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"This time, Qiu Shen reacted so quickly!"

"The ultimate move instantly removes Meiko's weakness, and Olaf is about to get angry!"


At this time, the three EDG players were besieging Olaf. But now that Olaf has used his ultimate, his attack power has increased significantly, and combined with the bloodsucking skill W, it seems that it is not so easy to fight him.

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly brightened up.

"Oh my god! It seems that Qiu Shen is going to take action this time. This axe throwing is so cool."

"Mad dog Olaf, the leader of the Axe Gang is about to show off his power!"

"Has the God of Autumn, who came from heaven, stood up again?"

"The familiar God of Autumn is back!"


Barrage area.

Many fans who support Chen Yiqiu were all excited when they saw the blood-red Olaf in the game.

Previously, when the bottom lane tower was targeted by the factory manager and instantly killed, many fans of Chen Yiqiu felt very uncomfortable, and even felt that Chen Yiqiu was not right in this game.

Consciousness, not at all like the invincible God Qiu in everyone's mind.

Even just now, they still had this doubt.

Because when the factory manager was still there, Chen Yiqiu's Olaf dared to move forward.

It was simply giving away heads.

But now it seems that it is not what they imagined.

It seems to be giving away heads, but it is not.

LGD genius top laner Cm. E-sports Zhuge Liang, E-sports Oscar God Qiu, in this summer finals that concerns honor and a place in the world championship.

At this moment, he began to wake up!

Became irritable!

Olaf fought bloody battles, alone under the tower, directly 1V3


On the field.

After activating the ultimate, Chen Yiqiu took a look.

What the hell?

Annie is low on health?

Previously, he only had the minions in his eyes, and he only wanted to kill a few minions to gain experience, and he never paid attention to the health of the three EDG players, but at this time, Chen Yiqiu Olaf.

After activating the ultimate and becoming irritable, he wanted to hammer everyone he saw, and he would feel uncomfortable if he didn't.

Mad dog Olaf, am I kidding you?

Just have hands!

Chop, chop, chop!

Olaf rushed over and beat up Meiko's Annie madly.

Compared to minions, heads are obviously more attractive. If you can hammer one to death, it will not be a loss, and Chen Yiqiu even thinks it is a blood profit.


Picked up the axe again?

At this time, Chen Yiqiu didn't know when he picked up an axe again, and saw the Q skill flash, and the skill CD was reset.

Throw it at Annie without hesitation.


Reckless swing!

An E skill blasted Meiko Annie, and the true damage hit the little Annie's head, like a thunderbolt, and it was like a lightning explosion at that moment.

Meiko was desperate!

Not only was he slowed down, but what hurt him more was that he was in this position, with Olafka standing on the left.

He couldn't move at all!

Def and the director's Ekko were still dealing damage crazily, but the more blood Olaf had, the more terrifying his combat power was, and it would also bring a violent attack speed bonus.

Passive Berserker's Rage, every 1% of health lost will increase the attack speed by 1%.


"Olaf is going to kill back this time!"

"Olaf, who was at low health after using his ultimate, became more and more courageous as the battle progressed."

When the commentator Miller saw this scene, he started to roar.


Originally thought that this wave of EG was a sure kill, but never expected that Olaf could still do this at this time.

It was a bit scary!

"(Olaf) LGDmy killed EDGmeiko (Annie)"

On the big screen of the game, prompts have already begun to appear.

Even if deft gave a blood supplement, it was of no avail, and Meiko's Annie fell down directly.

Chen Yiqiu's Olaf still had one-fifth of his health left, and he had no way to fight on, which made the factory manager and deft more anxious.

Another axe was thrown out!

Chen Yiqiu didn't know what skill he pressed.

Anyway, QWE pressed randomly at this time, for fear that the skill CD would be ready and he would not use it, which would be a huge loss.

Annie fell!

Def saw that the defense tower was attacking him, and he retreated quickly, not to mention that he was hit by Olaf's axe. If he continued to fight in this position, he might be the next one to die.

Chen Yiqiu's Olaf didn't care about that.

Chase him and keep chopping!

As long as he hasn't fallen down, the sound of keyboard keys will never stop.


"It’s over!"

"This wave of EDG exploded!

"After Ekko dealt the first wave of damage, he can only rely on basic attacks, which is too little of a threat to Olaf."

"DFT's Jinx has damage, but he is feeling quite uncomfortable now as he is stuck to her, and he simply cannot withstand Olaf's true damage."

Seeing this scene on the road, Wawa followed up.

Olaf's momentum is too scary!

At this moment, Deft seemed to remember the Titan again. Deft's Jinx was forced to give up the flash, and instantly opened up a little distance, but he turned around and continued to output.

At this time.

The blood red on the mad dog Olaf dimmed, and the duration of the big move was over.

But... he hasn't fallen yet!

The god of war Olaf, who has been fighting until now with this little blood, is not dead yet.

Chen Yiqiu himself was a little surprised.

But there was only this little blood left, and he was being beaten by the factory manager.

Anyway, death is certain.

I don't know how the soldiers suddenly became few. If there are no soldiers, it is better to deal a little more damage before dying. It doesn't matter if you can't hit Deft. Chen Yiqiu's Olaf turned around and beat the factory manager's Ekko, forcing the factory manager to give up his big move.

Cannon curtain!

At this time, seeing the captain's big move appearing above his head.

Chen Yiqiu was speechless.


Fat General, are you really that serious? He even used his ultimate to grab the kill, and at the last minute.

It's too much!

Looking at the black screen of his computer, Chen Yiqiu took his hands off the keyboard.

He scratched his head.

He took a long breath.

Although it was a bit uncomfortable, it didn't seem to be a big loss this time. As long as he got a kill, Chen Yiqiu was very satisfied.

But... wait!

How did Wei Shen's Yasuo suddenly appear in the top lane?

Chen Yiqiu had already opened the Taobao store, ready to buy equipment, and then teleport back online to continue developing, but he didn't notice.

Wei Shen actually came up from the river.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yiqiu's eyes suddenly lit up, and at this time he couldn't help but shout in his heart:

"Come on, Wei Shen!"


"This wave of EDG is really explosive!"

"Jinx can't escape without flash."

Wawa hadn't finished speaking.

At this time, Wei Shen's Yasuo rushed up directly, and hit Deft's Jinx with a cool EQ combo. At this time, Deft wanted to use the pawn to slow down Yasuo a little.

But it didn't work.

Yasuo came up and used EQ combo and basic attack to take away Deft instantly.

When the factory manager saw this, he retreated quickly.

But... with Wei Shen's personality, how could he not chase?

The factory manager's Ekko had also endured the attack of the defense tower, and Chen Yiqiu's Olaf's hammering, and his health was not healthy.

In addition, he didn't have the ultimate move.

Now being chased and chopped by Wei Shen's Yasuo is really uncomfortable.

From the top lane to the river, the factory manager had already used flash, but still couldn't escape Wei Shen's Yasuo's pursuit. He survived until Yasuo's second E skill rushed to K.

Only then did he get the factory manager's head.

"EDG's wave was completely blown up"

"The advantage established in the early stage after killing Olaf in the bottom lane was now all given back, and Wei Shen's Yasuo got two kills instead."

"How to play next?"

Seeing the final result, the dolls also sighed.

"This time, Wei Shen arrived and provided support in a timely manner."

"But what we have to say is that Qiu Shen managed to hold on for such a long time alone under the tower without dying, and in the end he even killed someone with a hammer."

"Helped Wei Shen buy enough time."

Miller said.

From the perspective of God, they saw everything that happened on the field clearly.

It has to be said.

These two choices of LGD are really outrageous.

At this time, many EDG fans had mixed feelings after seeing this result.

How could this happen?

It was obviously a must-kill opportunity?

Why did EDG lose so badly in the end.

Off the court.

Some anchors who were still thinking about reviewing this game were stunned after watching it. After Qiu Shen's Olaf was killed in the bottom lane, they had already given up their notes.

There are also some recordings of key moments.

But now I didn't expect that Qiu Shen would show his power again.


In the game.

The director will start to replay the team battle just now.

Many people actually want to know at this time, how did Chen Yiqiu manage to 1V3 under the tower just now, obviously his Olaf is not high level, and his equipment is also poor enough.

Why can he hold on for so long?

It is really unscientific.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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