The Eternal Heavenly Dao System of Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1497: The king's master made a steady move

"Good boy! Just rely on a few such thin steel cables, if it is too old and the texture is closed, wouldn't it be GG."

Zhang Chulan glanced at the abyss, her scalp numb.

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is staring at you too!

"Ahaha! Good girl, don't worry, leave you!"

When Xiao Tian and the others heard the sound, they saw a burly big man aiming a three- or four-year-old cute girl at a distant cliff with a powerful arm.

The joyful and happy giggles of the little girl echoed like a cannonball.

At the moment when his daughter was thrown out, the big man jumped on the spot, as if he had his own super spring and also blessed the propeller. He could reach the opposite shore and successfully caught the daughter.

"You bastard! Die!"

An angry female voice roared, and many people just felt that there was a flash in front of them, only to see an afterimage flying over the abyss, and then they heard the panic begging of the burly man.

"Wife! I was wrong!"

The man was kicked on the head and fell into the abyss from above. No one knew whether he could survive.

"My mother, is this for fun?" Zhang Chulan had a black line.

"Hey, it's funny, who is coming first?" Xiao Tian scanned Zhang Chulan, Xu Sanxu and Feng Baobao.

"This..." Cold sweat appeared on Zhang Chulan's forehead, and the visual impact of the abyss was bursting. Although he believed that he started off with a catapult, he was very confident in standing long jump, but!

"You guys come first."

"Harm." Xiao Tian couldn't help rolling his eyes, planning to take the lead.

At this moment, a handsome man dressed in Taoist clothes, a little poor in spirit, with a pair of dark circles under his eyes, appeared lazy, and he was still beating Hache while walking.

Xiao Tian locked down this person. As a traverser, based on what the original time and space had learned, he quickly guessed that such a handsome guy with a clear image was that person!

The originally lazy Wang should see Xiao Tian and the others, and he immediately became energetic.

"A few good ones, Wudang King of Poor Dao."

Xu San, Xu Si, and Feng Baobao have long had a lot of information about Luo Tiandajiao’s contestants. Except Feng Baobao didn’t care about Wang Ye’s arrival, the two brothers Xu San and Xu Si also greeted Wang. Looking at Wang Ye, whether it will threaten Zhang Chulan.

Immediately, Zhang Chulan and Xiao Tian also met Wang simply.

"This is Luo Tian Dajiao's basic assessment, everyone, we will see you inside."

Wang also hit a hate, waved to Zhang Chulan, Xiao Tian and others, walked to the edge of the cliff, stepped on a steel cable half the thickness of his little finger, and reached the opposite side with ease.

"This king is also a master, so steady and stable!" Zhang Chulan was surprised.


Xu Si answered the phone.

"Xiaotian, I still have business with the youngest. You are contestants, so let's go and see you then."

Xiao Tian didn't care, looked at Bao Bao Feng and Zhang Chulan, and said, "Or you can go there first and I will show you."

"This, my god, or you come."

Zhang Chulan looked at the steel cables, her Adam's apple vibrated, and her heart trembled. Although he was not afraid of heights, he was afraid of the abyss.

"Good drip, dirty and rough, let's go to the pot first." Feng Baobao dragged Zhang Chulan to the edge of the cliff.

"Gan! I'll do it myself!" Zhang Chulan was in shock, but fortunately, she stabilized on the edge of the cliff and almost fell.

Then, Xiao Tian saw the two people hung upside down with their feet and hands holding the steel cables. The speed was absolutely incredible.

Xiao Tian helped his forehead, he was obviously two masters, so he had to pass this way.

Many people on the opposite side of the mountain, and even here, couldn't help laughing.

"At this level, I still come to participate in Luotian Dajiao, let's go back, hahahaha!"

"You still have the face to talk about others? Everyone can try to pass it, why are you standing there and watching?" Xiao Tian couldn't help but complain about brother Yi Pazi face not far away.

"Brother, aren't you also a fellow man."

"No, we are not." Xiao Tian took off his shirt, revealing his eight pack abdominal muscles, then neatly twisted his shirt into a rope, and then hung the rope on a tightrope with no one else on the way. , Grasping both sides with both hands, the whole person is hanging, and then the feet are kicked against the wall with so little force, the whole person glide away.

"Damn, gondola! Why didn't I expect this trick?" Someone could not help but clap their hands in applause.

"I'll try it too!"

"Ah!" Someone failed to try and fell into the abyss.

Xiao Tian, ​​who had successfully arrived at the opposite side, untied the knotted rope, and watched as several of them fell into the abyss because of their own manipulation.

"Inflict evil."

At this time, the disciple of the Heavenly Master's Mansion on the edge of the cliff approached Xiao Tian and whispered: "Little Master, Master told me, if I see you, tell you to wait to see Master."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Tian couldn't help nodding, and then waited for Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao to arrive.

On the opposite side of the cliff, a young man in a red Tang suit appeared suddenly, playing with strange weapons in his hands.

This kind of weapon, Xiao Tian had seen, was in the World Society, Jia Zhengyu's weapon, pecking the dragon cone.

People from Jiajia Village in Shanxi!

Based on his understanding of Yuan Shikong, Xiao Tian recognized that person, who should be Jia Zhengyu's younger brother, Jia Zhengliang.

He is a more talented stranger than Jia Zhengyu!

"It works everywhere." Jia Zhengliang looked back and forth on Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan at the moment, but couldn't find the woman who caused his brother Jia Zhengyu to suffer.

"Could it be that I didn't come?"

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