The Eternal battle

Chapter 305: Big Misunderstanding (3)

"Sister-in-law, did First Brother ask potential disciple at the Eternal Void Pearl Realm to join the class of geniuses in Madness Academy?" Die Yingming asked.

"Did he flirt with you too suspiciously in front of him at the wrong time?" Jiao Lang asked.

"Yeah, you're both right."

Seeing Die Yingming and Jiao Lang's strange expressions, Arcana asked curiously, "Did you two understand something?"

"Yes, he is planning something really big this time, he even got that person involved in his plans."

Die Yingming's face turned serious and said, "As expected of First Brother, he can think of something like this and calculate all thirty-three heavens and the Yin-Yang World."

Jiao Lang, "If this plan succeeds, their movements will be greatly restricted and this will be very useful in the event of a great war as we will be able to recover our strength much faster."

"Hey, what are you talking about? A Great War? What are you up to?"

Mingzhi Mei looked at Die Yingming and asked, "Can you explain?"

Raskreia also looked at Jiao Lang and asked

Die Yingming shook his head and said

"You wouldn't understand even if we told you, even for us, we only understood part of the plan, and to know the details we should ask the first brother."

Jiao Lang didn't answer then looked at Die Yingming and said, "You deal with the situation here, I have to go make preparations."

Jiao Lang pointed to Raskreia, "You also come with me, your training is not over yet."

Jiao Lang didn't care anymore and pulled Raskreia with him and left.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

Arcana asked again, she really doesn't know what Shi Tu is up to.

"Let's leave it a surprise for later."

Die Yingming answered vaguely and said, "Now, let's get ready, the day after tomorrow we will enter the Earth and Heaven Plunder Cave."


Returning to Shi Tu's place, Shi Tu held a nine-colored Pill in his hands, on which four profound lines appeared, proving the grade and quality of the Pill.

Liu Jiayao wanted to ask Shi Tu to let her check the Pill but she did not dare to ask such a question in order not to offend Shi Tu.

Unexpectedly, Shi Tu threw the Pill at her as if it wasn't worth anything and said, "Go now and refine the Pill in a safe place and come back here after the Earth and Heaven Plunder Cave matter is over."

"Also, when you enter the Earth and Heaven Plunder Cave, don't bring any treasures or Pills with you so that you can survive, who knows? You might get something good."

"We thank Master for his kindness."

They both grabbed their hands respectfully before leaving excitedly.

Seeing this, Shi Tu shook his head sadly and said, "They left without even asking what the name of the person they call Master? Huh, it's not like I care but the morals of children these days really amazes me."

Of course, Shi Tu didn't intend to meet this couple again but he couldn't help but hope that things would work out with them.

Shi Tu sat back on his seat again but opened his eyes in shock.

Shi Tu felt three very strong Aura that covered the entire God Hand Medicinal Village.

These three will auras are very familiar to him because they are the will auras of Die Yingming, Jiao Lang, and Arcana.

The Will Aura represents a person's spirit, will and goals, ambitions, and faith, strength, and determination, these things can never be faked and have nothing to do with cultivation base but with the person himself.

'Wait, are they here? What are they doing here? '

After a moment of thought, Shi Tu slapped his forehead because of his stupidity.

'Damn, I totally forgot about it, that's what happens when I get excited and let my emotions control my actions without thinking'

Arcana aside, Jiao Lang and Die Yingming must have completely misunderstood him after seeing the phenomenon of the Title Pill and both of them thought that he was planning something very big and was sending them some kind of signal, that was because his behavior seemed outwardly meaningless. In their minds, Shi Tu would never do anything meaningless.

Shi Tu completely relaxed and sank into thought to know the consequences of his actions.

First, for those who know him, there are two groups.

Sun Jie will most likely take the initiative to help Alice remember even if she forces her and can roughly predict how things will go after that.

In terms of his two brothers, they must have thought of a big plot scenario involving the Thirty-Three Heavens and he could also anticipate what they thought considering what they might get from Arcana.

After a few hours of contemplation, Shi Tu came up with a comprehensive plan so that his brothers would not find out, after all, it is embarrassing to admit that his brothers have overestimated him and he has to prevent this leakage at all costs.

For those who don't know who Shi Tu is.

Now, there's a good chance that people from the Diamond Temple will look for him as well, if he doesn't overestimate them they must have been able to pinpoint exactly where the Pill was formed.

Shi Tu couldn't help but smile sarcastically. Thinking that the hesitation in making a decision all the previous time was wasted, now the most important points of the path to follow have been decided, as for the rest of the things, such as his relationship with Arcana and Alice, now there is no longer a need to reconsider himself.

"In the end, it came to this, huh. I'm sorry Bing Xue but in the end, your naive way of doing things will never work and only cause me so many problems. My dream that I gave up to pursue your dream, it's time to chase it again."

Shi Tu's eyes showed firmness and extreme determination, all his doubts and hesitation seemed to have disappeared.

"If all the people of this world, except for me and my family and those close to me, would be able to live in peace without wars or bloodshed, this could be considered a form of fulfilling your dream isn't it?"

After Shi Tu finished thinking, he opened his eyes and smiled

"As expected, they are already here, huh, I wonder what kind of offer they will make for me."

After some time, a new customer entered.

The person who entered is an old man with completely white hair and a long white beard.

However, his skin did not show any signs of aging.

The old man looked at Shi Tu as if he was assessing him and at the same time, Shi Tu did the same.

"Twenty years, huh? You are too young to be able to achieve such a feat."

"Not a big deal"

Shi Tu showed no retreat and responded indifferently.

"Well then, may I know what you need from me?"

"Not much, I want you to join us and we can make you a heavenly Title."

Shi Tu smiled amusedly and said, "Putting aside your ambiguous background that lowers your credibility, I possess an orange talent that is too far from Title Talent, how can you help me?"

"As an Alchemist, you should know very well how influential Alchemists are. In the past, Alchemy God Yao Yan was able to become a Heavenly Title with a cultivation base in the third step. Do you know why?"

Of course, Shi Tu knows, after all, he is Yao Yan.

Shi Tu answered, "Because of his ability to refine Title Pills with a success rate of ten out of ten making the Sovereign realms willing to start a war with each other for Yao Yan's satisfaction because he can help them create fourth and even fifth step cultivators and his ability to save the life of anyone who is about to die, not to mention he was able to create Pills with a spiritual sense that had a power equivalent to the fourth step, it is said that he made an entire army out of these Pills and hid them somewhere."

The old man nodded and said, "You seem to know well."

The old man looked satisfied and said, "Why don't you follow me first to see what we can offer to you before you make up your mind? I promise you'll see what pleases you."

"And what do you want in return? I don't believe there is free food in the world"

"Let's talk about this after you've agreed, after all, there's no point in offering our terms if you don't intend to cooperate with us from the start since this reveals our aims."

"Okay, I'll accompany you."

"Ho," The old man was a little surprised and said, "Aren't you afraid that you won't leave alive?"

"You're saying something interesting, of course, I don't care if I don't leave alive."

Shi Tu stretched out his hand and a ball of Primordial Energy appeared that took the shape of Shi Tu.

"After all, it's not me who's going, it's my avatar."

The old man caressed his beard intently and said, "Avatar with first step cultivation? It seems that you are not only a talented Alchemist but a talented cultivator as well, are you lying to me about your talent?"

Shi Tu replied with a smile, "Of course not, my talent was measured by the Tower of Truth, how could anything go wrong?"

The old man looked at Shi Tu with a strange look. Shi Tu realized her meaning and said, "Don't worry, I'm not a Title Talent in disguise or anything, okay? Even for a Title Talent, don't you think it's ridiculous to jump from the second level to the fifth level so quickly?"

The old man did not seem convinced, "It doesn't matter, but I have to warn you, your avatar won't be able to send you any information so it's better to leave soul fragments inside so that your avatar's decisions are yours."

"I already did before you told me."

The old man nodded and took with him the avatar that quietly followed him.

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