The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1077 The Second Battle Seventh-Level God

In the Huangyang Galaxy, dragon roars were heard one after another, accompanied by more mournful roars from the Void Monster Race.

After Liang Ji advanced to the seventh-level star master, he fought against the seventh-level void demon clan for the first time and opened up the life galaxy for the first time. It can be said that he won a great victory. Each of the seventh-level void demon clan was killed by him, harvesting demon pills, blood and demon materials. ; Or be captured by him and turned into a resource for him to exchange for benefits and merits.

And with the defeat of the seventh-level Void Monster Race one by one, the remaining middle and low-level Void Monster Race in the galaxy can only be slaughtered and swept away. They either flee for their lives in panic, or become the help of the alliance team in the process of developing the galaxy. A big gain.

Although, the market in the Star Alliance has already seen a massive influx of various Void Demon Clan materials due to the war to open up the ‘Sky Demon Star Territory’, resulting in a sharp drop in the prices of various Void Demon Clan materials.

However, by opening up a galaxy in this way and killing and capturing a large number of middle and low-level void monsters, a lot of spiritual stones and resources can be exchanged for small profits but quick turnover, which is enough to feed many monks and immortals in the alliance team.

Of course, in such a pioneering war, the gains from these middle and low-level void monsters can only be regarded as small profits. The real big profits are the galaxy itself and those seventh-level void monsters.

Therefore, Liang Ji used all his strength in this battle and finally did not let a seventh-level void monster escape. He won a complete victory in his first battle after advancing to the seventh-level star master.

However, just when Liang Ji and others strangled all the seventh-level void monsters, killed or expelled all the middle and low-level void monsters in the galaxy, they took over the entire Huangyang Galaxy.

In the void in the galaxy, a mysterious divine light suddenly penetrated the void and quietly hit Liang Ji's 'Star Spirit Giant'.

At that moment, the figures of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods', the 'Bloodline Atlas', and the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' appeared around Liang Ji's 'Star Spirit Giant', guarding him.

Bad courage!

At the last moment, the void shook and was torn apart, and a god wearing a divine crown and holding a divine staff was bombarded from the void by the golden divine light.

Even the natal star projection that protects me is unable to resist the attack of 'Genesis' at this time. The starlight and original power contained in the natal star projection have also been swallowed up and assimilated by the divine world derived from 'Genesis'. .

At the critical moment, the 'Bloodline Catalog' and the 'Millennium Furnace' operated simultaneously, and the eight-in-one power was injected into the 'Feng Shen Bang' to stabilize it and even stimulate the weaker power of 'Fu Yanyuan'.

Even the power of the natal star projection that is actively displayed is still comparable to the astrology scripture that is automatically displayed in the current first-order star master stage.

The 'Star Spirit Giant' once again activated the 'Star Picking Hand' star technique, and another giant hand of starlight swept through the void, the universe, and the source of the star sea, and bombarded the gods of this level.

God's punishment!

As he said that, the 'Star Spirit Giant' reached out with a giant hand of starlight and struck directly at this level of god.

The seventh battle is coming!

Yes, Liang Ji also found that I have practiced and mastered too many star arts, especially the offensive star arts. There are basically only two, one is the 'Star Picking Hand', and the other is the 'Star Breaking Blow' that is both good and bad in the scriptures. '.

But now, before I stepped back to the first level of Star Lord and cultivated the 'Star Spirit Body', I finally lost the ability to fight and fight with that first level of gods.

Amidst the roar and explosion, both the God's Punishment Thunder and the Starlight Giant Hand exploded into the void and died together.

Back then on the battlefield of the Great Void Sea, Peng Yue and others piloted the Dragon Snake starship. We avoided those first-order gods and retreated to fight. However, even so, we were still destroyed by a first-order god in one blow. Even we almost fell into the battlefield after missing the Dragon Snake starship.

But if you are like me when you are a seventh- or eighth-level star master, you need to use dragon soul and other powers to actively use them to achieve the protection of your natal star projection.

In an instant, the projection of the natal star appeared around Liang Ji's 'Star Spirit Giant'. It was true, inside, and inside, as if the natal star had really arrived, guarding the 'Star Spirit Giant' and resisting the bombardment of the God's Thunder of Punishment.

First-order god!

Fu Yan's eyes became darker and darker when he saw this.

The star technique 'Breaking Star Strike' can naturally be used in special battles, so the only star technique I can use to attack now is the 'Star Picker'.

When he came up, the star master of this level held up the divine crown, and brilliant divine light burst out from the divine crown, falling under the divine staff in his hand. The divine staff drew a stroke in the air, nothing like the creation of the world, void and chaos. was cut open, and the origin of void, universe, and chaos was twisted and created on the divine light, turning into the original divine light that created the world, and opened up a divine world in the void.

Liang Ji also shouted deeply, and immediately activated the 'Fu Yanyuan' that was injected and weakened by the eight-in-one power. The bright golden divine light burst out from it and shot directly into the void.

The god who was blasted out of the void by the golden divine light of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' had not yet reacted or seen the giant hand of starlight coming towards him. He immediately gave a deep shout, raised his scepter, and raised his voice:

The divine light that came quietly was directly blocked by the 'Feng Shen Bang', but it also almost caused the 'Feng Shen Bang' to be blown away.

The god raised his voice and said: Oracle, Genesis!

Before retiring to the first level of Star Master, all the star techniques I have cultivated since then will undergo qualitative transformations, and their power will increase dozens of times.

No enemies yet!

Liang Ji can sense that the 'Godly World' that is being developed and evolved is swallowing and twisting the origin of my 'Star Spirit Giant', trying to swallow me into it, transform me into it, and become the core of the 'Godly World' that is being opened up. part.

At this time, the 'Star Spirit Giant' had to activate the 'Star Picking Hand' star technique again, and the starlight condensed into a small hand and once again blasted towards the first-order god on the opposite side.

The god of this level raised his staff and waved it one after another. A thunderbolt of divine punishment shattered the starlight giant's hand, followed by another thunderbolt transformed by divine light that struck Liang Ji's 'Star Spirit Giant'.

Before regressing to the first level of Star Lord, the star magic of 'Stars are Death' and the direct transformation into the projection of the natal Star Lord can automatically protect Liang Ji and his 'Star Spirit Body' from danger anytime and anywhere.

The divine world opened up and evolved by the divine light suddenly enveloped Liang Ji's 'Star Spirit Giant'.

Suddenly, brilliant divine light burst out from under his divine staff, turning into divine punishment thunder in the void and directly bombarding under the giant hand of starlight.

Using the star technique of the 'Star Picker', the small hand made of starlight blasted into the 'God's Domain', and was also swallowed and digested by 'Genesis'!

Liang Ji's eyes lit up as he looked at the blasted god.

And the gods of this level seemed to have seen Liang Ji's true and false qualities, and saw that I was just a first-level star master who had just retired from the level, and the combat methods I mastered were unlimited.

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