"Brother Qiu!"

"God of Autumn!"

"Dad Qiu!"


"Grandpa Qiu!"

"Cancel the teleport quickly, we are all dead, and you are still coming down to give up the kills. Don't talk to me about brotherhood at this time."

Hirano Aya is really panicking now.

It was already very uncomfortable for them to give up the kills, and now if Rambo gives up the kills again, then LGD will have no carry points at all.

It would be better to surrender.

Although it is shameful, it will be a waste of time to fight at that time.

Why bother?

Chen Yi Qiu heard the call of his teammates.

At this moment, he also realized that something was wrong with the situation. If he went down, there would be no hope.

Beep, beep!

He began to click the mouse frantically.

It seemed that he could cancel his teleportation by moving.

But something was wrong!

Chen Yi Qiu found that he could not cancel the teleportation by doing this, and instantly his whole body He panicked. Thinking carefully, he seemed to have no idea how to cancel the teleport.

Damn it!

I am really a silver-level noob!

When he thought of this, Chen Yiqiu's heart was broken. He was a professional player and he didn't even know how to cancel the teleport. If this got out, he would be laughed at.

Although Chen Yiqiu heard Hirano Aya's cry.

But now, he couldn't ask others how to cancel the teleport, right?

This would simply make people laugh.

Chen Yiqiu now wanted to close his eyes and avoid the facts in front of him.

It was uncomfortable, too uncomfortable.

If he had taken a look at the situation in the bottom lane earlier and communicated with his teammates earlier, maybe he wouldn't have made such a ridiculous mistake.


"Rambo teleport?"

"This wave feels unnecessary, right?"

Imp's Jinx had been slowed down. Although he had used his flash, he was still caught up by Xiangguo's Nunu.

Nunu's movement speed was too fast.

Wuxin's Annie was also keeping up with the output.

When the RNG players saw this teleport, they themselves were a little confused. Jinx was about to die.

Rambo teleported down to send another one?

He was a brother to his teammates and wanted to die together?

In this case, RNG would not be polite. Anyway,

Rambo teleported to the middle of the line. This place has little impact on their pursuit of Jinx.

After enduring two attacks from the defense tower, Xiang Guo's Nunu forcibly took away Jinx.

Now things are particularly easy.

Looking back.

They can deal with this Rambo three on one.

At this time, the other teammates of LGD didn't want to watch any more. Hirano Aya was completely speechless now. He only blamed himself for reminding her a little bit late.

Nunu slowed down, and Annie kited.

If the play was more excessive, the low-health Thresh would come over with a hook, and help control it, and there was no need to go up.

Rambo, nowhere to escape


"Now Jinx is down too."

"Can Rambo fight three people alone?"

The commentator Changmao was saying this.

RNG top laner letme was a little stunned when he saw this.

At the moment, letme was attacking the LGD top lane defense tower, but when he saw Rambo fighting like this, he always felt that something was wrong.

Although Rambo was fighting three people alone, his teammates were not in good condition.

Wuxin's Annie didn't flash and didn't heal.

With the strength of this genius top laner, it is really possible to harvest.

Thinking of this.

Letme's Gnar also teleported down

"RNG really doesn't give me any chance at all"

"The top laner Gnar also teleported down, just to avoid giving Rambo any chance to harvest."

Seeing letme's teleport, Xiaomi couldn't help but say.

Chen Yiqiu had no choice now. He couldn't possibly not fight. Anyway, he had already teleported down, so he had to rush up and hit him.

Chen Yiqiu still knew Rambo's basic skills.

WQ combo.

Activate the shield and rush forward to burn Annie.

At this time, Chen Yiqiu's Rambo was not in yellow temperature state, so the damage to the unintentional Annie was not very painful, and it could even be said that it was a little itchy.

On the contrary, the damage from Annie and Nunu was quite painful to Rambo.

This is all because of the level.

Annie is one level higher than Rambo.

And Xiang Guo's Nunu is even two levels higher than Rambo.

There is no way, the top laner was directly sacrificed to develop in the early stage, and this level is also quite helpless.

In this situation, coupled with the attack of the minions, even if Rambo had a layer of shield with the W skill turned on, his health still quickly dropped by half.

Chen Yiqiu panicked, he knew he made a mistake this time.

But it was promised that the master Grandpa, help me, where is the Qiyun from the last game?

Seeing his Rambo's health dropping rapidly, Chen Yiqiu was in a bad state. The key point was that the health dropped too fast. The ability of professional players to deal damage simply caught him off guard.

The key point now.

He was slowed down by Nunu, and he couldn't run even if he ran.

The most uncomfortable thing was that Chen Yiqiu's Rambo was stuck at a distance by Wuxin's Wheel Mother. The fire of the Q skill couldn't be sprayed on Wheel Mother at all, and even the E skill couldn't hit her.

Because in front of Rambo, there were several enemy soldiers who could help Wuxin's Wheel Mother block Rambo's electronic harpoon attack.

Forget it! Accept your fate!

Chen Yiqiu's heart sank.

He was going to use a few skills casually and wait for death here.

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