The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1069 Xu Mao’s Fall Waiting for My Return

After contacting his family, Liang Ji contacted Peng Yue and others who were still on the front line and told them the good news that he had successfully advanced to the seventh level Star Master.

Congratulations, captain!

Congratulations, Liang Ji!

When Peng Yue and others heard the news about Liang Ji, they all showed expressions of surprise, and all the sorrow on their faces disappeared.

Liang Ji saw something was wrong with their expressions and atmosphere, and couldn't help asking: What's wrong? Did something happen during my breakthrough in seclusion?

Several people looked at each other, and finally Peng Yue came forward and said: Liang Ji, do you still remember that before you went into seclusion, we and Senior Sister Bian were planning to open up another life galaxy?

Of course I remember! Liang Ji nodded, and then seemed to guess their situation, frowning slightly: So, did the development fail?

Peng Yue nodded and said: Not only did the development fail, but we also suffered heavy losses!

Even senior Xu Mao died in this pioneering war.

Senior Xu Mao died? Liang Ji couldn't help but narrowed his eyes when he heard this and asked.

Peng Yue nodded, shook his head and said: He has not completely fallen. We have confirmed it with the Star Alliance. Although Senior Xu Mao's body has fallen, his natal stars are fine, and he has already cultivated the 'Star Immortality' Xingshu is now being reborn in the natal stars.”

Even so, Liang Ji still frowned and his expression changed slightly.

The Star Alliance's pioneering war has always been very dangerous, even more dangerous than the Star Lord team's exploration of the outer star sea.

In the pioneering wars of past dynasties, many Star Lord monks, immortals, etc. have fallen on the pioneering battlefield.

This time the Star Alliance's war to develop the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' is not the most intense and difficult among all the previous Star Alliance wars. After all, there is also the precedent of the original development of the Quicksand Star Territory, which almost broke a star territory into pieces. .

Of course, the war to open up the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' is not over yet, and the ninth-level Heavenly Demons of the Creation Star Territory have not yet taken action. What will be the outcome of this pioneering war? Will it also bring down the entire world at the last moment? It may not be impossible for the star field to be broken into pieces.

But at least so far, the intensity and difficulty of this pioneering war are not the strongest or most difficult.

But even so, as far as Liang Ji knows, in the nearly one hundred years of pioneering wars, many star master monks have sacrificed and died in the pioneering war, and there are even records of the death of seventh-level star masters. As for the dead and injured immortals, More.

However, just like this time, the star master monk who was directly beside him, familiar with him, and even the teammate he had always cooperated with died in the pioneering war and died!

But it is undoubtedly the first time we have encountered it!

It also made him more aware of how fierce and dangerous the Star Alliance's pioneering war in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' has become.

Sure enough, the further forward this pioneering war goes, the more intense and dangerous the frontline battlefield becomes!

Now if there is no seventh-level star master sitting in charge, it will be difficult to gain a foothold on the frontline battlefield!

Previously, I spent more than sixty years concentrating on accelerating my practice in order to advance to the seventh level Star Master as quickly as possible. It is indeed the right choice!

Liang Ji's mind turned around and he became more and more sure of his choice.

Then, he gathered his thoughts, looked at Peng Yue and others, and asked, So what's going on with you guys now?

With the failure to open up the galaxy and the death of Senior Xu Mao, we have returned to the 'Red Sun Galaxy' for cultivation and recovery.

According to the wishes of Senior Sister Bian Yujiao and Senior Chen Zhao, they intend to lead the alliance team, find a team with a high-level Star Master in charge, organize and join them, and then continue to participate in the subsequent development war!

Liang Ji nodded slightly when he heard this. He was not surprised by the choices of Bian Yujiao and Chen Zhao. It was obvious that everyone had realized that it would be impossible to continue to participate in the subsequent development war without a high-level star master to be in charge and lead the team.

You probably haven't decided which high-level star master you will join yet, right?

He couldn't help but ask.

Not yet! Peng Yue shook his head and said: They have only tentatively determined a few candidates, all of whom are seniors and seniors from Kunlun Star Palace, but they have not yet been finalized.

Liang Ji couldn't help but feel relaxed when he heard this. If Bian Yujiao and Chen Zhao had really decided who they wanted to take refuge with, or even brought their team there, then after he returned this time, he would either have to follow them and fight under the command of other high-level Star Lords. , fight.

Or they can only part ways with them and lead their own team to leave the alliance team.

But these two options are undoubtedly not good choices for him.

The first option is to join other high-level star masters, and you will undoubtedly lose a lot of autonomy, and even more of the results of fighting and killing will be taken away by other high-level star masters.

He has been practicing in seclusion for more than sixty years, focusing on accelerating his cultivation and advancing to the seventh level Star Master as quickly as possible. This is not just to make wedding clothes for others in the open battlefield.

As for the second option, it is naturally not a good choice.

Although Liang Ji has advanced to the seventh-order star master, he has just advanced after all. Many of the supporting methods and training of the seventh-order star master have not yet been completed. Although his strength is not said to be at the bottom among the seventh-order star masters, it is definitely not the highest. How strong.

It was because of him that he took the path of fusion of star palace inheritances, integrated the three star palace inheritances into one, and was promoted to seventh-level star master, which gave him a starting point and combat power that far exceeded that of ordinary seventh-level star master newcomers.

Therefore, even if Liang Ji has advanced to the seventh-level Star Master, if he wants to fight and fight on the front lines of the increasingly dangerous battlefield, open up the galaxy, and seize profits, he can only rely on himself and his subordinates, the Dragon Snake and the Dragon Snake. The 'True Dragon', 'Ice Soul' and other teams are undoubtedly far from enough.

Seniors Bian Yujiao, Senior Chen Zhao and others are also his inseparable assistants and can provide him with a lot of combat help.

At that moment, Liang Ji did not hesitate or delay any longer, and directly said to Peng Yue: Help me contact the seniors and seniors!

Of course Peng Yue understood what he meant, and immediately connected everyone's communications to form a projection conference.

Liang Ji, you are out of seclusion!

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao couldn't help but be surprised when she saw Liang Ji's figure.

Senior Chen Zhao on the other side, his eyes lit up and he said: Liang Ji, you went back to seclusion this time to break through to the seventh-level star master! Now that you are out of seclusion, could it be that you have already...

Not bad! Liang Ji nodded, looked at the two seniors and said: Senior, senior, I have successfully advanced to the seventh level Star Master!


It's really advanced...

Although Chen Zhao and Bian Yujiao had already made some guesses when they heard this, they still couldn't hide the surprise on their faces.

After hearing Liang Ji's title, he also said quickly: Those who have mastered come first. Liang Ji, you have successfully advanced to the seventh level Star Master. You don't dare to be called your senior or senior sister anymore.

Liang Ji smiled and said: Senior and senior sister have taken care of me a lot over the years, it's just a title.

As he spoke, he changed the topic and said: I heard about your failure to open up the galaxy. Please wait for me. I will return to the battlefield and fight back with you!

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