The Eternal battle

Chapter 306: The Five Alliances, The Four Academies

As soon as the old man walked out, Shi Tu sighed and said, "Jadar, what kind of place do you want me to get rid of? Just to get me, send a Third Step Immortal? how could he break the laws of the Yin-Yang World and possess cultivation beyond the second step?"

Shi Tu looked a little upset because Jadar hadn't told him something so important.

"Do you want to kill me? Even for me, getting rid of them is impossible now no matter how I think about it unless I have a way to break the chains of the Yin-Yang World, trying to destroy the Diamond Temple is no different from committing suicide."

Jadar replied indifferently, "I didn't force you to accept, I said you could say no if it seemed too inconvenient to you, but I don't think what I'm asking is much given the technique I gave you."

Shi Tu sighed and said, "Okay, but I have to put off dealing with this Diamond Temple for a while, if it is a task to return the favor for helping me, then what do you want from me to get your approval?"

"Given your talents, you need at least the Fourth Step before you think of getting recognition from one of us and I advise you to collect as many Stray Souls as you can, they are very useful to the soul and you may also get some useful techniques and secrets."

" You did not answer my question "


Jadar sighed and said, "The main purpose of the Yin-Yang World is not to help cultivators of the Yin-Yang level, it just happens that the environment is suitable for this now, as, for the Diamond Temple, most of the laws do not apply to them because they are the original inhabitants of the Yin-Yang World."

" Understood "

Shi Tu didn't ask for more and decided to use his spare time to cultivate.

The Divine Sea Realm is very simple, all Shi Tu has to do is increase the density of the Divine Sea and Soul Sea by concentrating a large amount of Primordial Energy and soul power.

After two full days of cultivation, the density of the Divine Sea had multiplied a full ten times because of the endless supply of Primordial Chaos he obtained from the Blades of Chaos.

'Not yet, huh, the density of the Divine Sea has multiplied ten times but I haven't achieved any breakthrough'

"What did you expect? Primordial Energy indeed gives you a great advantage over others, but you have to pay the price because of the difficulty of cultivating using it." Mu's sarcastic voice rang in Shi Tu's mind.

" I know that "

Normally, Shi Tu would now have broken through to the middle stage of the Divine Sea had he cultivated Qi as in the past and the same for the Soul Sea but now he spent all his time in the Divine Sea and didn't find time to improve his Soul Sea.

Of course, Shi Tu did not forget to check the Blades of Chaos to see what he had left, but once he saw that, he lost interest because those techniques are too powerful for him to use with his current body, so he decided to ignore them for now.

After some thought, Shi Tu felt a little frustrated.

He has dozens of extremely powerful techniques along with a few Shen level techniques and even the techniques he obtained from Blades of Chaos, but he can't use any of them due to his low cultivation.

Although he can learn all these techniques easily and in record time thanks to his experience and knowledge, working and using them are two different things.

If Shi Tu tries any of these techniques, he will suffer a stubborn reaction that leads to permanent paralysis of some of his limbs in the best cases in the rarest cases and death in most cases.

"The number of techniques I can wield currently is greatly low, there is no escape, I can't always use the Berserk God Art because I won't be able to bully children, after all with Primordial Energy even the techniques I used to use are now powerful."

Shi Tu dug into his memory searching for some Zhan, Huan, or Di level techniques, but he only found the techniques he had learned in his first life since he hadn't learned any weak technique since then.

After a long search, Shi Tu was able to find more Huan and Zhan techniques that his enemies had used in the past and tried to copy them from his memories, other than that he had mastered many Tian and Di level techniques.

All of this, Shi Tu took a few hours, mostly searching inside his memories.

Shi Tu opened his eyes and stood up and stretched his body a little before leaving his booth.

Of course, no one noticed Shi Tu, who came out of an unknown store.

Shi Tu continued to roam the eastern section of the God Hand Medicinal Village in search of the necessary herbs for the Tyrannical Demon Pill, but he noticed that the number of people in the street was very few, and the number of open shops was also few, it seemed that most of the great masters had closed their shops.

'Is it the opening day of the Earth and Heaven Plunder Cave? '

Honestly, Shi Tu didn't know what was going on here because he didn't know much about the place.

'I miss the Shadow Guards, they are really useful for gathering information and I don't have to search personally for trivial information'

Shi Tu thought of something and formed some seals with his hand, but he was disappointed that there weren't any Shadow Army people here.

Shi Tu didn't want to think about it much and kept searching for herbs, even if the shops were closed, his spiritual sense could search inside for anything worthwhile but Shi Tu was disappointed.

Although he collected most of the necessary herbs, the two most important and rarest herbs are not present.

One of them is million-year-old blood ginseng.

The other is the Thirty-three-petaled Supreme Extreme Yang Lotus.

Of course, even a Fourth Step would treat these herbs like rare treasures but as far as Shi Tu knew, there were no restrictions on herbs in the Yin-Yang World so he hoped to at least find one in the God Hand Medicinal Village.

'Looks like I'll have to pay a visit to the Earth and Heaven Plunder Cave, there might still be some things in the secret treasury if they aren't Plundered.'

Shi Tu sighed, then regained his true face and left through the eastern gate then changed his face again.

The place where the Earth and Heaven Plunder Cave appeared is to the north of the God Hand Medicinal Village in a place that lies exactly on the border between the Eastern Region and Western Region of the exterior.

After walking for some time using the Star Demon Steps, Shi Tu was able to see what saturated the peg embedded in the ground, a giant peg like a small mountain.

A large crowd of people of all races and all levels of cultivation gathered around this stake.

Unexpectedly, Gu Xu stood in front of the peg with a deep expression and extreme impatience.

"Elder Gu, when will the Earth and Heaven Plunder Cave be opened?"

Someone asked who seemed to know Gu Xu.

" almost "

Gu Xu calmly replied and scanned the crowd again, there are nearly three thousand people which is the largest number trying to explore the Earth and Heaven Plunder Cave for a long time.

After some time, eight ships arrived, each carrying a few dozen people.

The people got off the eight ships and headed straight towards Gu Xu.

"Look, isn't this Fairy Qiu Wang from the Yin Alliance? She has great beauty as it was really rumored, and she truly deserves the title of the strongest genius in the Yin Alliance."

"Right, it's a pity that she doesn't intend to participate in the Final Court or she will top the Yin Di Ranking "

"Isn't this Jinyin Dapeng from the Yang Alliance? He has a bad reputation for enslaving women for dual cultivation. I also heard that he handed the position of the Yang Alliance's heir to his brother because he was not interested."

"That is Monk Poncho, the current first genius of the Golden Alliance, and next to him is Tai Yuyang, the first genius of the Heaven Battle Alliance."

"But who is that black-clad person? It seems that he is with the Heaven Feather Alliance but I didn't recognize him."

Not many people knew who he was but he's not an ordinary person since he's here.

At the front of the delegation, nine people stood tall and emitted a dignified aura as if they were above everyone else.

"Wonderful, a lot of great characters but why don't I recognize them?" A disciple asked his master.

"Master, who are the rest?"

The old man looked with awe in his eyes with some dread and said, "You don't have to know, you may not provoke them or ask about them, they are people you will never reach their level."

The old man took a deep breath and said, "They are the nine strongest people in the Yin-Yang World, the masters of the Five Alliances and the Deans of the Four Academies."

After that, several famous personalities arrived one by one and each of them had high cultivations and an indescribably large background as if they were hiding and waiting for this delegation to arrive to show themselves.

In short, all the representatives of the great powers of the Yin-Yang World have arrived.

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