"Tricky! What's the big secret? Come on, I have to continue to practice, I want to become as strong as my sister! Protect Tu Shan!" Tu Shan Yaya is also used to Xiao Tian's tricks of stealing Sprite, anyway today If you get a lot of inventory, you don't care about Xiao Tian.

"Hey, that is that this kind of soul power drink does not consume soul power at all, it just consumes mana, mainly because I have a martial soul, so I can test mana to make this drink. This secret is a little secret between us. Oh! Don't talk nonsense." Xiao Tian chuckled and made a few more Sprites and stuffed them in Tu Shan Yaya's hands.

"Really?" Although Tu Shan Yaya didn't understand what Wuhun is, Aolaiguo has always been mysterious, perhaps just a talent.

"Of course, we pull the hook!"

"Good!" Tu Shan Yaya's small face was full of smiles, this feeling of being trusted is really good.

After pulling the hook, Xiao Tian gently gave Tu Shan Yaya a touch to kill, the achievement progress accumulated, and the heart was happy.

"Don't touch my head, the president is not high! Huh!" Tu Shan Yaya patted Xiao Tian's hand.

"Hey, Ya Ya, I have a few ice spells. If you want to learn it, I can't, you must do it." Xiao Tian said on a whim.

"Well the spells of Aolai Country, will it be bad for you to pass it on to me?" Tu Shan Yaya's eyes lit up, and she turned from surprise to worry.

Xiao Tian took advantage of the trend and extended his arms to Tu Shan Yaya, and smiled: "Don't be afraid, that is the opportunity I got. It's the only one, but I don't have a strong talent in that area, so don't worry."

"My sister said that I can't accept other people's kindness for no reason. Do you have any bad thoughts about me?" Tu Shan Yaya's small face suddenly bulged, and the whole body was cold.

Xiao Tian curled his lips, pretending to be wronged, and said: "Well, I confess, you think I came to the country with pride, and I'm alone in your country and helpless, so I can't find a backer? Rong Rong, too profiteer, Maybe one day when I was sold by her, I would have to help her count the money, your sister, there is no time to talk to me, people can only be you."

"Hehe, no wonder my sister and Rongrong said that you are a little ghost and you are an elf, then okay, Tushan, I Tushanya will cover you! Hurry up and show me your ice spells." Tu Shanya Yaxi smiled and promised.

"OK! Immediately!" Xiao Tian quickly told Tu Shan Yaya how to use the Secret Art·Mirror Ice Crystal, Secret Art·Ice Dragon Breaking Strike, Secret Art·Magic Mirror Ice Killing Light Ice Spell.

Ya Ya is very outstanding in the talent of ice magic, and that night, she completely mastered the magic mirror ice crystal, and she was extremely excited about this.

Tu Shan Yaya, who is immersed in the novel ice magic technique, has no intention of supper and eats Sprite as a meal.

"Xiaotian, get ready, I'm going to send a photo."

"Yaya, come on, under the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel of the young master, all attacks on the beans are invisible." Xiao Tian snorted coldly.

"Uh-huh! Don't underestimate me!" Tu Shan Yaya's face bulged.

"Secret Technique·Mirror Ice Crystal!"

The next moment, the mist was filled and the chill swept, Xiao Tian was sealed off from the center, surrounded by thirty-six sides, three layers of ice mirrors, reflecting Xiao Tian's figure.


Countless ice cones shoot out from multiple magic mirrors, making people unpredictable.

However, for Xiao Tian, ​​there is an eternal kaleidoscope of writing round eyes, which can barely dodge, so as to escape people through the earth escape and earth walking technique.

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