Yellow sands were everywhere, and demonic energy was rampant.

Moye rushed towards the ten-foot-tall goblin.

To be precise,

the two sides were ‘running towards each other’.

Just like love, this was a ‘love-hate relationship’.

“Little guy, die!”

The goblin growled, while raising his huge fist to hit Moye.

As if it was engraved in her bones,

Moye dodged it sideways.

And predicted its subsequent moves in her mind.

Its next move,

must be a right fist counterattack,

if it missed,

it would hit back with its left hand,

if it missed again,

it would be a leg move…

Sure enough,


the goblin’s moves were as Moye predicted.

—— Moye, who now possessed top physical skills, had an extremely experienced vision and could predict the next few moves from its one move.

Moye naturally avoided and resolved them one by one.

After several consecutive moves failed,

the goblin roared in anger.

"Don't call me ugly, it's my turn now!"

Moye clenched his fist, making a crackling sound.

He easily avoided the goblin's powerful blow by leaning sideways.

Then he quickly and accurately grabbed the goblin's thick wrist with his right hand.

The goblin's physical skills were also extraordinary, and his reaction was very good.

He wanted to pull his arm back immediately.

The force was too great, and Moye couldn't hold it!

But it didn't matter!

Moye's purpose was not to bind its arm.

I saw that

Moye took advantage of the goblin's force to pull back his arm, stepped forward at the right time, and folded his arm behind his back.

Then with his other hand, he hit his arm with an elbow at the bend of his arm, binding his arm behind his back.


He stretched out his leg and stepped hard on his knee.

It's over!

Moye's movements were so smooth and lightning-fast.

The goblin had no time to react.

I saw that

the goblin knelt on the ground with one leg, and his knee was deeply buried in the soil.

And one of his hands was very cleverly held by Moye and could not move.

The goblin, who was originally extremely powerful, was actually firmly suppressed by Moye at this moment!

You know,

Moye didn't have any Xuanqi at all, and only relied on her flesh!

Ji Meiling opened her mouth slightly, stretched out her little hand to cover her pink lips, and was obviously very surprised.

"He... How did he do it?"

Her foxy eyes slightly enlarged, and she looked at Moye with sparkling eyes.

It's no wonder that she was so shocked,


in this Fangtian Xuan world.

Xuan Xiu basically relies on Xuanqi, relying on Xuan Gong Xuan Ji, Xuan Qi Xuan Bao to fight against the enemy, as for physical skills, they are just minor things.

Even if they are full-time physical cultivators,

they only rely on brute force of the flesh, and have no exquisite physical skills at all.

This is why Ji Meiling seemed so pessimistic and desperate after the Xuan Qi was sealed.

——A Xuan cultivator without Xuan Qi, fighting against that powerful earth clod with only the can he win? !


Now Mo Xie has done it,

he has done this almost impossible thing!

Ji Meiling looked at Mo Xie's figure, her eyes shining.

This time,

she really had a glimmer of hope to get out alive.

"Mo Xie keeps his promise!"

This sonorous words echoed in her mind again.


The goblin was locked by Mo Xie's arm, and then his knees were stepped on and he knelt on the ground, unable to move at all.


The goblin roared, and actually wanted to break free by brute force.


Mo Xie sneered.

The lock has been formed, how can it be broken free by brute force?

Mo Xie held its arm tightly with both hands,

and suddenly turned his body to the side, twisting it with great force.


If it was a human, this move would be enough to remove the arm.

But this goblin was just condensed from sand, without bones and joints.

So Mo Xie twisted it and actually pulled its arm off.


A burst of quicksand fell from the broken arm like blood.


Mo Xie grabbed an arm in his hand and took a few steps back under his great inertia.

Stopped his steps.

The broken arm quickly turned into sand in his hand, and then disappeared with the wind.

Kill him while he's sick!

Mo Xie didn't hesitate and rushed directly towards the one-armed goblin.

"Little guy, die!"

The goblin had no intelligence, so it stood up from the ground and continued to rush towards Moye according to the rules.

Even in its complete form, it was no match for Moye,

not to mention that it only had one arm left!

Under Moye's top physical skills, it didn't even have a chance to fight back., the damage on his body is getting more and more.


Mo Xie kicked it on the head with a whip kick.


The goblin turned into flying sand and exploded.

It's over?

Mo Xie breathed a sigh of relief.

If physical skills have levels -

then his top physical skills are at least 99 if not 100, and the goblin's physical skills are only 80 points at most.

Naturally, he is far from being Mo Xie's opponent.

In this duel, he won easily and simply!

He turned around and walked towards Ji Meiling.

"Be careful!"

Ji Meiling exclaimed.

Mo Xie felt a sharp gust of wind coming.

Mo Xie suddenly bent down and avoided the fist on his head.

He pushed his head to the ground and escaped the attack range with a "rolling dragon".

He turned around and looked back,

and saw that it was also a burly goblin, but its eyes were scarlet and it was full of strong hostility!

"It's not over yet!"

Mo Xie curled her lips and rushed forward.

Bang, bang, bang!

Fists and feet clashed,

A few moves went by.

"Is it upgraded?"

Mo Xie frowned slightly.

If the previous goblin had a physical skill level of 80 points, then this time it can reach 85 points!


After dozens of moves.


Mo Xie formed a naked choke and directly choked its head to pieces.

The battle ended again!

With the previous situation,

Mo Xie did not relax, but was ready.

Sure enough,

The wind and sand gathered on the ground, and another goblin was formed.

But this goblin was even more terrifying-it was like blood pouring back on the sand, the whole body was dark red, and the murderous aura was even worse!

After a few moves.

"This one can reach 90 points!"

Mo Xie's face was a little serious.

For the goblin with 80 points in physical skills, let’s not talk about Ji Meiling. After all, although she is talented, she is a woman, and even Mo Xie, a top genius, can’t beat her.

Then the goblin with 90 points is even more imaginable!


There may be higher levels in the future.

The inheritance of the Demon Ancestor is really perverted!

Mo Xie cursed inwardly.

He fought with the goblin again.

After hundreds of moves.


This dark red goblin turned into flying sand and exploded again - Mo Xie exchanged his injury for death, and successfully took it away at the cost of a punch in the chest.

"I guess there is still..."

Mo Xie covered his chest, his face a little ugly.

"Mo Xie!" A cry.

A small bottle appeared in front of him.

Mo Xie caught it.

It is the resurrection pill to restore physical strength!

"Come on!"

Ji Meiling winked and gently pursed her lips to kiss.

Moye subconsciously recalled the warm touch of that kiss.

Her heart was moved.

"This goblin..."

He shook his head and laughed.

"Ants are not worthy of my inheritance!"

A deep demonic voice sounded.

Moye was startled and turned to look.

I saw a violent wind in the world, and the wind and sand mixed with black air were dancing wildly.

A huge wind and sand roll took shape!

In the center of the 'sand roll', a man with a demonic aura appeared.

"Not a goblin!"

Moye's face was extremely solemn.

As the wind and sand slowly dissipated,

Moye looked intently.

I saw that this man was burly and strong, with muscles in his arms, but his face could not be seen clearly.

The rolling demonic pressure on his body made Moye feel a terrifying deterrence.

"This is the ancestor of the power demon!"

Moye reacted immediately.

Because he felt a terrifying sense of oppression from this man!

Except for the ancestor of the power demon, there is probably no one else.

Sure enough,

The burly man with a demonic aura said in a demonic voice:

"I am the ancestor of the power demon!"

"Everyone says that my power demon comprehends self-cultivation... Ha, everyone is stupid!"

"My power demon path comes from the power of the earth..."

"Everyone relies on the mysterious energy, but I rely on the strength of my physical body to defeat all the demons!"

"This power is not brute force, and it is beyond the reach of the stupid barbarians of the righteous path..."

-This barbarian is naturally talking about the physical cultivation of the righteous path.

He was able to comprehend the mystery of physical body skills tens of millions of years ago... He is worthy of being a demon ancestor!

While thinking in his heart, Mo Xie frantically fed Xuandan to restore his physical strength.

Soon, dozens of resurrection pills in the bottle all entered his stomach.

A hot energy echoed in his lower abdomen.

"Youngster, you are the first one to awaken my power!"

"I will not use the power of cultivation to bully others, I will only use the art of fighting..."

The 'ancestor of power demons' looked at Moye as if he was still alive in the world.

But Moye knew that he must be dead,

This was just a kind of‘Inherit the Dao’.

“Let’s see if the latecomer can defeat me?”

After the Demon Ancestor said the last sentence, the demonic energy and pressure on his body dissipated directly.

A tall and muscular man appeared.

His face with thick eyebrows and a wide nose looked majestic and fierce.

This is the true appearance of the ancestor of power demons!

“Win, inherit my inheritance; lose... then die!”

After speaking,

The Demon Ancestor stepped on the ground and rushed towards Moye.

Moye felt a little solemn.

After all, this is a generation of Demon Ancestor!

But more of it is the will to fight!

After all,

Now his physical skills are top-notch, and he is confident that he is not inferior to anyone!

“Then fight…”

He stepped on the ground and rushed forward like a cannonball.

“You must win…”

Ji Meiling bit her lips with her pearly teeth, and there was a little worry in her beautiful eyes.

After all,

this is the ancestor of the power demon...


Over there,

Mo Xie and the demon ancestor fought...

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