The Eternal battle

Chapter 303: Big Misunderstanding (1)

"This… a Venerable Pill? Is this the birth of a Venerable Pill?"

An experienced Alchemist spoke with deep shock on his face.

"Amazing! is it Grandmaster Kai? It has been a long time since he successfully refined a Venerable Pill."

Another Alchemist added, "That's right, in the Yin-Yang World, only Grandmaster Kai can make a Venerable Pill."

An Alchemist pointed to his disciple and said, "Prepare a big gift, we're going to visit Grandmaster Kai."

"But Master, how about the Pill refinement? We have to hand it over today."

" Let him wait, Grandmaster Kai's face is much more important, and….!!!!"

The radiance of the phenomenon increased and changed again as three additional colors appeared that covered half of the God Hand Medicinal Village with dazzling light.

"Heavens! six colors? S-S-Sovereign Pill?!!"

The Alchemists dropped their mouths to the ground in shock.

"Impossible!! even Grandmaster Kai cannot refine a Sovereign Pill, has an ancient treasure been discovered?" A puzzled young man asked.

"Idiot! don't you know that a phenomenon only occurs when a Pill is refined? Only a Seventh Grade Pill, a Venerable Pill, or higher can attract a phenomenon."

"And what about the Heavenly Lightning Tribulation? Why didn't it appear?"

"Because in the Yin-Yang World, just like cultivators, the Yin-Yang World is blocking the Heavenly Lightning Tribulation and only allowing a phenomenon to occur."

The phenomenon did not stop there, but three additional colors appeared to form a wonderful combination of nine colors that could be seen from anywhere in the God Hand Medicinal Village.

Title Pill!!

"I can't believe it, nine colors, it's legendary nine colors."

"How is that? Who can refine a Title Pill?"

In the sky, a large black cloud appeared that covered the phenomenon, the cloud is so large that it covered the entire God Hand Medicinal Village.

Dozens of lightning bolts appeared and looked berserk as if they were searching for their prey.

"This Heavenly Lightning Tribulation? Isn't it supposed to not appear in the Yin-Yang World?"

An old Alchemist remembered something he said. "So the rumors are true? I heard Master say that there was someone who could refine a Sovereign's Weapon within the Yin-Yang World and attract the Heavenly Lightning Tribulation. because of this, it was said that the Heavenly Lightning Tribulation could appear if Heavens-Defying thing appeared."

"That's right, a Title Pill can be considered Heaven-Defying enough for the Heavenly Lightning Tribulation to appear."

The lightning bolts evolved into furious lightning dragons searching for their target, all the lightning dragons seemed to look in a certain direction as if they had found their target.

"This direction is…. Isn't this where Grandmaster Kai is? Did he manage to refine a Title Pill?"

"It must be so '' enlightened Alchemist said, "Perhaps Grandmaster Kai passed an epiphany during the refinement, which enabled him to refine a Title Pill."

Some chemists agreed and one said, "I think so too, although it is rare but not impossible."

"Now, we just have to hope that Grandmaster Kai overcomes the Heavenly Lightning Tribulation."

Strangely, the Heavenly Lightning Dragons did not fall but gradually disappeared along with the black cloud.


On the western side of God Hand Medical Village, the architectural nature is very different from the eastern side, it resembles the most contemporary buildings because it is skyscrapers and many modern facilities.

Although the western side is only a third of the God Hand Medicinal Village, it has more residents simply because the treatment here is less expensive than on the eastern side and most of the people here are weak people who can't afford the Pills and have no choice but to rely on technology.

Of course, there is a group that prefers this method because they depend from the beginning on technology and come from the world of automaton or similar worlds.

On one of the higher floors of the tallest building, Alice stood in front of the glass windows, watching the sky intently.

"Indeed, someone can refine a Title Pill in the Yin-Yang World? This is unexpected."

Behind Alice, Sun Jie lay in her seat very lazily, "More than that, didn't father say that refining a Title Pill was impossible without a Heavenly Flame and cultivation base in the Fourth Step at least? Other than that, how can the flame's power be drawn enough to purify all the impurities and how can the flames be controlled in a way that allows for a perfect fusion of medicinal liquids?"

Sun Jie helplessly added, "Also, why didn't the Heavenly Tribulation Lightning come down?"

Alice looked at her sister strangely and asked, "Sister, why do I feel that you are not surprised at all?"

Sun Jie showed more helplessness.

How can she be surprised when she knows very well who Shi Tu is?

He's Alchemy God who has reached the pinnacle of alchemy and becomes a Heavenly Title while he's only at the third step.

To him, how hard would it be to refine a low-grade Title Pill?

As for the Heavenly Tribulation? He had summoned one earlier and perhaps the Yin-Yang World was resentful of the arrogance of the Thirty-Three Heavens and forcefully attended the Heavenly Lightning Tribulation.

Sun Jie felt a little hesitant. Shi Tu had done this on purpose to tell her that he was alive.

Even though Sun Jie did not hesitate to run away because she knew very well that Shi Tu would not die that easily and that her presence was just a burden to him, she couldn't help but think that Shi Tu was now extremely angry for her running away and sent her this warning message.

After all, besides Shi Tu, no one can achieve this.

Especially since she can't deny that she wished for his death so that he could not meet Alice again.

"Sister, I have something to tell you."

After some hesitation, Sun Jie decided to tell Alice the truth.

On one hand, she wants her sister's happiness because Shi Tu turns out he did it for her good even though he didn't take her opinion. She also doesn't know what will happen to her in the future and only Shi Tu can save her if it turns out that she will die soon as he said.

On the other hand, to avoid Alice's wrath when she knows.

If she doesn't tell her, then Shi Tu tells her, she will have to face Shi Tu and Alice's wrath.

If she tells her, Alice will be grateful to her and will prevent Shi Tu from hurting her and perhaps make Shi Tu give her some benefit.

"Why do you look so serious?"

Alice thought of something and asked, "Has a report arrived from Feng Xiaoxiao that one of the Title talents is highly skilled in alchemy?"

After some thought, Alice nodded and said, "Indeed, there are four Title talents and it is not surprising that there is an Alchemist among them, Title Talents are known to break common sense so I wouldn't be surprised if one of them could achieve such a feat."

Alice looked at Sun Jie and said, "Is there anything else important in Feng Xiaoxiao's report? I want to know the details."

"Sister, your thinking is very deep, I didn't say anything but you came up with a theory on your own?"

Sun Jie sighed and asked, was her thinking because she was affected by Shi Tu in a previous life?

"Am I wrong?"

'' Yes, I want to talk about something very important for the family.''

Alice smiled and said in annoyance, "Have you got me brother-in-law and you want to introduce him to me? Don't worry, as long as he's a decent person, I'll help you get father's approval."

'' No way!! even if he is the last man in the world, it is impossible.''

Sun Jie cried out with a red face and for some reason remembered the day Alice broke her arm.

If she even possessed such thoughts, Alice would definitely not care about being her sister in this life and would kill her outright.


Alice covered her mouth and said, "No way, isn't it?"

"Sister, stop making fun of me, okay?"

Sun Jie rolled her eyes and said, "I'm the one who got a brother-in-law"

"What do you mean? Our father will never force me."

Alice looked confused and said, "I have also never met any worthy man and I am not interested in anyone now."

"You have, you have someone for whom you are willing to die and do anything."

"Even though you did everything for him but he gave up on you in the end, even though he did it for you, but the fact that he didn't respect your decision and decided everything on his own annoys me."

Sun Jie clenched her fist tightly and couldn't hide her anger.

"That person made you cry until you collapsed just to let you reincarnate."

Sun Jie looked directly at Alice and said, "Sister, your nightmares are actually your memories from your past life. I recently got my memories back and remembered everything about our past lives."

"I didn't want you to know about this painful past, but I met that person and felt that you had to know and choose if you wanted to remember or not."

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