At this time, Dazhuang three people also rushed to the store, together with a few guys, a total of seven people instantly knocked down the two wobbly people to the ground, and then they could not find each other's eyes, surrounded by the three people on the ground was a big step.

"Go." In the chaos, Xiao Shili pulls up the girl who is still in a daze and rushes out of the bar.

Although he knew it was on his own territory and there was no danger, Xiao Shili took the girl to rush out several hundred meters and ran to Xinmen square at the end of the commercial street. As for why, he didn't know.

After stopping, the two of them gasped for breath. Xiao Shili looked at the girl with her hands on her chest. Her face had not passed the fright just now, and because she ran too fast, the expression of her little face was tangled, but it still looked beautiful.

They were silent for a while, but each gasped for breath. Xiao Shili suddenly didn't know what to say. Although he couldn't talk and laugh in front of a beautiful girl, he was not nervous at all. Today, in such a scene, his brain is not blank, but he can't say a word.

Finally, the girl spoke first. She looked up at Xiao Shili. A few strands of hair were twining around her white face. Her soft eyes were trembling, which showed a deep sense of worry.

"You... Are you ok?"

"Ah?" It took two seconds for Xiao Shi to react. The girl looked at herself with concern. She was afraid that she might be hurt in the fight just now.

"No, No." He shook his head. "How about you? Are you ok?"



"Thank you."

"It's OK. I'll take you back."

"No, I'll take a taxi myself." The girl said quickly.

"Wait here." Xiao Shili then turned around and ran towards the bar.

After a few minutes, he came back riding the little pedal of Mayi. The girl was still standing in the same place. On the way, his heart fluctuated several times. Maybe when he passed by, others had already left. When he saw the pretty figure, his heart was suddenly relieved.

"Let's go." He parked the car in front of the girl and handed her a helmet.

The girl didn't refuse this time. She climbed up and didn't put on her helmet. She just held it in her arms. Xiao Shili didn't move for a long time, as if he was waiting for something. Although he knew that the girl couldn't put her hands around his waist, he still had some expectations.

After driving for a while, there was a light "hello" at the back.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Shi left the car very attentively.

"Well... Do you know where I live?"

"Ah... I'm sorry, I forgot..." Xiao Shili saw the girl's head down from the rearview mirror and her mouth turned up. He couldn't help but feel wandering.

"Are you going to take me home?"

"Yes... Yes."

"But you don't know the way..." the girl showed a reproachful tone, "it's going backwards."

"Oh." Xiao Shili made a big red face. In fact, just now in his consciousness, he acquiesced that the girl still lived in her "original" place.

"Which way to go." At a crossroads, Xiao Shi stops and asks the girl.

"Turn left."

"What's your name, by the way." Xiao Shili finally thought of asking the girl's name. As soon as he said it, he regretted it. He thought it was too abrupt to ask. At this time, his brain could not keep up with his mouth.

"Ye ruoqing, how about you?" The girl gave a little smile.

"Xiao Shili."

"What a strange name."

If someone commented on his name at ordinary times, Xiao Shili would open his mouth and scold him, but he was not angry at the moment.

"Why is it called Shili?" Ye ruoqing seems to be very interested in Xiao Shili's name, "it gives people a good feeling of loneliness, as if to say that the whole world has left you."

"Yes, that's what it means." Xiao Shili was a little surprised. This is the first time someone has guessed the meaning of his name.

"Is it?" Ye ruoqing gathered her hair and asked softly, "why do you have such a name?"

After a moment's silence, Xiao Shili began to say, "when I was born, three people died in the upper floor of my family. They were all dying and dying old people. In addition, all the animals in each family died."

"My parents were superstitious. At that time, they invited a Mr. Yin and yang to show me the eight characters. In fact, my parents also felt that the whole building looked at our family with a strange look at that time.

The expression on the girl's face gradually becomes focused, and her mind is completely attracted by the man's story.

"After reading it, Mr. Yin and Yang said that the sins of my previous life were too heavy. After reincarnation, I brought my anger to this world. After I was six years old, I would see blood on my hands. My parents were so scared that they asked me what way to save them. Mr. Yin Yang said that hostility could not be removed. He had a way to suppress it. After receiving 500 yuan from our family, I was from one to five years old. My bedside, body and toys were all covered with yellow paper symbols. In addition, it was named Shili, which meant to keep people around me away, Only in this way can we protect the people around us. That's how I spent my childhood. "

"Ah Ye ruoqing called softly, as if she was scared. If you think about it, it's really terrible to see a child covered with paper symbols.

"It wasn't until I became sensible that I pulled off these obstacles myself. After a long time, my parents didn't care. But when I was six years old, I had a fight with someone for the first time. When I smashed my classmate's head with a brick and sent it to the teacher, my blood was stained with my hand. Then I thought of that crazy old saying, and he got it right."

Xiao Shili never told anyone about these things. Even Wen Yang didn't know about them. But today, I don't know why, but I can't help saying it.

He used a tone of understatement, but ye ruoqing trembled slightly. The expression on her face was not afraid, but more curious.

"Is that true?"

"I heard it from my parents. As for the truth, only they know, but I believe my parents won't cheat me."

"So... Do you believe that gentleman?" The girl asked carefully.

"Of course not!" Xiao Shili suddenly laughed, "that's a liar. I'm like the reincarnation of a demon king. Maybe I've read too many fantasy novels. If that's true, I killed people 800 years ago."

"But..." ye ruoqing suddenly remembered the man who was hit by Xiao Shili with a wine bottle just now. She was worried and whispered, "but just now, will that man be ok?"

Although those people are not good people, ye ruoqing can't help worrying at the thought of someone being hurt because of herself.

"Don't worry. You can't die with a bottle of wine."

"Well... I don't believe that you were a bad person in your previous life." The girl gave a smile.

"Well?" Xiao Shili looked back in surprise.

"Because you saved me." Ye ruoqing smiles brightly, "you are the first good person I met."

Xiao Shi left Leng Leng and turned his head.

good person? Ha ha

He thought softly in his heart that this girl had brought too many "firsts" to him.

On the way, Xiao Shili received the message from Baojian in his mind, and his good value increased by 30 points. But at this time, he was not in the mood to care about these. All his senses, nerves and even soul were concentrated on the spirit who was a little bit away from him.

After two blocks, ye ruoqing pointed to a stop sign on the street, "OK, stop here."

Xiao Shili stopped and looked at the dark residential buildings on both sides of the road, as if they were very shabby. "Do you live here?"

"No, my boyfriend lives here. I'll call him later and ask him to come down to pick me up and send me back." Ye ruoqing gives Xiao Shili a grateful and sorry smile, "I'm sorry to trouble you. My home is far away."

Xiao Shili didn't say anything. He got off the station and lit a cigarette. There was a conversation between ye ruoqing and his boyfriend.

"Where are you?"


"I'm alone. I'm downstairs now. Come and pick me up."


"What? How long will it take... "


"Well, all right, bye."

The girl hung up and couldn't hide her disappointment. "He said he had something to do and couldn't come." Then a pair of wronged look at Xiao Shili.

The latter vomited his cigarette end and stepped on the locomotive. "Let's go. I can't sleep tonight. I just want to blow the wind."

Half an hour later, the car stopped outside a high-grade residential area. The gap between the car and the dilapidated buildings just now is too big.

Ye ruoqing got out of the car, turned back and waved to Xiao Shili. The beautiful eyes like stars showed gratitude, "thank you tonight."

"You're welcome."

"Then I'll go."

"Let's go."



Xiao Shili sat in the seat of the car and watched the girl's back disappear in the neighborhood. He hoped that she would turn her head, but it didn't happen until the end.

He lit a cigarette again, took a puff and threw it out.

"Idiot." Xiao Shili gently scolded himself, turned around and drove home.

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