The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1076: The Origin of Bloodline Sweeps the Yellow Sun Galaxy

Liang Ji's 'Star Spirit Giant' was as big as a star under the blessing of the original mysterious light. He followed the alliance team step by step in the Huangyang Galaxy, chasing behind the Void Demon Clan that was constantly defeated and escaping.

He activated the star technique of the 'Star Picking Hand', and the bright starlight and the original mysterious light converged to form a huge starlight hand, and he reached out to grab a seventh-level void green bull from the void monster clan in front.

After he advanced to the seventh-level star master, the seventh-level void demon clan demon elixir refined by his natal star was the seventh-level void green bull demon elixir.

As for the high-level Void Monster Clan, even in the vast void star sea, their numbers are often limited, far less numerous than the mid- to low-level Void Monster Clan.

Therefore, for the high-level Void Demon Clan, developing natal stars and cultivating dependent clans often requires a sufficient number of high-level Void Demon Clan Demon Pills, which can be a big trouble.

According to the information Liang Ji learned about seventh-order star masters from the official website of the Star Alliance, there was a special guide for seventh-order star masters on how to pursue and hunt more useful seventh-order void demon clan demon pills.

One of the methods mentioned is to enter the black hole to hunt high-level void monsters. There are often places where many high-level void monsters gather, but the danger is often the greatest, even more dangerous than in the void of the outer star sea. Much bigger.

Therefore, if he could meet a seventh-level void green bull in the Huangyang Galaxy, Liang Ji would not let go of this opportunity. He must seize the opportunity to kill the seventh-level void green bull and seize the seventh-level void green bull. Demon elixir.

In this way, it will be less troublesome to find and hunt the seventh-level Void Green Bull in the future.

For this reason, Liang Ji even directly summoned three of the seventh-order Void Monsters on the battlefield, namely the seventh-order prisoner ox, the seventh-order Yasu, and the seventh-order Suanni, and directly launched a siege against the seventh-order void green bull.

The seventh-level prison cow also controls the original power of wood and vitality, which is the same as the seventh-level void green bull's control of the original power and the power of the great law.

Even based on the courses and knowledge Liang Ji had learned about bloodlines from Taiyi Star Palace over the years, he could already see that in order to create the Prison Niu Familia, he chose to integrate the 'Tauren' alien bloodline from the Half-Dragon Familia. Among them are the parts related to the Void Blue Bull Demon Clan.

In this vast cosmic sea of ​​​​stars, countless stars, void monsters, life in the stars, alien races, etc. all live in the same starry sky. Although they seem to be very far away, they are often separated by endless voids, galaxies, heaven and earth. .

But in fact, everything in this universe is closely related. It is not strange that the alien natives bred in the stars of life have some bloodlines of the Void Monster Clan.

Even, as far as Liang Ji knows, in the academic research of 'Taiyi Star Palace', there is a very popular theory of 'bloodline origin', which is pursued and favored by many high-level star masters in Taiyi Star Palace and even the Star Alliance. recognized.

This 'blood origin theory' believes that all creatures and sentient beings in the entire cosmic star sea, whether they are humans from the Star Alliance, indigenous alien races in various life stars, or countless types of void monsters in the void, etc., their bloodline traces After tracing their origins, they all come from the same bloodline.

According to the 'bloodline origin theory', the existence of bloodline at the source is the supreme existence that opened up this sea of ​​stars in the universe.

The differences among all living beings in the universe and the sea of ​​stars are just differences caused by inheriting different parts and degrees of the original bloodline, as well as various mutations and changes in subsequent development.

Liang Ji didn't know if this 'bloodline origin theory' was correct, but he did confirm that the bloodline power he integrated into the 'Prison Niu' of his family was indeed closely related to the Void Blue Niu.

So at this time, he sent out the seventh-level prisoner cow to compete with the seventh-level void green bull for control of the wood element and the source of vitality. Not only did he suppress and weaken the combat power of the seventh-level void green bull as much as possible; but also, Using the power of the seventh-level prisoner cow to compete with the seventh-level void green bull for the origin and legal assistance, it can also prevent the other party from self-destructing the origin and destroying everything like the seventh-level void horned crocodile.

This can be regarded as the first battle experience that Liang Ji learned and summed up in this first battle after advancing to the seventh level.

At the same time, the seventh-level Yasui and the seventh-level Suani he sent out controlled the origin of fire and metal respectively, and they were all Familia who had a restraining effect on the origin of wood and vitality controlled by the seventh-level void green bull.

In this way, under the siege of these three seventh-level family members, Prisoner Niu was weakened, Yazui and Suanni were restrained and severely injured. Finally, Liang Ji took control of the 'Star Spirit Giant' body and directly used the star technique 'Star Picking Hand' to overthrow the enemy. Press down and initiate a decisive blow.

The seventh-level void green bull had no chance to struggle or resist. It even had a chance to self-destruct. Liang Ji successfully suppressed it and killed it in the void. He directly took out a seventh-level demon pill from its body and collected it. In the bag.

At the same time, a seventh-level bloodline power belonging to the Void Blue Ox was also extracted by the 'Star Picker' and integrated into the 'Bloodline Catalog' controlled by the 'Star Spirit Giant' to enhance the power of the 'Bloodline Catalog' , making the 'Bloodline Catalog' one step closer to advancing to the seventh level.

Even so, most of the body of the seventh-order void green bull is still intact, and it can harvest a lot of seventh-order demonic materials.

But these can be dealt with after this battle is over.

The 'Star Spirit Giant' body controlled by Liang Ji turned his eyes and looked at the battlefield again.

At this time, there were only seven seventh-order Void Monsters left in the Huangyang Galaxy. In addition to the seventh-order Void Horned Crocodile and the seventh-order Void Green Ox that he had killed, there were two other seventh-order Void Monsters who were killed. The seventh-level family members under his command, together with the starships of Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao and others, and the third-level immortals jointly killed him.

With the joint efforts of all the seventh-level family members, starships, and third-level immortals, especially after the seventh-level family members' combat power has greatly increased under the blessing of the original mysterious light, their combined combat power and lethality are not much worse than Liang Ji.

His eyes quickly locked onto another seventh-order Void Demon Clan. It was a seventh-order Void Golden Roc. It controlled the two original powers of gold and void. It traveled freely in the Huangyang Galaxy battlefield, even with several seventh-order Familia. Even with joint efforts, it is difficult to trap and suppress it. It can be said to be the most difficult opponent in the Yellow Sun Galaxy, second only to the seventh-order Void Horned Crocodile.

Therefore, after Liang Ji defeated the seventh-order Void Horned Crocodile and the seventh-order Void Green Ox, he set his third target on the seventh-order Void Golden Roc.

The giant hand of starlight formed by the astrology Star Picking Hand pressed down, and immediately suppressed all the golden elements and the origin of the void controlled by the seventh-level Void Golden Roc. Under the blockade of the bright starlight and the origin of the mysterious light, it directly suppressed the seven-level flying and coming. The Void Golden Roc was captured and captured on the spot.

As each of the seventh-level Void Monsters was killed or captured, the Void Monsters entrenched in the Huangyang Galaxy were gradually slaughtered and expelled.

After Liang Ji advanced to the seventh level, their process of developing the Huangyang Galaxy was different from the past processes of developing the Guiyang Galaxy.

When they first opened up the Guiyang Galaxy, Liang Ji and others could only work step by step, conquering half of the galaxy first and setting up the Star Map Array for the other half. They relied on the help of the Star Map Array for the other half to achieve the final victory.

But now, with Liang Ji, a seventh-level star master, sitting on the battlefield, they no longer need to plan step by step. They can directly take the first step to kill or drive away all the void monsters in the galaxy.

First, take down the entire Huangyang Galaxy, and then slowly clean up the internal problems, such as the resistance and suppression of the star monsters in several life stars, the layout of the ‘Star Map Array’, etc.

This is undoubtedly the confidence brought by the seventh-level star master's combat power.

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