Moye is a somewhat paranoid person.

Since he has chosen to do something, he must do it well!

Even if he is a servant, a servant who maintains the order of the temple, he will definitely do it well.

He knows that paranoia is not a good character.


Looking at the eternity and countless parallel time and space,

For a qualified villain, paranoia is a must-

Grey Wolf is obsessed with catching sheep, so he is a villain, although he always fails;

Walon is obsessed with making money, so he is also a villain, although his means are too despicable;

Pluto is obsessed with ruling the world, so he is also a villain, although he was killed by the plot.

Ultraman is obsessed with stopping monsters from destroying his life, so he is also... ahem, cross this one out!

So, he is not going to change it.

So... Zhu Wen, can't let go!

Mo Xie ignored the shocked crowd, slowly raised his head, and said calmly: "If you make a mistake, you must accept the punishment.

Either apologize or continue to be detained."

He felt that he had given enough face to this Deputy Sect Leader Zhu.

Didn't you see that a certain patrolman named Tie Lin arrested a little devil and has not released him yet?

Isn't it magnanimous enough for you to apologize and show that you will respect my temple?


In the eyes of the onlookers, they didn't think so at all!

They just thought,

Is Mo Xie too arrogant, or is there something wrong with his brain?

How dare he not release people under the demonic power of the Deputy Sect Leader of the Yin-Yang Demon Sect? !

He even shouted for him to apologize for his son!

Do you have to be so arrogant...

Everyone looked at Zhu Sha standing in the air, waiting for his thunderous anger.

"Don't let go?"

Zhu Sha's voice suddenly turned cold, "Do you really think you can be so unscrupulous by relying on the so-called palace rules?"

"You know... this is the Demonic Path!"

After he finished speaking,

the aura of the Half-Step Emperor Realm burst out!

The pressure was so strong that many people present bent over in fear.

Mo Xie also felt a little pressure, but it was far from enough to make him feel scared, let alone bend over.

——No matter how strong your pressure is, can it be stronger than Zi... can it snatch that person? !

Mo Xie shrugged, "Not really."

He stretched himself, his tone was calm, but his words were earth-shattering,

"It's because this is the Demonic Path, the Demonic Path that emphasizes the strong being respected!"

"And you,"

"Deputy Sect Master Zhu,"

"Still too weak!"

He smiled playfully, "And the weak must abide by the rules!"

The onlookers were shocked and looked at Mo Xie in horror.

Am I crazy,

Or is this guy crazy? !

The deputy sect master of the Yin-Yang Demon Sect, who is infinitely close to the Emperor Realm... Too, too weak? !

Not only the spectators,

but everyone in the venue was also shocked.

Meng Ping was shocked at first, and then sneered in his heart.

A half-step Emperor Realm strongman, too weak? !

A strong man who can crush you like an ant, too weak? !

Hahahaha... You are such a stupid and ignorant child. You have offended such a strong man. I wonder if you will die!

Ji Meiling turned her beautiful eyes to one side, frowned slightly, and looked at Mo Xie's calm face.

Could it be that I felt wrong, this guy is still as arrogant as before?


In the past, his arrogance was completely arrogant and brainless,

But now his arrogance... seems to have confidence?

Then what is his confidence?

Her foxy eyes narrowed slightly, and she thought subconsciously.

After a long silence,

She smiled, like a proud little fox - being seen by some disciples who were horrified in their hearts, even if they knew that this was not the occasion, they could not help but swallow their saliva and stare at him with a fascinated face.

She looked up at the sky.

So that's it...

Listening to Mo Xie's words, Gui Ying was in a trance: He only followed Mo Xie because he was afraid that others would hurt him, but now why did he feel... following him is getting more and more dangerous?

Are we going to fight? Life and death don't matter. Just fight if you don't accept it!

Ao Fang, who was always as tough as a flat-headed brother on the grassland, stiffened his neck and widened his eyes, looking up at Zhu Sha, and then he looked away in less than a second.

He looked at Wang Kui... and then looked away, looking at a certain demon sect disciple behind him - well, life and death don't matter. Just fight if you don't accept it!

Sima Tian trembled all over.

This, this kind of words should be said by me!

At this moment,

He also wanted to stand up and say something like Mo Xie.

Just half a step to the emperor realm... just an ant and a weed!


Then he continued to think for the rest of the time.


Mo Xie's shocking wordsAfter speaking.

Zhu Sha's pressure was withdrawn, but everyone knew that this was just the calm before the storm.

After a long silence, he smiled, "First-grade king? It is indeed a top talent... But do you know how long it will take for me to kill you?"

Mo Xie also smiled and said, "No more than ten breaths."


Zhu Sha said calmly, "Then am I still a weakling?"

Mo Xie nodded and said, "Yes."

He explained seriously, "In front of my temple, you are a weakling!"


"The rules of my temple, whether it is your son or you,"

He said word by word, "You must abide by them!"

Zhu Sha chuckled and said with interest, "Okay... Then I will see if your so-called rules can make me obey, and if killing you can make me pay for my life."

Hearing this,

Everyone had only one thought in their mind: Deputy Sect Leader Zhu took the initiative to kill, this kid must die!

If an ordinary half-step emperor realm killed a temple disciple, he might not be safe and sound; but Zhu Sha was not only a half-step emperor realm, but also the deputy leader of Yin Yang Demon Sect!

Zhu Sha stood with his hands behind his back, as if he was stepping on an invisible staircase and slowly walked down from the air.

——Low-grade king realm can fly; middle-grade king realm can barely stand in the air; and high-grade king realm can walk in the air as if on the ground!

Zhu Sha said lightly while walking: "But you are wrong."

Mo Xie remained calm, "What's wrong?"

"Kill you... One breath is enough!"

Before he finished speaking,

he turned into a black light and appeared in front of Mo Xie at a speed that ordinary people could not see.

No nonsense,

directly slapped Mo Xie's head with one palm,

If it hit, Mo Xie's head would definitely explode like a watermelon, and he would die.

——This is the way of the devil. It never cares about the seniors' inappropriate actions against the juniors. As long as they offend, they will be killed!

With such a speed,

even the old Ming who was in the fourth-grade king realm had no time to react, and could only exclaim, "Young Master!"

Above the king realm, one grade is a level of heaven!

The difference between the peak king realm and the fourth-grade king realm is really not a little bit, but a world of difference!


Old Ming couldn't react,

but there are always people who can react!

"Trash, you have lost the face of my way of the devil!"

A joking voice sounded.

Zhu Sha, who was killing Mo Xie, noticed something wrong in an instant, gave up killing Mo Xie, and hurriedly used his magic energy to guard in front of him.

Sure enough,

The next second,

a red long sword cut through the sky, like a flash of blood in the air.

Hit Zhu Sha's body.

Zhu Sha groaned and took several steps back.

He had already suffered a great loss.

The blood-colored long sword was also shaken away,

and deeply inserted into the stone slab on the ground, trembling constantly!

Everything happened in a flash.

No one reacted at all.

They could only stare with their eyes wide open, bewildered,

What on earth happened? !

Ji Meiling looked at Mo Xie, and saw that he looked calm, obviously he had expected it.

Sure enough...

She thought to herself.

Noticing her gaze,

Mo Xie turned his head and looked at her towering mountains, blinking triumphantly.

Ji Meiling smiled strangely, with a dangerous gleam in her eyes, and inspected his lower body.

Mo Xie smiled awkwardly and turned his head away.

"Is it you, the drunkard?!"

Zhu Sha looked up with fear.

Is there anyone else coming? !

Everyone looked up.

I saw a middle-aged man with untidy beard sitting on the eaves of the roof...

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