The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1032: Return to the Feiyang Galaxy, learn a lesson and gain wisdom

The experimental report has been handed in, the rewards from the frontline headquarters and the mentor Yuanmu's experimental team have been received, and the Dragon Snake and other starships have also been repaired and replenished.

Liang Ji and others did not stay in the galaxy where the frontline headquarters was located for long. They said goodbye to Star Master Gaoyuan and some of the connections they had made here these days, and everyone took the starship back to the Feiyang Galaxy.

Although it is said that Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao and others are rushing back to take over the Feiyang Galaxy to prevent the night long dream from getting too complicated.

But in the past few days, here at the headquarters, Bian Yujiao and others did not waste the opportunity. They also made some connections and developed some relationships.

Although they are basically at the stage of just getting acquainted, the forces that can gain a foothold in this frontline command center are the truly top forces in the Star Alliance, and it is good to get to know them.

There is no need to have a deep connection. Once you have established a relationship, you will naturally be able to deepen the connection when opportunities arise later.

Therefore, although everyone stayed at this frontline headquarters for only a few days, they felt quite like a farewell when they left.

There was nothing to say after that, perhaps because of the incident in the Fei Yang Galaxy, the frontline headquarters of the Covenant's pioneering team became more vigilant and intensified their efforts to sweep and monitor the galaxies and voids on the frontline battlefield.

Therefore, Liang Ji and others took the starship and flew all the way back to the frontline battlefield area, but they did not encounter any trouble, not even a seventh-order void demon clan.

They returned safely to the Feiyang Galaxy. As expected, no other Covenant team was targeting them.

After all, it was the frontline headquarters who spoke, or the top leader of the headquarters who made the decision. Even though many top forces on the frontline battlefield knew that there was a new life galaxy hidden here, no one or no force dared to intervene here. .

Otherwise, instead of dealing with Liang Ji and others, they would not deal with the frontline headquarters. Even the top forces of the Star Alliance would not do this.

Especially just for a new life galaxy, it is totally not worth it.

However, Liang Ji and others still discovered that some Void Demon Clan had gathered again in the Feiyang Galaxy. The number was not large and the level was not high. The flagships of Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao, and Xu Mao took action to clean up, and soon they Clean it out.

It seems that there is no conspiracy or arrangement by the Void Demon Clan. These Void Demon Clan should have entered it instinctively chasing the starlight.

Liang Ji felt a little relieved when he saw this. After all, they had almost been annihilated here before and were completely engulfed and destroyed by the Void Monster Clan. It was inevitable that they still had some lingering fears in their hearts.

Should I turn this 'Fei Yang Galaxy' back to the 'Red Sun Galaxy' now?

After recovering the Feiyang Galaxy, Liang Ji contacted Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, and Xu Mao and asked.


Wait a minute...

At this time, Bian Yujiao and Chen Zhao spoke out to stop him one after another.

Liang Ji looked at them, but Chen Zhao glanced at Bian Yujiao, then took a step back to indicate to the other person to speak first.

Bian Yujiao nodded to the other party, and said directly without humility: Although, after experiencing the cleanup by the senior star masters of the frontline command, there should be no problems in the 'Red Sun Galaxy'.

But just in case, we'd better make some preparations and turn this 'Fei Yang Galaxy' into a 'Red Sun Galaxy'.

After she finished speaking, she looked to Chen Zhao aside.

Chen Zhao also nodded slightly and said: That's what I mean too. We'd better allocate some more starships and manpower from the 'Guiyang Galaxy' to build defense, suppression, and escape arrangements around the galaxy, and then reverse it. It is better for the Fei Yang Galaxy to be the 'Red Sun Galaxy'.

I agree!

At this time, senior Xu Mao also agreed.

After being bitten by a snake and fearing well ropes for ten years, and experiencing the crisis that nearly wiped out the entire army, everyone is obviously much more careful and cautious.

Even in the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Peng Yue, Chu Yue, Wu Shan and others all agreed with this point. Obviously, they were all worried about the previous ambush by the Void Monster Clan.

Liang Ji naturally had no objection when he saw this, and then contacted the teams in the Guiyang Galaxy with Bian Yujiao and others to mobilize the starships.

At the same time, various materials such as fairy formations and defensive fortresses were also purchased from the frontline battlefield Star Network, and they were prepared to be deployed in the Feiyang Galaxy.

Everyone had just received a lot of rewards at the frontline headquarters, and there was no shortage of funds to purchase these defense materials.

After a delay of more than ten days, everyone's teams, purchased materials, etc. were finally in place.

This time, Liang Ji transferred the True Dragon starship from the Guiyang Galaxy, leaving only the Bingpo starship to continue to sit in the Guiyang Galaxy.

At the same time, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, and Xu Mao each transferred two or three starships from the Guiyang Galaxy. In the end, there were only seven starships left in the Guiyang Galaxy, and three of them were The starship supported by Senior Brother Liu Xu.

It can be said that this time Liang Ji and others have transferred all their main forces to the Feiyang Galaxy, leaving only a small half of the force to guard the Guiyang Galaxy.

Anyway, there is already a complete Star Map Formation guarding there, and with the continuous expansion of the frontline battlefield, it is no longer the most advanced battlefield, and the security is greatly increased.

Therefore, the reason why seven starships are left to guard them is because there is no ‘flagship’ among them. They are all seventh-level starships in blank slate mode with limited combat power, so they just left a few more ships.

After the allocated starships arrived, Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao and others deployed various defense and escape formations, fairy weapons, etc. outside the Feiyang Galaxy.

Although it is definitely not as good as the 'Star Map Formation', these formations and the layout of the magical weapons can at least ensure that if they encounter an ambush or other accident again in the 'Red Sun Galaxy', they can escape smoothly and seek help from the outside.

It won't be like last time, where the whole army was almost destroyed here.

After several days of hard work, everything was ready. Liang Ji just came to the central star of the galaxy again and offered the 'Dragon Ball' to activate the light of creation and shine on the star.

The 'Red Sun' was gradually turned back to the 'Red Sun', and the stars and void in the surrounding galaxies began to shift and twist, as if a curtain was lifted, and a brand new 'Red Sun Galaxy' appeared in front of everyone.

Moreover, there is not a single void demon clan left in the entire Red Sun Galaxy. Even when they fought here before, the self-destructed starships, dead and injured family members, and the remains of immortals were all gone. It was clean and quiet.

Seeing this, Liang Ji and others also breathed a sigh of relief.

Many of the arrangements they had made outside the galaxy seemed to be in vain at this time.

But they had no regrets, and even decided that before exploring every galaxy in the future, they would make the most comprehensive and safest arrangements outside the galaxy to arrange their escape route.

learn from mistakes!

They will probably never forget the losses they suffered in this 'Red Sun Galaxy'.

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