The Eternal Heavenly Dao System of Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 997: Xiao Tian and Tu Shan Yaya

"Xiaotian! Don't slip away!"

"Don't slip away, is it pierced by your countless ice cones?" Xiao Tian smiled triumphantly.

"Huh! Shoo!" Tu Shan Yaya's hands flashed with sky blue light, and the chill broke out in front of Xiao Tian, ​​and an ice wall quickly appeared, blocking Xiao Tian's path.

At this moment, Xiao Tian's inspiration appeared.


"Ah!" Xiao Tian pretended to cry, and after hitting the ice wall, he flew out.

"Ah! Xiaotian!" Tu Shan Yaya couldn't help panicking, and quickly speeded up to catch Xiao Tian's body.

Xiao Tian's strategy succeeded, and his back hit Tu Shan Yaya's arms. Because the impact was not small, Tu Shan Yaya was also taken one or two meters upside down, and both fell to the ground.

"Xiaotian, are you okay." Tu Shan and Yaya quickly rubbed Xiao Tian's head with her little hands, to see if she had scalp hit by hitting the ice wall.

"Yaya, don't move, I, I feel that my body is numb, and my bones are so sore. Let me take a breath like this and rest." Xiao Tian pretended to be uncomfortable, but his heart turned beautiful and he was happy.

"Yeah, good." Although Tu Shan Yaya felt a little tight in her chest, she didn't move for a while, and the two of her head pillowed, looking at the sky and stars.

The two of them stayed in this state for five minutes.

"Ding! Congratulations to the Descendant of the Heavenly Dao and Tu Shan Yaya for five minutes! Get a little achievement point!"

Xiao Tiantian feels comfortable, this very difficult task was completed precisely because of Tu Shan Yaya's ice wall assist!

Get 100,000 system points! Xiaoye is stronger again!

"Yaya, Xiao Tian, ​​what are you doing?!" A majestic and cold voice sounded, and Tu Shan Honghong appeared not far behind Xiao Tian and Tu Shan Yaya.

Xiao Tian was shocked, Tu Shan Honghong was really out of sight.

"Sister Honghong, good evening."

"Sister, Xiao Tian is resting now because I hit the ice wall." Tu Shan Yaya quickly pushed Xiao Tian softly and got up.

"Xiaotian, come with me, Ya Ya, you go back first."

"Oh, sister, don't embarrass Xiaotian, it's my fault. He also taught me a lot of ice spells." Tu Shan Yaya quickly interceded Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tianxin gave Yaya a thumbs up secretly, and secretly said: "As expected, this is the girl that the young master likes, oooo, so touched.

"Yaya, don't worry, I won't embarrass Xiaotian, I'm looking for him for other things." Tu Shanhong's red mouth remained unchanged, his voice echoing with majesty and cold.

Tu Shan Yaya gave Xiao Tian a self-seeking look, and quickly slipped away.

Somewhere, the sky is the seat and the ground is the quilt. Xiao Tian looked at Tu Shan Honghong who hadn't spoken for half an hour, blinked innocently, breaking the dullness.

"What's the matter, Sister Hong, please tell me quickly, I'm still waiting to go to dinner."

Tu Shan Honghong turned around and looked at Xiao Tian, ​​her eyes suddenly turned into ruby ​​colors.

"Hey, sister Hong, you are going to blow me up." Xiao Tian said with a look of fear.

"Xiao Tian! Do you know why Tushan Fox Demon grew up?"

Xiao Tian blinked, and suddenly remembered that before the original time and space, Tu Shan Honghong and Tu Shan Rongrong had been captured by Dao League Qi refiners before they grew up.

One of the handymen was supposed to help Tu Shan Honghong to uncover the spell of blocking the demon power, but because that servant's words were too wretched and unkind, the exploded Tu Shan Honghong gave a punch to his chest and died. .

Before his death, the little Taoist removed Tu Shan Honghong’s spells that blocked the demon power. Tu Shan Honghong repented and exploded. He grew up and his demon power increased. He rescued his sister Rongrong and solved the evil spirit refiner. .

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