Void Monster Clan had not yet broken free from the star, he immediately took out a roll of the 'Star Map' and pointed it at the starship of Liang Ji and others. It actually directly connected them to the starship, the family members, etc. All included in the 'star map'.

Then he took the 'Star Map' and tore through the void to escape, while not forgetting to send a message for help.

Facing the eighth-level Void Monster Clan, even the high-level Star Master Gao Yuan Star Master also needs to send messages for help.

At this time, Liang Ji and others were in the starship. They only felt that the void around them was changing and blurry. When they saw the surrounding situation clearly, they found that they had moved from the blocked and trapped galaxy to a broken and dead one. in the galaxy.

Liang Ji even saw that there were several broken stars in this dead galaxy that were about to be destroyed, and many of the stars in the center of the galaxy were unstable.

In an instant, he realized that this was the 'Ling Bao Star Chart' that Gao Yuan Star Lord had carried with him, and had helped them resist the ambush attacks of seventh-order void monsters, seventh-order gods, seventh-order elemental spirits, etc.

In order to kill the seventh-order void monsters, gods and elemental spirits that were ambushing them, Star Master Gao Yuan had destroyed several stars in the 'star map', which resulted in the current state of ruins.

Obviously, this time he saw the eighth-order void monsters struggling out of the star. The Gaoyuan Star Master had no time to follow them and slowly leave, or continue to explore and develop the hidden galaxy with them. Instead, he directly used this broken spirit Bao Xingtu included them all and took them to escape.

Liang Ji immediately explained the situation to Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and others, calming everyone's anxious and frightened temperament.

At present, they were taken into the Lingbao Star Chart by Star Master Gao Yuan and fled with them. They were unable to help the fighting situation in the outside world at all, and they did not even understand the specific situation.

What can be done now is to rectify and restore the heavy damage and losses suffered in the galaxy, and strive to restore their respective status and combat capabilities as soon as possible.

Once things really change, Star Master Gao Yuan will not be able to escape with them, and will be able to have more and better combat power to struggle and survive.

At the moment, everyone did not say anything more. They each rectified their own situation, or included the dependents into the natal stars, restored the status of the natal stars and the dependents, and repaired the formations, restrictions and other consumption on the starships, making various preparations.

After an unknown amount of time, Liang Ji and others suddenly noticed that the dead galaxies around them were shaking and shaking violently. Stars were destroyed and the void was broken, as if the galaxy was about to be destroyed.

At this time, a large swath of starlight flew from outside the void, directly pulling several of their starships out of this dead galaxy.

When they saw the outside scene again, they saw that they were already in the void of another galaxy, with roars, vibrations, and violent explosions coming from behind.

Looking back, one could see a dead galaxy spreading out in the void, trapping an eighth-order void monster that was more than ten feet in diameter and looked like a star coming from the sky.

After all, they were chased by the eighth-level Void Monster Clan. Gaoyuan Star Master failed to lead everyone to escape, so he released them from the 'Lingbao Star Map' and directly abandoned the 'Lingbao Star Map' and transformed it into the void. A broken galaxy blocked and suppressed the eighth-order void demon clan.

At this time, in the galaxy formed by the 'star map', the stars were destroyed, stars fell, and the void was shattered, trying to trap and kill the eighth-level void demon clan that was pursuing them.

Even the eighth-level Void Monster Clan, which is as big as a star, has been blocked and trapped, making it difficult to continue to pursue them.

But Star Master Gao Yuan had no intention of relaxing at all. A roll of starlight led Liang Ji and others' starship, and said in a deep voice: Let's go!

After saying that, he led everyone to continue to escape, obviously knowing that the broken 'Lingbao Star Chart' could not kill the eighth-level Void Demon Clan, or even stop it for too long.


Sure enough, within a moment, another beast roar came from behind everyone. The sound came, and the surrounding void was shaking and tearing apart. Liang Ji could even see scattered stars falling and breaking in the surrounding void amidst the roar.

The eighth-level Void Monster Clan really has the power to roar into the falling stars!

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