The Eternal battle

Chapter 302: A Good Deed Without Interest (2)

A happy smile appeared on Shi Tu's face and said, "Oh? So you are poor? Since you are looking for a cure for Soul-Corrosive Poison in the Yin-Yang World, I thought you could afford it but it turns out that you are just roaming? How did you intend to pay? By borrowing?"

Shi Tu's smile intensified, "Since you can't pay, leave."

Under the two young's eyes, Shi Tu's happy smile seemed to be a smile of contempt especially looking at his words.

The two youngsters showed complex expressions because the young woman's life depended on this Pill.

The young man gritted his teeth, clasped his hand, and bowed respectfully.

"Respected Alchemist, you may not know this but my name is Man Xuan, I am third on Yang Tian Ranking and this is Liu Jiayao the eighth on Yin Tian Ranking. If you help us now we are sure to repay this debt to you in the future."

Liu Jiayao seemed very moved because the proud Man Xuan was willing to bow his head for her.

On the contrary, Shi Tu sneered and said, "But you can't pay now, there's no guarantee for me that you won't die in the future for whatever reason. Not everyone is interested in talent and future prospects. What's important is what you can offer now. Do you think any person would take that risk? Maybe I'd invest in you if you didn't ask for something as precious as this, but a title Pill?"

In front of Shi Tu's disdain, Liu Jiayao grabbed Man Xuan's arm.

"Brother Xuan, you don't have to…."

"At all! as long as there is hope, I am ready even to give my life."

Man Xuan replied very insistently.

"But... ok."

Seeing Man Xuan's strong insistence, Liu Jiayao knew that he would never back down so I gave up.

"Respected Alchemist...."

Man Xuan took out several medicinal herbs in a pleading tone and said, "Please, as long as you help her, I am willing to cross the fire and climb the mountains."

Shi Tu sneered and said, "Boy, maybe you used to meet some mysterious people who are willing to help you because you are talented. Let me tell you, they are just taking advantage of you, pinning their hopes on you that they cannot fulfill in exchange for some kindness towards you. Their actions may seem like a big thing to you but to them, that is It's no different than moving their fingers."

" This .... "

Man Xuan couldn't find anything to say because after thinking, he realized that Shi Tu had described exactly what he had gone through in the First Heaven as he used to repay the kindness of others which always put him in constant danger.

But what does this have to do with the matter?

Follow Shi To and said, "Again, your talent and future prospects mean nothing to me, I can do everything myself and I don't need to pin my hopes on anyone. So after I refine this Pill, how do you intend to pay? I will definitely be able to sell it but outside the Yin-Yang World, so why do you want me to do it?''

Man Xuan showed a desperate expression, if they weren't within the God Hand Medicinal Village, he wouldn't hesitate to use force to force Shi Tu to refine the Pill for them even if at the cost of his reputation and honor, but at the moment it is unknown when Shi Tu will leave God Hand Medicinal Village and Liu Jiayao can't hold out more than a month.


Man Xuan fell to his knees and hit his head hard on the ground until blood spurted out.

"Respectable Alchemist, please, as long as you save her, I will do anything."

"Brother Xuan…."

Shi Tu was not affected by the scene in the slightest, but he is very happy because this is his chance to show good for free.

Shi Tu seemed to be lost in his thoughts for a while.

It didn't seem that he could do them a favor for free, the sincere and frank kind he showed no remorse after what Shi Tu said about his naivety in returning kindness. This type of person will never accept unrequited kindness.

Finally, Shi Tu said, "I can refine the Pill for you."

" Really? "

Shi Tu added. "On one condition"

"No problem, I can promise you everything as long as you can save Sister Yao."

Man Xuan did not hesitate at all before agreeing, no matter what Shi Tu asks, he is willing!!

"I want you to become my followers, if only one of you would have to follow me and carry out all my commands unconditionally for ten thousand years if you both followed me the period would be shortened to only a thousand years."

" Not a problem "

Man Xuan did not hesitate before accepting. "If you can refine a Nine-Colored Soul Cleansing Pill, not to mention ten thousand years, I will be your faithful servant for a hundred thousand years and am willing to swear with the Heavenly Law as a witness."

" No! "

Liu Jiayao grabbed Man Xuan's hand and said, "Brother Xuan, I am the reason for this and it is unfair for you to suffer for me, the Pill is made for me so it is only natural for me to pay myself."

Liu Jiayao looked at Shi Tu and said with great determination.

"You said one of us and you did not specify any of us so I will serve you for a hundred thousand years and I am also willing to swear with the Heavenly Law as a witness but I have one condition that is…."

"Stop wasting my time"

Shi Tu seemed uninterested in hearing more and said, "You two will get nowhere even if you keep arguing until the next morning. Why don't you follow me for a thousand years and you don't have to take any oaths, I have confidence in making you both regret if you think of doing something stupid."

Shi Tu added, "You won't have to break up and I don't care about your relationship because I just want some helpers, who know, maybe the girl will learn something from me about Alchemistry."

Shi Tu has absolutely no intention of recruiting them, they don't have any qualifications to do anything to obtain them.

Shi Tu now doesn't use his real face so once they leave, they won't meet again.

They both looked at each other for a moment before they both nodded.

Liu Jiayao helped Man Xuan stand up and then Man Xuan gently grabbed her hand to reassure him.

Given this, Shi Tu has to admit that they are a wonderful couple, and if nothing happens and they die, they will definitely stay with each other.

A complicated expression appeared on Shi Tu's face as he remembered the past before quickly disappearing.

"Okay, I'll start refining now."

"Here? Don't you need a high-class alchemy room and cauldron? How are you going to do it here?"

All the expressions disappeared from Shi Tu's face and he looked completely focused.

Shi Tu stretched out his hand towards the ingredients and a gray flame ignited in his hand.

Primordial flame swallowed all the ingredients at the same time.

The process of refinement of Pills takes place through three main steps, which are to refine the herbs into a medicinal liquid using a flame, then purify the medicinal liquids from impurities, and the second step is to combine the medicinal liquids in ideal proportions to form the Embryonic Pill. Finally, the last stage is the maturation of the Embryonic Pill into a mature Pill.

The level of the Pill depends on the ingredients while the quality depends on the skill of the Alchemist in purifying all the impurities, integrating the medicinal liquid perfectly, and the full maturity of the Embryonic Pill.

To refine a Title Pill, all of the impurities must be completely purified and medicinal liquids perfectly combined without any imbalance in proportions and allow the Embryonic Pill to achieve full maturity.

Under Liu Jiayao's astonished eyes, all the ingredients were refined and turned into medicinal liquid.

Seeing this, Liu Jiayao completely opened her mouth.

Since she's an Alchemical she definitely knows what she's seeing.

refine without cauldron!!

Liu Jiayao had never expected to see this skill here.

This skill was created by the Alchemy God and only a few had mastered it.

Senior Alchemists could use this technique after possessing many types of flames and strong spirit power to refine low-grade but high-grade Pills? Only Alchemy God Yao Yan could do it.

Within the Primordial Flame, medicinal liquids resulting from the refinement of medicinal herbs fused to form a small Embryonic Pill that hardened and gradually increased in size under the Primordial Flame until it matured completely.

In the beginning, the color of the seed was white, but as the seedling seed matured more and more, the color changed to yellow, then orange, red, green, all the way to gray.

The Pill hadn't changed for a while, causing Man Xuan and Liu Jiayao to be disappointed, but not much.

It's hard to refine a Title Pill and it's ridiculous to think that Shi Tu can succeed on the first try.

Considering the skills Shi Tu had shown and his ability to refine a Gray Pill so easily, Shi Tu's skills must be the real thing and he might even be able to refine a Title Pill.

However, both of them didn't know Shi Tu's success rate and decided to ask him after he finished this Pill.

Even if his success rate is one in ten thousand, it is already quite high, and the ingredients of a Soul Cleansing Pill are not rare anyway.

Unexpectedly, the Pill changed color again and lit up with three bright colors.

"Hey, look what this is?"

Throughout the God Hand Medicinal Village, everyone could see a strange phenomenon of light covering the sky.

Three bright colors fused together with a rich and refreshing medicinal scent.

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