The next morning, Xiao Shili came to the school. Gao Xiang, Li Yuanqi and Fei Long were smoking and chatting. They had been waiting at the school gate for a long time.

"Brother Li." Three people came up and Feilong handed Xiao Shili something wrapped in a black plastic bag. "This is the protection fee you collected during your absence."

"Well." Xiao Shili took money and brought several people to the school. Instead of going to the classroom, he went directly to the roof.

During the day, I found that this place had been reduced to a "battlefield" for several years. Dark red bloodstains were everywhere on the ground, including those left by several of them that night.

The school also regards this place as a vacuum, and no one cares about it. Anyway, they are all the children of rich families. If they want to make trouble, no one can manage it. They have installed several cameras here before, but they were smashed later.

It's cloudy and windy today. Several people sat down in a corner of the roof. Xiao Shili opened the bag, looked at the money in it, and then handed it to Li Yuanqi. "In the future, the protection fee collected every month will be kept by Yuanqi. Anyone who wants to withdraw it must get Yuanqi's consent."

"Yes, brother Li." Li Yuanqi took the money.


"Brother Li." Gao Xiang replied.

"Tell me about the current situation." Xiao Shi lit a cigarette and said, "during my absence, the school has changed."

"That's right," Gao Xiang thought for a moment, and then said, "there are five classes in total, which are under our influence."

"Make it simple."

"To put it simply, we cover all the five classes, and the protection fees collected come from them, and each of them has some of our brothers in it."

"About how many people."

"Well... I calculate..." Gao Xiang thought for a long time, "about... There are more than 50."

Xiao Shili frowned slightly. After that night, he began to think about what direction he and his brothers are going to develop in. Although there are so many loyal brothers and there are still a group of people under him, at best, they are just a group of bad teenagers, not an organization at all, It's not clear how many younger brothers a backbone has. Such an aggregate is very unstable and may be dissolved at any time

It's not that he hasn't thought about uniting these people into an organization, but at least it's not the right time.

"Now the only obstacle in front of us is Yang Wei of class seven“ Gao Xiang said, holding a folding knife on the ground to write a dead word, "this boy doesn't know his face, Li Ge, when are we going to start?"

"Do it? What do you want to do? "

"Of course, it's the one who killed Yang Wei, so we can dominate the whole higher level." The other three, except Li Yuanqi, were all puzzled. Gao Xiang, in particular, quickly eradicated the two forces, making him feel that everything was so easy. But I can't guess Xiao Shili's reaction.

"If it's just Yang Wei, it's no problem." Xiao Shili leaned against the railing and said slowly, "but this is not the case. Gao Xiang, how about the information I asked you to inquire about?"

"In recent weeks, no, since the beginning of this semester, that woman hasn't come to school." Gao Xiang said, "I asked several sophomores I knew. None of them knew the girl's details, home address, and telephone number. All they knew were the people around her."

"Hey, I can't ask you anything like this. If it's all right, I need to ask you to inquire?" Feilong glanced at Gao Xiang.

"Fat force, you don't fart, what the hell you have to say." Both of them are used to talking like this. They may be a little bit aggressive in the ears of outsiders, but in their own eyes, it is a progressive relationship.

"Hum." Feilong with a short two fingers holding a cigarette, "since Yang Meiyu is not in school, who will take care of the affairs of senior two, so there must be someone in the dark to replace her in charge, but this person is very hidden, no one knows who he is, as long as we find out this person, don't we solve everything?"

"Oh, brother fat, you can't judge by appearance." Li Yuanqi said with a smile.

"If a fool thinks a lot, he will get something." Gao Xiang also laughed.

"Haha, that's, that's, ah... It's not..." Feilong suddenly responded and jumped over to beat them, "go to your mother, what are you talking about?"

Xiao Shili looked at him and said with a smile, "well, I think Qinglong's method is OK. Xiangzi and Yuanqi will leave this matter to you. After three days, you must find out the person for me."

"All right, brother Li, you can rest assured." Gao Xiang said, Li Yuanqi also nodded.

"Oh, wait, wait." Feilong was in a hurry. "Brother Li, why don't you ask me to go? I have a lot of acquaintances in senior two."

"Qinglong, you've counted all the names of all the people in the grade these days. You want to follow us wholeheartedly, be on call, fight hard. Others who follow suit and join in the fun don't need it. Give me the number and the list when you're done. " Xiao Shi left the way.

"All right." Feilong looked happy, "brother Li, are we going to build a gang?"

"Not yet." The latter light way, "just clear about our strength, in addition to prepare for the future."

"That is to say, it will be in the future!" The three were all excited, with surprise in their eyes. In the past, a few people only knew a few people in the society, and then they trembled in the school. At most, they had a group fight with those from other schools. They didn't expect that one day they would establish their own organization and have their own scale. Xiao Shili's words undoubtedly aroused the young blood in the body of a few people.

"It may be far away, it may be near." Xiao Shili flicked out his cigarette end, "but as far as this matter is concerned, don't publicize it to the public, you know?"

"I know!" Gao Xiang and Fei Long nodded. They were not stupid. Even if Xiao Shi couldn't do without advice, they wouldn't talk about it everywhere.

Li Yuanqi suddenly said, "by the way, brother Li, something is a little strange. In those days when you were away, our head teacher, Mr. Lin, once asked me," did we know each other before? "

"What did you say?" Xiao Shili's eyebrows moved slightly.

"Of course I said so." Li Yuanqi smiles.

"Oh?" Xiao Shili looked at this new brother, some dull young man, "why?"

Li Yuanqi calmly replied, "I just came to the school from my brother, and we didn't walk very close at the beginning. The reason why Miss Lin asked such abrupt questions is that someone told her that even if that person is not you from my brother, he is also one of our brothers, so it must be for some purpose."

Xiao Shili nodded his head with satisfaction. "It seems that I really did not see the wrong person, Xiangzi and Qinglong. In this era, only relying on force can no longer succeed. It's no harm to learn more from Yuanqi at ordinary times."

"Yes." Both of them speak in the same voice.

Four people said that it took a class. When they stood up, the bell rang just after class. Several people walked slowly towards the stairwell. At this time, the campus radio suddenly rang.

"Please note that the first" talent Cup "football match of this academic year will be held tomorrow afternoon during extracurricular activities. Please prepare for the competition at that time..."

"Just those smelly feet in our school. What are you going to kick?" After hearing this, Feilong said with disdain, "do you know how to kick?"

"Don't say it, it's true." Gao Xiang said to one side, "that day I watched a group of people playing football on the playground after school. It seemed that they were all sophomores in high school, and their footwork was OK."

"Well, love kicking, it's none of our business. Let's go to the Internet bar to push two dotas in the next Chinese class?"

"Yes, but I won't be with you this time." This month, two people did not go to the Internet bar together. Gao Xiang was completely afraid of Feilong, a rookie.

"Cut, see I don't kill you."

"Brother Li, call us if you have something to do." They said hello to Xiao Shili and then went straight to the Internet bar.

Xiao Shili and Li Yuanqi walk back to the classroom slowly. They are in the same class and at the front and rear tables. It's just that when Xiao Shili saw Li Yuanqi for the first time, he would never think that this cowardly little glasses would follow him to this road.

As soon as they sat down, Xie Hui, a member of the class's literary and Sports Committee, came out from one side.

Xie Hui is short and not particularly glamorous, but she is very lively and cheerful. She always has two shallow dimples when she smiles. Generally speaking, she is a little beauty. Once Xiao Shili borrowed a pen from her, and then they became familiar with each other. During those days when Xiao Shili was at school, they often chatted together.

"Xiao Shili, Li Yuanqi, did you two hear the broadcast just now?" Xie Hui jumps to the table, looks down at them and asks.

"What." Xiao Shili pretended to be confused.

"Football match, don't tell me you don't know. There are two places left in the class now. How about signing up quickly?"

"No, I can't kick." Xiao Shili smiles and shakes his head. "People go up to fight for honor for the class. It's a shame for me to go there. You'd better invite someone else." He also likes to joke with this girl at ordinary times. In addition, he can't kick and has no interest.

"It's OK, the remaining two places are substitutes, and don't want you on the stage. You two just cheer for our class." Although Xiao Shili is already famous at the senior level, and he is the number one dangerous person in the class, he usually has no airs, especially for girls, so Xie Hui is not afraid of him at all.

"The substitute doesn't mean he won't play." With Xiao Shili's character, maybe he will agree to play in the first round, but it's more painful than killing him to sit on the bench for more than an hour.

"Whether to go or not, two big men, how can they act like women?" Xie Hui is in a hurry. The school stipulates that every class must participate in the football match except for the third grade of the college entrance examination. In fact, she is worried because she can't get enough places to participate.

Li Yuanqi just called a grievance. He was classified as a woman before he was asked. At this time, he laughed twice, "Xie Hui, what do you say is that there are two people missing? I think there are only two talents, right?"

Xie Hui blushed, "you... What are you talking about? It's clear that you're just two."

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