"At the end of the technique, the origin of the Qi body, Xiaotian, since you have received a bit of scheming generals from Feng Zhenghao, the world meeting, what do you think about the origin of the Qi body?"

On a sunny day, Zhang Chulan was carrying twice as much weight as usual, and with full firepower to fight Feng Baobao, Xu Si glanced at Xiao Tian with his cigarette holder in his mouth.

"Hurt, fourth brother, you really don't think that I can make up for and perfect the full version of the Gu Ling dispatching general by relying on those few mental mantras? Is it the origin of Qi, what is the use of this strange skill? , I don't know." Xiao Tian curled his lips. Of course, he was relying on the system, and now he has a full version of the Guling dispatcher. However, the so-called Guling has not been found yet.

"Haha...Before, I was talking about the Tongtian Urn, your eyes are shining, do you still plan to have an idea about this Tongtian Urn?" Xu Si stared at Xiao Tian and looked at it.

"Hehehe, isn't the company interested?"

Xu Si smiled.

"What happened in the Jiashen Rebellion? Zhang Huaiyi was the source of the Jiashen Rebellion. Why did he personally solve some 36 thieves and some old guys."

"This secret may have to wait for Lao Zhang to become the heir of the heavenly master. After he gets the truth, if he can make it public, then we can know it."

Xu Si took out his phone, clicked on the document, and handed it to Xiao Tian.

"I got a list of some Luo Tian Dajiao contestants, and good seedlings from all forces have participated. Whether Zhang Chulan can become the heir of the heavenly master has to develop from the side. Will your identity be restricted?"

Xiao Tian curled his lips and said, "As long as no one sees it and there is no evidence, who would know that I am helping Zhang Chulan with things."

Xu Si couldn't help laughing, it was easy.

"When the time comes, take the baby together, the baby is a good hand at work."

"Well, I understand this, she is indeed professional." Xiao Tian couldn't help thinking of some operations of Yuan Baobao Feng, and almost laughed out loud.

Longhushan, Tianshifu, somewhere for leisure.

There are a few of the top ten domestic foreigners.

Such as the four great masters, Wang Ai, the elder of the Wang family, Lu Ci of the Lu family, Lu Jin of the Lu family, and the heavenly master.

"Heavenly Master, this Chu Lan is the grandson of Zhang Huaiyi, Zhang Huaiyi is your junior and senior teacher, Zhang Chulan will also participate in the Luo Tian Dajiao, will you not release the water?" In addition to the ten men, there are also a few strangers. Among them, strangers couldn't help asking.

"Huh!" The old heavenly master glanced at the person like lightning, so that the person who made the noise felt that the dead soul was violent, the soles of the feet were cold, the cold swept the limbs and the body was stiff.

"Zhang Chulan can be regarded as my disciple and grandson, but the old man is not enough to release water, let alone Lao Lu took out the Tongtian urn as a gift..."

Lu Jin stared at the stranger who was vocally questioning the celestial master, and said in a cold tone: "If there is a kind, just take part in the competition. What's the mess here."

"Master, I heard that you have a disciple who has been down the mountain for a long time. I wonder if this disciple will participate in Luo Tian Dajiao?" Wang Ai asked aloud.

"Master, as far as the old man knows, you are the eleventh disciple with extraordinary talent." Lu Ci smiled, the scars and wrinkled old skin on his face suddenly looked hideous and vicious.

The celestial master half opened his eyes and said with a smile: "My disciple will naturally participate in Luo Tian Dajiao."

"Then Luo Tian Dajiao this time is wonderful."

"Teacher, to be honest, I haven't seen your eleventh disciple very much. When I come back, let us see and see where you got the good seedlings." Lu Jin couldn't help sighing, "I." If you can have an apprentice like Zhang Lingyu, then your life will be fulfilled."

"It's not early, everyone rest." The old master thought of something and left.

As the soul man, the Celestial Master, left, the others also dispersed.

Wang Ai and Lu Ci had a good relationship. They walked side by side and talked about the eleventh disciple of the Celestial Master.

"This Xiao Tian was sent by the celestial master to protect Zhang Chulan. The methods didn't reveal much. Why don't you try?"

"Pharaoh, at present, both Xiao Tian and Zhang Chulan have something to do with the company everywhere. They want to test, not now." Lu Ci's eyes flickered.

"Tongtian urn is not easy to handle. The tenth disciple Zhang Lingyu of the old master is a good seedling. This eleventh disciple, Xiao Tian, ​​is not low-level." Wang Ai leaned on a cane with cold eyes.

"Pharaoh, make arrangements early."

"Old Lu, let's wait and see a good show together."

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye the opening day of Luo Tian Dajiao was about to come. In order to avoid missing it, Xu Si and Xu San had already calculated and arranged the itinerary.

Tianmengmengliang, Xiao Tian, ​​Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao, Xu Si Xu San are on Longhu Mountain.

"The lower part in front of Longhu Mountain is the tourist open area, and the place where the Tianshifu is really located is not here." Xu Si said.

"Xiaotian, you are familiar with this place, you can lead the way."

"All right." Xiao Tian didn't have any comments. He didn't come back for a few months, and he missed the food in the Heavenly Master's Mansion.

In the city, although the food is delicious because of the wealth and wealth, it just feels that there is no food in the heavenly master's house.

As Xiao Tian led the way, soon a huge ditch was very wide and blocked their way. Good fellow, five or six hundred meters wide, only a few very thin iron cables were fixed and the supply crossed.

"Several people, this is a tourist restricted area. If you are a participant in Luo Tian Dajiao, you must pass here before you can participate."

A Daoist from the Tianshi Mansion explained to some people on the cliff.

"Little, little teacher..."

The master turned his eyes, and when he saw Xiao Tian, ​​he couldn't help but recall his personal experience of being hit by a golden light, his face suddenly changed ugly.

Xiao Tian's eyes glared, making the Dao master abruptly hold back what he had not finished.

"Several people, if you want to cross, you have to rely on your own ability. Besides, if you fall into the abyss, we don't care about life or death, our Heavenly Master Mansion does not care."

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