The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1068 Invitations from the Principals of the Three Star Palaces

Refining the void, refining different sun, moon and stars, and arranging different galaxy formations!

Liang Ji learned a lot about the seventh-level star master's cultivation experience from Master Chiyu.

It also became clearer that the status, rights, obligations, etc. of high-level Star Lords in the Star Alliance were even pulled into several Star Network platforms by Mentor Akadema.

These star network platforms all serve high-level star owners.

Liang Ji can communicate and trade with more high-level star owners on these platforms, and obtain more useful materials and information.

At this time, he saw many high-level star masters on some platforms exchanging news and information on the development battlefield of the Sky Demon Star Territory.

Among them are high-level star masters who are offering rewards for special stars, resource stars, life stars, etc.

There are also high-level star masters who have discovered some special stars, resources, etc. in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', and trade and sell them on these platforms.

It can be said that after advancing to the seventh-level Star Master, Liang Ji entered a brand new platform in the Star Alliance, and came into contact with and learned about many existences and information that were inaccessible and unknown in the past.

Finally, Master Akadera also pulled him into the high-level Star Master Star Network platform exclusive to Kunlun Star Palace.

High-level star masters who were born in the Kunlun Star Palace basically communicate on this platform.

Kunlun Star Palace will also use this platform to provide many benefits, rights, etc. to high-level star owners who are born in Kunlun Star Palace.

After Liang Ji joined the platform, he was immediately welcomed by many seniors in Kunlun Star Palace, including Star Master Gao Yuan, Instructor Jin, Vice Principal Huntian and others.

Even the principal of Kunlun Star Palace sent him an invitation, inviting him to join Kunlun Star Palace and become its mentor.

Liang Ji was flattered by the invitation from the principal of Kunlun Star Palace. You must know that the vice principals of the nine star palaces of the Star Alliance are all eighth-level star masters, and the principals are all ninth-level star masters and first-level immortals.

It can be said that they are all the strongest beings in the universe, and they all have a high chance of ascending to sainthood.

How could he not be flattered by being invited by such a being to join the Kunlun Star Palace?

However, Instructor Akadama was not surprised when he saw the invitation and said with a smile:

Use your path to integrate the three star palace inheritances and advance to the seventh-level star master!

As well as the research and mastery of the power of the sky demon to create stars, the methods of integrating thirty-six kinds of the power of the sky demon to create stars, etc.

It's enough for the principal to invite you to join Kunlun Star Palace and become its mentor.

Although Master Chiyu said this, Liang Ji was still flattered and sent a message back to the principal of Kunlun Star Palace.

However, he did not immediately agree to join the Kunlun Star Palace and become its mentor. Instead, he explained that he would go to the ‘Sky Demon Star Territory’ to continue participating in the pioneering war.

As for joining Star Palace and becoming a mentor, we need to wait until the end of the Pioneering War.

The principal of Kunlun Star Palace didn't say much about this, he just said that he is welcome to join Kunlun Star Palace at any time and become the mentor of Star Palace.

Afterwards, Liang Ji did not stay in Kunlun Star Palace for long, and quickly said goodbye to Master Chiyu and left.

On the way out, he logged into the Star Alliance official website's department dedicated to registering Star Lord levels and information, changed his Star Lord level, information, etc., and was certified as a seventh-level Star Lord.

After he registered as a seventh-level star master, a large amount of information was received in the star network within a few moments.

In addition to various information about the rights and obligations of the seventh-level Star Lord stage sent by the official website of the Star Alliance, there are also the major star palaces, the Star Alliance Parliament, the Executive Yuan, the Military Department, and the 'security department' where he worked as an intern. Waiting for the message from the Star Alliance high-level department.

Then there are many familiar and unfamiliar large companies and groups, such as Shandelou, Herborist Group, Penglai Chamber of Commerce, Shenluo Group, Phoenix Feather Company, etc., also sent messages one after another.

Liang Ji felt that these messages should be specially set up by Star Palace, Star Alliance high-level organizations, major companies, etc. in the Star Network. Whenever a new seventh-level Star Lord is discovered, these messages will probably be sent.

The main contents of these messages are basically congratulations and invitations!

It can be seen that seventh-level star masters are still very popular among the Star Alliance. Many high-level organizations and major corporate forces in the Star Alliance are willing to invite newly advanced seventh-level star masters to join their respective forces.

In these invitation messages, the various benefits and conditions for inviting seventh-level star masters are listed in detail.

Liang Ji basically read these messages of congratulations and invitations at a glance, and most of them just replied with a standard letter of thanks.

Only a few invitations can be clearly seen, they are not standard, and the benefits and treatment provided by the invitations are much higher than those of other forces.

For example, Shandelou, Herborist Group, Penglai Chamber of Commerce, etc. are obviously more familiar with and understand Liang Ji. After he has advanced to the seventh level Star Master, the messages of congratulations and invitations sent by him are much more detailed and serious.

Moreover, the various invitation conditions, benefits, etc. proposed are much higher than those of other companies.

But as Instructor Akadama said, with the means and power he has now, let alone these large companies and groups, he is even worthy of solemn invitations from high-level organizations of major star palaces and star alliances.

Sure enough, he later saw invitation letters from the principals of the two star palaces in the messages sent by Taiyi Star Palace and Wanxiang Star Palace, inviting him to join the two star palaces as a mentor.

Although he was still flattered, but with the previous invitation from the principal of Kunlun Xinggong, Liang Ji was mentally prepared this time, so he quickly and seriously replied to the two principals of Xinggong.

It’s almost the same as replying to the invitation from the principal of Kunlun Star Palace: Thank you! willing! You have to wait until after the pioneering war!

The principals of the two Star Palaces, like the principal of Kunlun Star Palace, expressed their welcome at any time.

Afterwards, he sent replies to the Star Alliance Executive Yuan, the Military Department, the Security Department, as well as the familiar Shan Delou, Herborist Group, Penglai Chamber of Commerce, etc. These were undoubtedly unable to be responded to with standard messages. It's about getting a better reply and deepening the relationship.

After taking care of these trivial matters, Liang Ji just had time to contact his family, relatives and friends to tell them the good news that he had advanced to the seventh level Star Master.

The first person he contacted was his parents. As he progressed on the path of star master cultivation over the years, his cultivation and status became higher and higher, and he gained more and more resources and interests. His parents, including relatives, etc., They are all enjoying the benefits and benefits brought by this. Not only are their status getting higher and higher, but it is also easier to improve their cultivation and life span.

Just like his parents, in the past two hundred years of practice, although they have not reached the third level, they have each reached the fourth level of shattering the vacuum and the sixth level of the golden elixir. They both have a thousand years of life. Live well.

After receiving the news that he had advanced to the seventh-level Star Master, his parents, relatives and friends were all pleasantly surprised, and they all said they would hold a celebration banquet for him.

However, they were all temporarily rejected by Liang Ji. Next, he needed to rush back to the Star Alliance to open up the battlefield of the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' and seize the last opportunity to earn enough resources and benefits, but he had no time to delay here.

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