The servants' hall was full of shadows.

There were three layers of people outside the hall.

In the hall.

Wang Kui flew towards Moye.

His first move was a killing move!

It caused a cry of surprise.

Moye looked at Wang Kui quietly, as if waiting for death.

Just as Wang Kui's killing move was about to come,

an old man in black clothes suddenly appeared from the shadows.

That's right, he suddenly appeared!

If Guiying, the shadow demon, jumped in the shadows, there was still a shadow to be seen; then this old man seemed to appear out of thin air from the shadows!

Ming Lao,

a servant of the Mo family, Moye's guard.

Ming Lao blocked Wang Kui with one hand, and then kicked Wang Kui in the lower abdomen.

Wang Kui groaned and flew backwards.

He took several steps back on the ground before he stood firm with the help of his companions.

"Middle-grade King Realm?!" (Note: 4th to 6th grade is middle-grade)

Wang Kui looked at the old man guarding Mo Xie with a fearful look.

The old man ignored him and bowed respectfully to Mo Xie, "Young Master."

Mo Xie nodded, "Please trouble Elder Ming to help."

"Young Master, you are too polite."

Ming Lao bowed again, and then stood silently behind Mo Xie.

This kid is not simple to be treated like this by a middle-grade King Realm...

Wang Kui narrowed his eyes slightly, "Hehe, is this what you rely on?"

After saying that,

Five or six Yin-Yang Demon Sect members behind him stepped forward one after another,

and their auras burst out.

All of them were high-grade Sect Realm members, and the one standing in his deputy position was a strong man of the first-grade King Realm!

And on Mo Xie's side,

Ming Lao, who was a fourth-grade King Realm, was guarding Mo Xie's right hand.

Ji Meiling, who was at the top of the Ninth Rank Sect, smiled softly and stood on the left side of Mo Xie.

Gui Ying, who was at the top of the Ninth Rank Sect, also walked out from the darkness.

Sima Tian, ​​who was also at the top of the Ninth Rank Sect, was dressed in white clothes as white as snow, and slowly descended.

Ao Fang, who was at the top of the Eighth Rank Sect, stuck his head out and said, "Isn't it just a fight? Kill me if you dare, or I'll kill you!"

Mo Xie and Yin Yang Demon Sect were evenly matched.

At this moment,

Meng Ping pointed at Ming Lao and shouted, "Who are you?"

He looked at Mo Xie and snorted, "There are laws in my temple. No outsider can interfere in the affairs of my temple. Don't you, the so-called 'law enforcer', know this?"

"According to the temple law, what should be the punishment for bringing outsiders to interfere in the affairs of my temple?"

Mo Xie replied, "At the least, they will be detained and expelled, and at the most, they will be treated as treasonous."

For outsiders to enter such things is a first-class taboo for every major force, and the punishment is very heavy.

"Hahaha... You know it too!"

Meng Ping thought he had caught the handle, and sneered triumphantly, "Then you..."

Mo Xie was too lazy to listen to his nonsense and waved to Ming Lao.

Ming Lao took out a temple order.

Mo Xie didn't even look at Meng Ping, "What if there is a temple order?"

Outsiders are naturally not allowed to enter the Demon God Temple, but with a temple order, there is naturally an exception.

Just like a student ID, you can enter and exit the temple freely with it.


Ming Lao's temple order is gray.

And the disciples' temple order is black.

Have a temple order? !

Meng Ping's smug smile froze on his face, and his face instantly darkened.

After being slapped in the face, his first feeling was not anger, but regret.


Those who can issue temple orders to guards basically have a big background.

In other words,

This Mo Xie is also a person with a big background? !

But... I haven't heard of it before!

Otherwise, I wouldn't think of stealing Mo Xie's credit.

Of course he hasn't heard of it.

As mentioned earlier, Mo Xie's predecessor was extremely arrogant and conceited to the extreme, so he naturally disdained to show his family background.

Regret was only a matter of a moment,

The next second, Meng Ping's eyes flashed with a fierce light.

Mo Xie is a cruel and ruthless child, and he must be a vengeful person.

Since I have offended you, I must do it thoroughly!

At least,

In this Demon God Temple,

My power is greater than his.

Could it be that his family background is greater than that of the Demon God Temple?

Seeing Meng Ping was stumped,

Wang Kui cursed him as a waste and said to Mo Xie: "You killed two talented disciples of my Demon Sect. Even my Demon Sect requires a life for a life!"

Bullshit life for a life!

If it really required this, everyone present, even Mo Xie, would have been killed long ago.

Mo Xie shrugged and said: "They were the first to violate the rules of my temple."

The two sides actually started to reason.

—— This is another big difference between the righteous and the evil.

The righteous first reason, and then if reasoning fails, it will escalate to fighting.

And the evil way isFirst, fight and then reason.

To be precise,

the winner should reason.

As for the loser... hehe, the weak have no reason to reason!

And now that both sides are evenly matched,

so it is time to really reason.

Mo Xie looked at Meng Ping and said calmly: "Deacon Meng, you said that you raped women in my temple and tried to kill the law enforcers of my temple. According to the temple law, what is the crime?"

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd,

Meng Ping couldn't make up a story, so he had to say in a deep voice: "Death penalty."

He couldn't help but curse in his heart,

You are just a servant now, you are not a law enforcer!

But the temple law did not clearly state that servants who assist deacons in maintaining order are not law enforcers.

So he couldn't refute it.

The disciples watching also found it a little funny.

That is you, Mo Xie.

If it were any ordinary servant, I'm afraid your ashes would be scattered everywhere!

Mo Xie looked at Wang Kui and continued to ask: "Then do I have the right to kill those who violate the death law of my temple?!"

Meng Ping's face was livid and he didn't answer.

The disciples of the Demon God Temple who were interested in doing something shouted: "Anyone can kill anyone who violates the death penalty of the temple law of my temple!"

Mo Xie looked at Wang Kui with a joking face, "Or do you mean that people from the Yin-Yang Demon Sect, even a servant, can be beaten and killed at will without guilt?!"

"If you say one is, then I will immediately slaughter your demon sect like pigs and dogs... Hahaha, don't get me wrong, I mean the servants."

Wang Kui looked at Mo Xie with gloomy eyes and said nothing.

He really wanted to step forward and kill this bastard!

But with a middle-grade king extreme realm strongman guarding him, it was destined to be just a thought.


All the disciples of the Demon God Temple burst into laughter.

In the past two days,

they have long been dissatisfied with the disciples of those big forces - they kept arguing about "The Demon God Temple is no longer good", "The Demon God Temple is no longer worthy of being the leader of the demonic forces", "..."

And the Yin Yang Demon Sect is one of the most arrogant ones.

So seeing Mo Xie slap the Yin Yang Demon Sect in the face, they were all very happy.


Seeing Wang Kui silent,

Mo Xie's mouth corners slightly raised.

To become a qualified villain, eloquence is a must.

Look at some villains,

They are repeatedly speechless by the protagonist,

and some are even "turned over a new leaf" by the protagonist and turned to the protagonist's camp.

It's simply a disgrace to me as a villain!

Mo Xie felt that,

at this point,

she should learn from the villain leader 'Pluto' in which cartoon I forgot, who made the protagonist speechless.

It's time to declare it over!

Mo Xie looked at Wang Kui and others, and said calmly: "The two disciples of Yin Yang Demon Sect committed a capital crime against my temple, and I will kill them myself! This is the truth, no one can help!"

He directly defined the nature of this incident - if they committed a crime, they should be punished; and if they committed a capital crime, they should pay with their lives!

Wang Kui's eyes twitched, and he couldn't hold it back.

Mo Xie's words were not finished yet!

He looked around the whole audience, and said murderously: "If there are any more people who commit crimes and violate the laws of my temple in my temple,"

"I don't care if you are a super power or have a big backer,"

"Catch them!"

"Punish them!"

"... Kill them!"

The murderous words echoed throughout the audience.

The disciples of the Demon God Temple didn't think it was a big deal, and they made peace with him, "Brother Mo Xie is great!"

Although the other forces were awe-inspiring, they sneered more.

In the magic world,

Which force, even if it is as powerful as your Demon God Temple,

did not cause numerous so-called "crimes" when holding a grand event!

Is your Demon God Temple the only one that is special? !


they only dared to think about it in their hearts, and they still didn't have the courage to speak it out.

After all,

the two disciples of the Yin Yang Demon Sect died so miserably!

This blue-clothed "servant" named Moye...really dared to kill people!

It is foreseeable that

in the remaining one and a half days,

if there are any more "criminals" who want to commit crimes in the Demon God Temple,

they will have to weigh themselves carefully to see if they are more difficult to kill than the disciples of the super-powerful Yin Yang Demon Sect.

Not to mention whether they can be completely isolated,

dogs can't change their nature, and demons can't change their crimes

that is definitely impossible to completely eliminate.


at least they won't be so blatant anymore.

Let’s get back to the point.

After saying these murderous words,

Mo Xie still did not forget the “main theme”,

“My Demon God Temple is the altar of the Great Demon God, the common ancestor of the demon world, and its orthodox statusIt is well deserved!"

"I don't care what you think of my temple, whether you think it is declining or not worthy of its reputation."

"In short,"

"My Demon God Temple will always be the leader of all forces in the demon world."

"It was before,"

"It is now,"

"It will be in the future!"

"The majesty of the temple cannot be violated!"

"If there are those who are dissatisfied, just come to my temple to fight, I will be there anytime!"

Even if the consensus of the demon world is that the Demon God Temple has declined and can no longer be the leader of this force.

But because of his family background,

Mo Xie's vision is broader-he always feels that the Demon God Temple is not as simple as it seems!

If nothing else,

just the title of "the leader of the demon world" can show some clues.

If it really declined,

why can it still be maintained?

Is it just relying on a so-called "Demon God Altar" "Orthodoxy?

You know,

This is not the righteous way that emphasizes etiquette, but the bloodthirsty and cruel demonic way!

Well... no explanation, those who understand will understand!

It is estimated that only a fool like Meng Ping can't understand, and go to lick the stinky feet of the Yin Yang Demon Sect's brothel (Note: The Yin Yang Demon Sect is located in a valley, so it is also called a brothel by those who despise it).

Mo Xie sneered in his heart.

The scene exploded, and all the disciples of the Demon God Temple felt their blood boiling.

"Well said!"

"The majesty of my temple cannot be violated!"

"If anyone is dissatisfied, just come to me... cough cough, find my senior brother Mo Xie!"


Isn't it inspiring?

I learned it from a certain painter cough cough...

Mo Xie smiled slightly.

Just then,

A loud laugh suddenly came from the air, "Haha, what a sharp-tongued kid! "

Everyone looked up,

and saw a middle-aged man wearing a Yin-Yang Demon Sect robe (Note: Yin-Yang Demon Sect robes are embroidered with a man and a woman, meaning the union of yin and yang) appeared in the sky.

"Deputy Sect Master!"

Wang Kui and other Yin-Yang Demon Sect members all knelt on one knee and said respectfully. (Note: There is a yard in front of the servant hall, which is connected to the hall gate. Moye and others are in the hall, and Wang Kui and others are in the yard)

The onlookers discussed in surprise,

"It's actually the deputy sect master of Yin-Yang Demon Sect? !"

"This is a strong man in the half-step emperor realm!"

"Among the ten deputy sect masters of the Demon Sect, he can be ranked in the top five!"

"The powerful men in the emperor realm basically don't interfere in affairs, so it's not an exaggeration to say that he is the top combat force!"


"A bunch of trash! "

Zhu Sha cursed at Wang Kui and the others, and then without even looking at Mo Xie, he said, "Why don't you take Zhu Wen away quickly! Are you still waiting to be embarrassed?"

The onlookers were shocked.

It seems that the Yin Yang Demon Sect is ready to take this loss.

But it is also true,

They have occupied the great justice of the Temple Law, so what else can they do if they don't take it?

After all... this is the territory of the Demon God Temple.


Wang Kui looked at Mo Xie with hatred, and prepared to go to the firewood room to release Zhu Wen.

That Zhu Wen may have been listening to the outside world,

At this moment, he laughed wildly, "Hahaha... I said that you will let me out obediently. Every one of you will pay a painful price! And that who, Mo Xie, right? I will have fun with you..."

Mo Xie held his forehead.

It seems that being locked up for so long has made him lose some of his motivation.

From a relatively low-level villain to the lowest villain.


In the wing room not far away.

"Master Zhang is awake!" the servant said in surprise.

" of you will be killed..." Zhu Wen's cruel words came into the house.

"Master Zhang is unconscious again!" the servant was shocked.


"Mr. Zhu, we will let you out now!"

Wang Kui and others walked towards the woodshed.

Before they got close, an old man in black stood in front of them.

It was the middle-grade king realm just now!

"What do you mean?" Wang Kui naturally understood who was the instructor, and looked at Mo Xie in shock and anger.

Mo Xie said lightly: "Did I say to let Zhu Wen go?"

Everyone in the audience was stunned.

Wang Kui said in disbelief: "What did you say? ”

Mo Xie said: "Deacon, your memory is not good, then I will remind you again."

"I said that Zhu Wen is an accomplice, and he can escape the death penalty but cannot escape the punishment of life!"

"The majesty of my temple cannot be violated, and the temple rules cannot be violated!"


"For the sake of Zhu Zongzhu, let him admit his mistake and apologize, and express that he will absolutely obey the temple rules of my temple..."

"This crime can be forgiven!"

Zhu Sha stood in the air, and said calmly: "Oh? That Wen'er is notApologize, what will happen? "

Mo Xie doesn't like to look up at others, so she doesn't even look at him.

He shrugged and said, "That's fine... It's the father's fault for not educating the child, and it's natural for Zhu Zongzhu to apologize on his behalf."

The whole audience fell into a dead silence...


ps. Another big chapter!

I thought about this chapter for a long time, wrote and revised, and carefully deleted it. I finally finished it after writing it for a long time. I feel dizzy and want to vomit!


Shouldn't Lao Yun, who is so serious, be comforted by rewards?

Either way, either way, 嘤嘤嘤~~~

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