"Xiang Guo, stop chasing me!"

"Can you give me a chance to live? Can you use flash instead of killing me? Please!"


Chen Yiqiu felt like crying.

This version of Nunu is really annoying. When the slowdown is on, he will run very fast when you want to hit him, but when he sticks to you, it feels like he is just squirming.

"Too much!"

"It’s a pity that I liked you so much before!"

"Do you have the nerve to bully silver players?"

Chen Yiqiu was watching his Rambo's health bar dropping rapidly, and he felt terrible.

It seemed that he was really going to die with his brothers.


An electric harpoon was thrown out.

Even if he couldn't kill anyone, he should at least kill a soldier for me.

This small request was not excessive.


Why did the soldier move away?

At this critical moment, Chen Yiqiu was just thinking of using Rambo's E skill to kill a soldier, since he couldn't hit Wuxin's Wheel Mother anyway.

But he never expected that the soldier was squeezed away or because the soldier's hatred was transferred, he ran to attack other soldiers.

Normally, Chen Yiqiu's thrown electric harpoon could not hit Wuxin's Wheel Mother from this position, because she controlled the distance very well.

But now.

The soldier suddenly moved away, leaving a gap.

Rambo's E skill electric harpoon just hit the Wheel Mother and successfully slowed her down.

Chen Yiqiu was stunned!

Because of this deceleration, Wuxin's Wheel Mother could not deal damage to him for the time being, but subconsciously retreated.

"Then I'll fire another one?"

Chen Yiqiu threw out another E skill.

What the hell?

Hit again?

This time, it wasn't the help of the soldiers, but the careless Wheel Mother twisting left and right, but he didn't expect Rambo to be so straightforward and threw the electric harpoon without any prediction. It was almost the same as the players in the silver rank.

As a result, the careless Wheel Mother was hit by E again.

Rambo's electric harpoon is a very powerful skill. This skill has the most disgusting double-stage deceleration in the entire League of Legends. If the enemy hero is hit by the electric harpoon continuously, the deceleration effect will be superimposed.

At the moment, Rambo is just in the yellow temperature state, and the damage and deceleration effect are increased by 50%.

In the yellow temperature state, two E skills hit, which will cause a deceleration effect equivalent to 99% in a short period of time. At this time, the careless Wheel Mother is a little unable to move.


Chen Yiqiu looked at the whole person and was stunned.

Big move!

Big move!

At this time, Chen Yiqiu was shouting frantically in his heart, and even Hirano Aya and Taobao Quan were staring at it with wide eyes.

It seems... it seems... there is an organic I can kill someone!

Swish, swish, swish!

Chen Yiqiu was also very excited.

He pressed Rambo's R skill frantically and clicked the mouse at the Wheel Mother frantically. He knew very well that as long as he could use his ultimate skill on the face of the Wheel Mother, he would kill someone.

But... he put it off-center!

When this constant temperature burning death barbecue line of Rambo landed on the ground,

Chen Yiqiu was stunned! Hirano Aya almost fainted. Even so, he could still put it off-center to the right side of the Wheel Mother. You know how slowed down the Wheel Mother was, she was almost moving.

It can't be bounced, Rambo's ultimate can actually miss the target.


How did Rambo's ultimate get to the bush?

God Qiu!

Grandpa Qiu!

What kind of magical operation did you do? Everyone was so excited to see it. They thought you showed off this time, but you missed the target with the last 5 centimeters?

Although it was just a little bit off, what God Qiu said was wrong.

He is a genius in the top lane!

Chen Yi Qiu himself vomited blood.

Damn it!

He was really not familiar with Rambo's ultimate, and he was so nervous just now.

At this time.

RNG top laner letme's Gnar was also about to teleport down.

Chen Yi Qiu was filled with regret. If Gnar came down, it would be even more impossible for him to kill someone in return. Then he would have to perform the cruel plot of being hunted down by Xiangguo and letme.


"(Rumble) LGDCmy killed RNGLeym (Thresher)"

"(Rambo) LGDCmy killed RNGwuxx (Sivir)"

"(Rambo) LGDCmy killed RNGletme (Gnar)"


Although Chen Yiqiu's Rambo's ultimate was a little off, it still touched the unintentional Annie a little bit, just a little bit.

The damage was just enough to kill her.

Leym's Thresh was hiding at the edge of the bush, thinking that he could find a chance to hook Rambo, but he gave away a kill instead.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.


"Oh My God!"

"How did Rambo suddenly get a triple kill?"

Even Changmao and Xiaomi, who were in the commentary booth, were stunned. Rambo's triple kill was so strange that they were completely unable to react.

"There was nothing to say about Annie and Thresh, but how did Gnar die?"

Xiaomi was extremely puzzled.

Their faces were full of question marks.

Not to mention the commentary booth, even many viewers who were watching this game wanted to question Rambo at this time, even the director was like this.

The most shocked were Hirano Aya, Taobao Quan and others.

A wave of triple kills that was completely incomprehensible!

Is it okay like this?

Maybe, this is a genius top laner.

Netizens couldn't question Rambo, but at this time, Hirano Aya, Taobao Quan and others would frantically warn with question marks in the bottom lane, when everyone thought that Rambo would definitely die in this wave. The great god of grass and wood came up with a stroke of genius.

Reversing fate and completing a triple kill!

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