The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1070 Return to the pioneering battlefield and regain people’s morale

Sky Demon Star Territory, Chiyang Galaxy!

After Liang Ji contacted Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others, he did not stay in the Star Alliance for a long time. He soon returned to the Star Alliance's development battlefield in the Sky Demon Star Territory through the transmissions of the Starlight Gate. Red Sun Galaxy.

Here, he also saw the alliance team that had suffered heavy losses.

In its heyday, there were a total of twenty starships, but now there are only thirteen starships left.

It can be seen that in the previous failure of Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao and others to open up the galaxy, not only Senior Xu Mao died, but the entire alliance team suffered heavy casualties. Seven starships fell and were destroyed in that open war.

This was a loss that even Peng Yue and others could not imagine during the more than sixty years that Liang Ji had been in seclusion and cultivation, and that Peng Yue and others had failed to develop the galaxy one after another.

If they had suffered such losses when they first opened up the Rose Sun Galaxy, I am afraid that the entire alliance team would have collapsed and dispersed.

Now Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao and others can maintain the team and withdraw to the Red Sun Galaxy for training and recovery, which is already very good.

The 'Dragon Snake' starship, the 'True Dragon' starship... Liang Ji looked at his team and couldn't help but frown, The 'Bingso' starship was also destroyed in the previous pioneering battle. Now, Only these two starships are left!

Peng Yue nodded slightly and admitted.

Liang Ji couldn't help but take a deep breath, and then asked: Is your grandma okay?

The 'Bing Soul' starship is a starship that is chaired and presided over by Peng Yue's grandmother. He can't help but worry that she will perish with the 'Bing Soul' starship.

After all, Peng Yue's grandma was just an ordinary star master and had not cultivated the star technique of 'star immortality'. If she really fell with the starship in the war, she would not even have a chance to be reborn.

This is why, among the Star Alliance, generally only the mid-level Star Lords who were born in the Star Palace can leave the Star Alliance and explore and fight in the outer star sea.

As for ordinary star masters, only advanced star masters can leave the scope of the Star Alliance and enter the outer star sea to explore and fight.

Only in such a pioneering war can these ordinary middle-level star masters dare to follow the large team to leave the Star Alliance territory and come to the outer star sea to participate in battles and fights.

However, most of the middle-level star masters from ordinary backgrounds have not mastered the star technique of star immortality. In such battles and killings, they fall and die, and even the chance of being reborn in the natal stars is very slim.

Only after these ordinary star masters advance to high-level star masters can they have the opportunity to use the star master's own influence and transformation on the natal stars to modify and make up for the defects and shortcomings left by past cultivation and advancement.

Hearing Liang Ji's worry, Peng Yue shook his head and said, The rescue was timely, so nothing happened.

That's good!

Liang Ji nodded, and then looked at the other teams in the alliance.

Senior Xu Mao died in the battle. He was undoubtedly the one with the most serious casualties and losses. There were originally three starships, but now only one was left, controlled by his team. However, without Senior Xu Mao sitting in and presiding over the battle, there was no doubt that There is not much fighting power left.

In addition, of the three starships that Junior Liu Xu had funded for them, only one was left at this time, and the other two starships had also been damaged in the previous failed development battles.

For this reason, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others had to contact Junior Liu Xu to apologize.

In fact, the two seniors and seniors who had previously considered joining the high-level star masters were from the family of junior Liu Xu.

Finally, the starship teams of Senior Chen Zhao and Senior Bian Yujiao each lost one starship.

Senior Chen Zhao lost his flagship in the Red Sun Galaxy. Later, during the more than sixty years of Liang Ji's retreat, the other party rebuilt the flagship. This time, in the failed development war, the flagship was not destroyed again. He went there, but also destroyed one of his starships.

From the number of starships lost and destroyed, we can see the heavy casualties and losses caused by their previous failure to develop the galaxy.

Congratulations to Star Master Liang Ji for successfully advancing to the seventh level Star Master!

Welcome the return of Star Lord Liangji!

After Liang Ji returned, he did not immediately go to the front lines to open up the battlefield and restart the development of life systems. Instead, he held a lively celebration under the auspices of Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others.

Congratulate him for successfully advancing to the seventh level Star Master and welcome his return.

Liang Ji understood what they meant. The alliance team had just suffered a huge defeat, with heavy casualties. Even Star Master Xu Mao, one of the alliance members, had died in it, and as many as seven starships were damaged.

Under this situation, Liang Ji could clearly feel the very gloomy and depressing atmosphere in the alliance team. It could be said that people's hearts were separated, and many members, monks, and immortals in the team had already intended to leave.

Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others held a celebration party for him at this time, which was to announce to everyone in the team:

Their alliance team already has its own high-level star master. In the next pioneering war, they will never encounter the previous disastrous defeats, casualties and losses.

On the contrary, under the leadership of high-level star masters, they will win one victory after another in the next pioneering war and gain more resources, benefits and merits!

And the effect of this celebration is also obvious.

When Liang Ji showed off the power of the Star Spirits at the celebration, the alliance team, which was originally low in morale and divided, suddenly burst into real cheers. The morale of the entire team greatly increased, and people's hearts came together again!

Amidst such cheers and celebrations, Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, and Chen Zhao gathered together and started a formal meeting.

What happened? Liang Ji looked at a few people and asked, What situation did you encounter when you were exploring the galaxy, and you suffered such heavy casualties and losses?

You must know that during his more than sixty years of seclusion, Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao and others suffered three consecutive failed battles to open up the country, but none of them suffered such serious casualties or losses.

The most serious one was that they even encountered a joint siege by seventh-order void monsters, seventh-order gods, and seventh-order elemental spirits, but none of them suffered the death of the star master.

This time, senior Xu Mao actually fell into it, seven starships were lost, and even more monks, immortals, and ordinary star masters were killed or injured!

Is it possible that you have encountered the eighth-level Void Monster Clan?

Liang Ji couldn't help but ask.

Unexpectedly, his casual guess made Peng Yue and Bian Yujiao slightly nod.

Liang Ji couldn't help but sit up straight in an instant, and said a little dumbfounded: Did you really run into the eighth-order void demon clan?

We didn't directly hit the eighth-order Void Demon Clan, otherwise Xu Mao might have died. At this time, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao responded: We just encountered the eighth-order Star Lord and the eighth-order Void Demon during the war to open up the galaxy. The impact of the aftermath of the clan battle, and then fell into the siege of the seventh-order void demon clan and the seventh-order elemental spirit, that’s why there was such a huge defeat and loss.”

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