The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1031: Opening up the battlefield situation Experimental team partner

In the galaxy where the frontline headquarters is located, on Starport No. 6, the starship of Liang Ji and others is moored here for repairs, care, and energy replenishment.

Liang Ji and others left the palace on the star and returned to their starship, which meant they could not help but marvel and discuss.

Eighth-level star masters! This is the first time I have seen so many eighth-level star masters...

Do you think the leading commander is a ninth-level star master? Looking at him casually pulling the 'Feiyang Galaxy' from the depths of the universe to the front, it doesn't seem like something even an eighth-level star master can do...

Junior Liang Ji, this time we took advantage of you and made a lot of money.

Yes! Yes! In my opinion, most of the harvest from the 'Feiyang Galaxy' this time belongs to you... If it weren't for you, I guess the frontline command would not reward us with the 'Feiyang Galaxy' again. !”

That is the new life star. How many resources, treasures, and interests are contained in it...


I agree with Senior Bian's suggestion, Senior Liang Ji should take the big shot!

On the starship, several people were talking about it. Liang Ji smiled and said a few words of humility, but he did not reject their kindness.

After all, many of the benefits this time, including the rewards from the 'Feiyang Galaxy', were indeed achieved with the light of his 'Dragon Ball' creation.

He should have enjoyed the maximum benefits and benefits from it, and naturally he did not need to be polite to his seniors and sisters.

They formed an alliance to act, and the division of interests had already been stipulated. If the division was unfair, the alliance would have been unable to sustain itself and would have broken up.

Thank you, seniors and sisters. Liang Ji thanked a few people, and then did not dwell on this matter. Instead, he changed the subject and said, Everyone complete the repairs as soon as possible. I will send the 'Celestial Demon Creation' needed by the headquarters. The Stellar Power fusion plan should be completed and handed over as soon as possible, and then we can go and take over the Feiyang Galaxy, so as to avoid long nights and dreams and another accident.


no problem!

Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao and others all agreed upon hearing this.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue returned to the Dragon Snake starship and asked Peng Yue, Chu Yue, Wu Shan and others to explain the situation in the command headquarters, while he returned to his cabin.

Without immediately producing an experimental report on the fusion plan, he first contacted Star Master Gao Yuan and inquired about Master Hun Tian's interception of the eighth-order Void Demon Clan.

Although I have confidence in the combat power of the Huntian Star Master and believe that there will be no problems in the battle with the eighth-level Void Demon Clan, but now I have time to naturally care and ask questions to show concern and maintain a good relationship.

Sure enough, Star Master Gao Yuan knew something about the battle situation of Star Master Huntian's interception of the eighth-order Void Monster Clan.

According to what he said, Principal Huntian successfully intercepted the eighth-level void monster and severely injured it, but in the end he failed to completely capture it and allowed the eighth-level void monster to escape.

However, Star Master Gao Yuan also reassured Liang Ji, because although the eighth-level void monster escaped, it was severely injured and it was almost impossible to recover in a short time.

Moreover, the Huntian Star Master also left a mark on the eighth-level void demon clan. Whenever the eighth-level void demon clan dares to leave the depths of the sky demon star domain and approach the front line, he will sense it immediately and go to intercept it. , take it down completely.

Liang Ji thanked Star Master Gao Yuan for the news, and after hanging up the contact, he felt thoughtful in his heart.

As far as he knew, Principal Huntian had twice intercepted the eighth-level void monsters in battle.

One time was before, when he was reversing the stars and repairing the 'Star Map Array' in various galaxies on the front line under the escort of Gao Yuan Star Master, an eighth-level void monster tried to ambush and intercept him, but was blocked by Principal Huntian and exploded. A big battle.

The second time, this time they were chased by the eighth-level void demon clan. Principal Huntian rescued them and stopped the eighth-level void demon clan. There was a big battle!

The result of the two interceptions and battles seemed to be that Principal Huntian severely damaged the eighth-level Void Monster Tribe, but failed to completely defeat the opponent.

It seems that although the strength and combat power of the Star Lord cultivators are generally higher than those of the Void Monsters of the same level, at the eighth level, it is not easy to defeat their opponents.

The realm of Hedao corresponding to the eighth-level Star Lord is a life-and-death test for many Star Lord monks, and very few can successfully complete it and advance to the next level.

Correspondingly, there must be very few Void Demon Clan who can grow to the eighth level. The means and strength they can master must be very powerful.

Even if he is not an opponent of the eighth-level star master, he still has more means and strength to escape.

What's more, this is still in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', and there is a Heavenly Demon sitting behind it. It is estimated that Principal Huntian and other eighth-level star masters will not dare to pursue too hard, otherwise they will go deep into the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' and crash into the ninth level. In the hands of the Tier Tian Yao, even the eighth-tier Star Lord may not be able to protect himself or escape.

Liang Ji's thoughts swirled in his mind. From these two battles between Principal Huntian and the eighth-order Void Demon Clan, he could see a bit about the current situation and situation of the Star Alliance's pioneering team in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'.

Naturally, the pioneering team is still advancing step by step and winning, but there are obviously still existences in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' that the Star Alliance pioneering team, including these eighth-level star masters, are afraid of, which is why they behave like this.

Liang Ji was deep in thought, but decided that in the battlefield behind, he should not rush too far forward, and it was better to be careful.

Later, he tried to contact Principal Huntian, hoping to express his gratitude in person and maintain contact and friendship.

However, there seemed to be something going on with Principal Huntian, and he was unable to contact him, so he could only leave a message of thanks.

Then, he spent several days to formulate twenty kinds of fusion plans and experimental records for the 'power of the sky demon to create stars', and handed them over to the frontline headquarters and the experimental team led by Instructor Yuanmu.

At the same time, the rewards and meritorious service promised to them by the frontline headquarters were gradually allocated.

After he submitted the experimental report, the frontline headquarters and the experimental team led by Instructor Yuanmu each also transferred large sums of merit and spiritual stones as rewards.

Instructor Yuanmu even contacted Liang Ji personally to express his gratitude. Apparently, he also learned about Liang Ji's request from the frontline headquarters.

In order to express his gratitude, he not only doubled the number of rewards for Liang Ji's meritorious service and spirit stones, but also raised the experimental resources of the experimental team to support him and the quota of Three Lights of Heaven to the highest level.

At the same time, Tutor Yuanmu also promoted Liang Ji's position in the experimental group from the leader of the individual experimental group to the position of person in charge and leader of the entire experimental group, which was the same as Liang Ji's status and rights in the experimental group.

Become a partner in the entire experimental group.

Naturally, Liang Ji would not refuse this. This time, he invited Instructor Yuanmu's experimental group to repay his previous kindness.

If the other party does not reciprocate the favor, then his later experimental results that incorporate more of the 'power of the sky demon to create stars' will naturally have nothing to do with the experimental group.

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