The secret place where the ancestor of the power demon inherited.

This is a world of wind, sand and loess.

A top-grade resurrection pill (note: a basic Xuandan that restores physical strength and vitality) was fed into the sandalwood mouth,

but after a while,

Ji Meiling's eyelashes trembled slightly, and her slender fox eyes slowly opened.

Mo Xie angrily said: "Didn't I leave the pill for you? Why don't you take it!"

Before I shuttled through the cultivation world, I left all the Xuandan in my Qiankun bag.


This foxy girl didn't take any of them!

If he came back a little later, wouldn't he have died? !

So Mo Xie was very annoyed.

"You're not dead..."

Ji Meiling narrowed her eyes slightly, looked at Mo Xie in a daze, and murmured with a smile: "That's great!"

So you thought I was dead...

Mo Xie's anger dissipated immediately, and he took a deep breath, "I left all the Xuandan for you, why don't you take it?"

He looked at Ji Meiling's pale cheeks and said in a deep voice: "Do you know that if I hadn't given it to you, your vitality would have been exhausted?"

Ji Meiling's voice was very low, but her tone was still charming, "I know... But if you're dead, wouldn't it be boring for me to be alone? Waiting for death is the most boring, I hate this kind of boredom the most..."

Mo Xie took a healing pill and said: "Who said we will die?! I said, we won't die, I will take you out!"

Ji Meiling didn't say anything, just looked at Mo Xie quietly and smiled.

This smile is really like a flower,

but it's the kind of enchanting and dangerous red spider lily!

"You are still as arrogant as before..." she said with a chuckle.

Feeling that his injuries were slowly recovering,

Mo Xie took another [Resurrection Pill] to help restore his physical strength.

Ji Meiling gently leaned her head on Mo Xie's shoulder. This extreme weakness made her have the temperament of a weak woman.

She shook her head gently, and said with some openness: "I can't get out... The secret place of the Demon Ancestor level is a place where you can only enter but not exit if you die."

"That's not necessarily true!"

Feeling that his vitality was gradually recovering,

Mo Xie gently placed Ji Meiling on the cloak on the ground and slowly stood up.

His tone revealed a strong sense of confidence!

As if it was engraved in his bones, Mo Xie felt that his muscle memory had added something.

Top physical skills!

This is the source of his confidence!

This feeling,

is like an unarmed ordinary person who encounters a vicious tiger in the wilderness and suddenly has an AK at hand.

Perhaps the great power of this world felt that Moye had recovered her fighting strength.

Not far away,

A tornado-like sandstorm slowly spun on the loess.

In the sandstorm, a human figure slowly condensed from the ground.

It was Michelin... ahem, no,

It was a goblin!

Moye's eyes flashed.

Full of fighting spirit!

But he felt his trouser legs being pulled.

He lowered his head,

and saw Ji Meiling kneeling on the ground, looking at him with slightly pleading eyes, "Don't fight, your Xuan Qi is sealed, you can't win... Spend this last time well, okay?"

She now had no trace of her usual chic and charming demeanor, and was all a kind of delicate and pitiful little girl.

This was a state that she had never seen since she could remember!

It is said that

The tougher a person is on the outside, the more fragile he is on the inside.

People are inherently soft,

Soft flesh and blood, soft heart,

So-called strength is just a protective color of the appearance, just like a turtle has a shell, a lion has claws and teeth...

Humans always use a strong appearance to arm their soft inner self!

In this last period of time, Ji Meiling felt that she was enjoying it.

That's right,

It's not fear,

but enjoyment!

Perhaps before Moye came, it was an infinite fear of death.

But now, it is enjoyment!

Enjoy the stupidity that she despised in the past,

Enjoy the care that she lacked since childhood,

Enjoy everything she didn't have before,

Enjoy a brand new self...


She didn't want to watch Moye take risks anymore.

She just wanted to lean on Moye's shoulder and wait for death quietly.

Although she still had many regrets,

But this ending was not too bad...

Moye looked down at her and was stunned for a moment.

From this angle, Ji Meiling is really attractive.

The messy hair,

the soft eyes,

the white neck,

the delicate collarbone,

the two peaks that are faintly visible under the off-shoulder red dress...

shaking her head to get rid of distracting thoughts,

Mo Xie said in a deep voice: "You just give up like this? This is not like the Ji Mei I knew in the past.Ling! The Ji Meiling I know is reckless and extremely narcissistic..."

He turned his head to look at the goblin that was about to condense into shape, and a ferocious light burst out of his eyes, "Even if the end is certain to be death, you must fight back desperately!"

"Even if I die in this way, I have no regrets."

He kept gathering his fighting spirit, "In this battle, either I live; or it dies!"


Although Moye's ferocity has been tempered, there is still a kind of good character in his bones-but in desperate situations, good people are often the most extreme and cruel!

Ji Meiling was stunned, then nodded, "I understand."

She rubbed her eyes, took a deep breath, and smiled, "If you die, I will commit suicide to accompany you, so that you will not be so lonely, and it can be regarded as repaying you a little~"

The seductive and narcissistic fox girl seemed to be back again...

Moye shook her head and smiled, "Don't look down on me so much, right? "

Ji Meiling clapped her hands and yawned, and said lazily: "I believe you, you will definitely beat that ugly thing~"

"What a perfunctory..."

Mo Xie curled his lips.

Looking at the opposite side,

the figure of 'Michelin' has gathered to the shoulder.

Mo Xie's face was serious, "To be honest, I don't have confidence either..."

Ji Meiling still smiled and looked at him steadily, "It's okay, I'll accompany you, you won't be alone."

Mo Xie suddenly smiled playfully and squatted down, "But if you kiss me, maybe I will have confidence. "

Ji Meiling was stunned, and said with a smile: "Is this your last wish? "

Mo Xie shrugged, coughed and said: "If you don't want to, then forget it..."


The slightly dry pink lips kissed her cheek heavily.

Mo Xie's heart tightened and her heart was moved.


They are the same human lips,

Why does the beautiful woman's lips have such a strong feeling?

But it's just ordinary skin contact...

If Mo Xie is good at biology, she will know that this is caused by male and female hormones.

But then again,

Men and women are the yin and yang,

Can it be explained by just one hormone?

"With this kiss, I will go even if there are thousands of people!"

Mo Xie stood up and said with a smile.

Ji Meiling's pale cheeks reflected the red glow, and she covered her mouth and smiled: "Can I die with my eyes closed?"

"With my eyes closed! What about you? "Mo Xie nodded.

"I'm also dead~" Ji Meiling supported her head with her little hands, and lay on her cloak lazily and powerlessly.

One is about a kiss from a beautiful woman, and the other is about dying together.

The ending of this life is enough... enough to close your eyes!

Just then,

the earthy yellow goblin, more than ten feet tall, condensed into shape,

and made a dull and emotionless demonic sound, "I am a goblin. If you want to pass the inheritance, you must defeat me!"

"Hahaha, with a beautiful woman as my companion, I have no regrets even if I die. But it's a pity..."

Mo Xie turned his back to Ji Meiling, "We will not die! I said, I will take you out."

"Little guy, die!" The goblin roared and rushed towards Mo Xie.

"Mo Xie kept his promise and kept it! "

As soon as these words came out, Moye also stepped on the ground, and a burst of sand flew under her feet, like a cannonball.

Ji Meiling supported her little hand on her head, looking at Moye with sparkling eyes.

Although she knew that this was a duel that was almost impossible to win,

but it was still very exciting...

"Is there really a promise that will never be broken?"

She murmured.

In her other white little hand, she was playing with a small bottle.

The small bottle contained a very poisonous medicine!

It was colorless and tasteless, and it killed the enemy instantly... The most important thing was that the death was not painful.

This was originally prepared by her to prevent accidents when she was walking in the world.

There are countless unpredictable people who died from this medicine.

I didn't expect that it would be left to me in the end...

She gently turned the small bottle with a few slender fingers, and looked at Moye's figure steadily.

"Even if the end is certain to die, I must fight back desperately... Either I live, or it dies. "

These words kept echoing in her mind.

Ji Meiling sighed softly, looked at the small bottle in her hand, and said faintly: "Will it really be painless to die?"

She remembered the ugly faces of those people before they died.


The answer is no.

Because death,

itself is a painful thing!

Ji Meiling shook her head and stopped thinking about it, looking at Moye intently.

I thought it would be another crushing defeat...

She remembered the guy who was obviously in a very embarrassed state before, but pretended to be calm.

The corners of her mouth subconsciously rose slightly.

ButLooking at the game in front of her,

Ji Meiling was a little stunned.

The game was indeed a one-sided crush,


this time,

it was not Moye who was crushed!

Her mouth opened slightly, and behind her crystal teeth was a scarlet and tender tongue.

A look of shock appeared on her charming face...


PS. Thanks to the book friend "Happy Gingerbread Man" for the second reminder!

I won't go to work tomorrow. Lao Yun originally wanted to stay up late to write more words for everyone, but I wrote a few hundred words and then deleted them all!

Because I worked all day today, I was very tired. It was the limit to maintain the standard quality and write one chapter. I would not be in the state to write more. I don't want to write some garbage words to perfunctory everyone!

Go to bed early today and adjust your state. I will update normally tomorrow. Lao Yun will try to work harder to update for everyone~

Then, I hope everyone can help to push the book shortage. Lao Yun thanks you~

Go to sleep. Good night, family, I wish you all a happy weekend~

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