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Can't get through?

Should I take the experience under the tower?

This question stumped Chen Yiqiu.

Hirano Aya and the others reminded Chen Yiqiu at this time that the factory manager might be in the upper jungle area, so he should be more careful.

Chen Yiqiu had already retreated, and he had been waiting for a long time.

The factory manager was still squatting in the top lane?

This was the first time he was so entangled in a game. In the past, it was almost always because others were timid and afraid of him, or when they rushed up to fight, they lost in the fight.

After a long time, LPL's singles seemed to have formed a fixed four-dimensional.

When facing Chen Yiqiu, be careful.

But this final was quite special.

EDG surrounded the bottom, but they didn't realize the crisis, and waited stupidly to eat the soldiers, and ended up giving it away.

Looking back now, Chen Yiqiu feels that he is really a bit of a mess.

The awareness is too inadequate!

This also directly led to EG seeming to be less afraid of himself. Meiko's Annie dared to come up and consume the opponent, and the factory manager's Ekko dared to target him crazily.

The deterrent power from the genius top laner seemed to collapse all of a sudden.

Chen Yiqiu was also helpless.

Maybe God is not favoring him at this moment.

But now the finals still have to be played.

After waiting for a while, Chen Yiqiu gritted his teeth and decided to move forward.

It should be okay, right?

Factory Manager!


I used to be your fan. I called you Qijiang and helped you to fight against the trolls. I also posted a Douyin when you retired.

I still remember the lines

"You ask, you ask, return 7 or not, 4396 is a thing of the past. Touch the eye, R, and kick, there is no 001 in the canyon anymore"

"Ionia, send off the jungle king!"

I, Chen Yiqiu, can still remember the lines clearly.

As your fan, you are targeting me in the summer season finals. Killing me once in the bottom lane is enough, don't do it a second time.

After thinking about it in his heart,

Chen Yiqiu walked forward bravely.

He didn't expect to get any last minions this time, but at least he could get some experience. As long as the factory manager was not there, Deft's Jinx and Annie would not pose a fatal threat to his own Olaf.

After all, only Jinx was level 6, and Annie was not yet.

Anyway, that's what Chen Yiqiu thought.


"This wave of factory managers is still squatting"

"Targeting Qiu Shen, it can be said to be very ruthless!"

Seeing that the factory manager's Ekko had not left, Wawa said something. There was an EDG eye position on the other side, and the movement of Chen Yiqiu's Olaf could be clearly seen.

Now, the factory manager really did not wait in vain.

It really came!

"It feels like EDG is very well prepared for this match. It seems that they have done some research on Qiu Shen, so they can target him like this."

Miller seemed to have noticed something.

Judging from the movements of the factory manager, EDG did do some research. The restrictions on Chen Yi Qiu in this game were very thorough.

They did not give him any chance to develop.

Before the finals, EDG did study and discuss Chen Yi Qiu's playing style. His acting skills are not clear.

But in other aspects, some patterns can be seen, especially that he did not pay much attention to this point in the early stage.

On the live broadcast screen.

What can be seen now is that Olaf has already started to walk against the wall under the top lane tower.

EDG fans were immediately happy when they saw this scene.

The opportunity has come!

If Olaf can be killed again in this wave, then Qiu Shen will basically not be able to raise his head in this game. In this way, the chance of winning LGD will become very high.

After arriving at the tower.

Chen Yi Qiu's Olaf threw out an axe casually, without any other thoughts. He just wanted to slightly supplement the soldier at the farthest position, and he didn't know if the axe could be thrown.

Anyway, it was thrown out.

Meiko's Annie was ready to act. After the first kill, he didn't seem to think too much. He just played the game normally.

When DFT saw the axe, he was slightly stunned.

The distance is longer?

Previously, the distance of Olaf's axe was very short, and it seemed to be only about 400 yards, but this time Olaf was not like that.

He threw the axe at a very long distance.

As a top AC, Deft is very sensitive to such details, but now, his teammates are ready. Prepare for action.

The director's camera was directed to the top lane.

Hirano Aya was thinking of saying something when she saw the top lane like this, but when she saw that Ekko was already circling behind, she knew that there was no need to remind him.

In this final, no one knew why God Qiu was in such a bad state.

Standing under the tower.

When Chen Yiqiu saw the factory manager's Ekko coming towards him from the bushes on the side of the stone monster.

Chen Yiqiu's face turned black!

As expected!

The factory manager was still too cruel. He treated his fans so abusively. He was simply not a human being.

At this moment, Chen Yiqiu was heartbroken.


"Olaf hasn't reached level 6 yet, and he's about to be killed under the tower again."

"Jinx is level 6, Ekko is also level 6, but Meko's support Annie is not level 6 yet, otherwise EDG can rely on Annie's bear to hold the tower, and it will be easier to kill."

In the early stage,

Meiko also roamed a little to gain vision, and it is normal for a support not to reach level 6.

But at this time, Miko Annie has already accumulated stuns, ready to cooperate with Zz1tai's Ekko to play a series of control.

In the live broadcast room of the game, the audience dared not say much. In the past, the barrage area would definitely be full of

"Don't be fooled, the God of Autumn is seducing you again"

"The Oscar winner has started performing"

"Qiu Shen, the e-sports Zhuge Liang, is showing off his skills again"


But after the first wave of killings under the tower, netizens have become a little skeptical, as if the faith in their hearts has all gone.

At this time, they naturally dare not swipe randomly.

Chen Yiqiu no longer has the idea of escaping.

His Olaf is trembling under the tower.

There is no other idea. Find an opportunity to kill a few more soldiers at this time, otherwise Chen Yiqiu himself can't bear it. It's already eight minutes.

Level 5 is fine.

The key is that they only killed a few pitiful soldiers. It's simply horrible.

The factory manager rushed over!

And put the time field at this position!


Chen Yiqiu directly pressed his flash.

It's over.

He was stunned by Annie!

Chen Yiqiu, who was standing in the pile of soldiers at this moment, was even more panicked.

The def Jinx started to deal damage to his Olaf. After being output by Jinx, Chen Yiqiu's Olaf's health suddenly dropped to half.

It hurts!

Fortunately, Annie's stun was over at this time.

Chen Yiqiu didn't care so much.

Anyway, he was doomed to die in this wave. Now he just wanted to see if he could kill a few more soldiers to reduce the loss a little bit. As for the other things, Chen Yiqiu couldn't think too much.

QQQ, he right-clicked the mouse frantically, and pressed Q with his left hand frantically. Don't talk about Q followed by A. In a hurry, Chen Yiqiu just pressed randomly. He didn't even attack Jinx in front of him and Meiko's Annie. He only had eyes for the soldiers.


It seemed like he picked up an axe by accident.


, other people's Olaf pressed Q once or twice, but Chen Yiqiu pressed Olaf's Q skill da da. He also pressed W skill.

Suck blood and die slowly, kill more soldiers


"Qiu Shen's Olaf had obviously given up struggling and flashed over to trade his life for the minions."

Wawa was also saying this after seeing Chen Yiqiu's actions.

"This wave of Annie is holding the tower"

"But I remember Meiko's Annie has already used flash, and now she was accidentally slowed down by the axe, which feels a bit dangerous."

Miller caught this point in detail.

Meiko was also a little panicked at this time.

He always felt that something was wrong. Olaf's reverse flash also made him look a little confused. The key was that the position of Olaf's reverse flash was quite accurate.

He picked up an axe he had thrown before, refreshed his Q skill, and then hit his Annie with the axe.


Meiko dared to save skills at this time.

At this time, two words to describe Chen Yiqiu popped up in his mind.

E-sports Zhuge Liang!

E-sports Oscar!

Let's kill this guy quickly.

The factory manager's Ekko also followed, but his time field had been let go, and he could only cooperate with his teammates to deal damage.


Olaf, it seems to be level 6!

When Chen Yiqiu saw the upgrade prompt.

Chen Yiqiu was stunned.

Level 6?


Chen Yiqiu's hand speed may not be fast enough for other operations, but because of the long-term professional training games, he has always been very nervous.

The ability to add some skills is very good.


Chen Yiqiu opened his big move without hesitation

"Bomaciya Demaya!"

My best friend Olaf roared the moment he used his ultimate. The god of war Olaf suddenly changed from green to blood red, and he looked like a mad dog.

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