When the younger brother said the last sentence, brother Xiang's face showed a kind of uneasy look, even a little nervous. His eyes quickly glanced around. Based on Xiao Shili's years of experience, he was observing whether there was anyone around.

Ha ha, it seems that this No.1 high school is really different from what I imagined. Xiao Shili can't help but have an indescribable smile on his face.

"Classmate, are you ok?"

A round faced boy with glasses turned his head from the front row. Different from Xiao Shili, he was wearing round frame glasses, which was the real nerd.

"Nothing." Xiao Shili said with a smile, "thank you."

The little glasses looked around, approached Xiao Shili and said, "I'd better not provoke those people. Cui Yu in our class heard that his father opened several big restaurants in the area of Jiangbin Road, and knew a lot of people. And brother Xiang, whose real name is Gao Xiang, is from class five a year next door. I heard that he is also very influential in school. "

As you can see, this person, like himself, is a special recruit. In that situation just now, he certainly didn't dare to say anything and was often bullied by those people. But at this time, Xiao Shili was still moved to say this regardless of his own safety.

"Do you really want to pass them the answers?" Little eyes asked again.

Xiao Shili also asked by the way, "is the examination very important in this school?" In his opinion, those people just now didn't seem to care too much about this kind of thing, but they put forward such demands to themselves.

"It's important to say that it's important, and it's not important to say that it's not important. The school will make a credit summary at the end of each year. Those who don't have enough credit can't be promoted to the next grade, but they have to continue to study for another year. The credit is counted from each examination. But most of the schools are rich owners, so it's too late to send some money to them. " Small eyes explained, "but for us, exams are too important. Those who don't get enough credit in one semester will be dropped out immediately."

Xiao Shili nodded. He knew that an imperfect but insidious plan was beginning to form in his mind

After school, Xiao Shili pushes his bike out of the campus alone. The bike was bought five or six years ago, and the paint is almost gone. His parents love their son and have long wanted to buy him a new car, but Xiao Shili knows that the conditions at home are not very good, so he never wants it.

His parents usually live frugally and save money for their college tuition. When he thinks about his study, he feels sorry for his parents. Even if he can go to a key high school, Xiao Shili knows better than anyone that there is no hope for his college.

Riding along the street towards home, Xiao Shili was pedaling and brewing plans that came to mind during the day. He could not learn from us, but he was born with talent in some things.

What is it?

That's "doing bad things"!

Some people ask, "is it a gift to do bad things?"?

Xiao Shili's answer is that there are two kinds of people in the world. One is good people, and the other is bad people. To become the top role of any of these two kinds of people, in addition to the efforts of the day after tomorrow, of course, is inseparable from talent.

At the age of five, he kisses a kindergarten girl. At the age of eight, he takes two yuan from the bowl of the blind erhu by the side of the road. Then he is chased across four streets by the blind man. At the age of ten, he steals the test paper in the drawer of the head teacher. At the age of thirteen, he is detained for fighting group fights. At the age of fifteen, he plagiarizes other people's papers in the examination room of senior high school. He has become the third place in the city!

After summarizing his own history, Xiao Shili finally made the above conclusion.

Some people are good at learning, some people are good at sports, some people are good at art, and some people can't do anything, so they can only do bad things.

Riding to a crossroad, Xiao Shili saw a car standing in front of him at the junction of the sidewalk and the road. It was blue and white. At first sight, it was the city management car.

Xiao Shili usually passes by the vegetable market. He often sees some peddlers holding the legs of the urban management begging and even being beaten by the urban management. In fact, they are just doing small businesses to support their families. There is no need to kill them. Although the urban management is also working, most of the urban management are just like the hooligans and bullies. When the peddlers see them, they are just like sheep and wolves.

He didn't like the urban management at all. When he saw that the road was blocked by the car with the "comprehensive law enforcement" printed on it, he was even more upset. He couldn't help scolding.

At a glance, the original four or five Chengguan are surrounded by an old man, how how how Huhu. The old picture is a bookseller, with a plastic sheet on the ground and a layer of old books on it. It's only one meter long, less than half a parking space.

The old man was thin and dry, with a goatee and a shirt that was surprisingly white. He looked up at four or five young men in blue uniforms in front of him.

Xiao Shili sighed. The old man doesn't have long eyes. What's this place, downtown! It's strange to set up a stall here without being caught by these people.

"Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go? Pack up and get out of here An urban management man yelled at the old man impatiently.

"Why don't you let me? This is the land of China, the land of the common people. Why don't you let me The old man looked unconvinced and said, pointing to the opposite store, "people do business, I do business, why not?"

"They have stores and legal business licenses. Do you have them?"

"What kind of paper? There's only paper here. There's no photo. There's a lot of paper in the book. It's two dollars and five dollars for the small one and five dollars for the big one. " As the old man said this, he yelled at the onlookers.

"Hey, you old man, you're so excited!" The young urban management was in a hurry, so he opened his mouth and scolded, "I'll tell you well, let you go, don't you?"

"Well, how can you curse, you young man?"

"What's the matter with you? I beat you an old man!" The leader yelled, several uniforms rushed up, grabbed the old man's car and threw it on the car.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? In broad daylight, you want to rob people!" The old man looked anxious and stood up to stop several people. He was pushed to the ground by the leader.

"Old man, don't pretend to be crazy! Pull it away, pull it all away

The old man fell on all fours and got up again. His eyes were red, and he rushed to the Chengguan.

"OK, old man, if you dare to attack law enforcement officers, give me a call!" The leader was hit by the old man and immediately took the opportunity to roar.

A group of people had an excuse and took the guys off the car one after another. They surrounded the old man. At this time, a figure ran from the side and suddenly stood in front of the old man.

A group of people stopped, the head of the Chengguan Leng for a moment, at this time someone came out, that the masses around have opinions, he is still a little afraid, but a look, standing in front of is just a 16-year-old boy, a heart relaxed, waved to each other, "children after school do not go home, here to see what to see, hurry up!"

Xiao Shili just looked at each other, but he didn't care. He turned to the old man and said, "uncle, forget it, where do you live? I'll take you back."

The old man's eyes still fell on the book in the car, "my book... My book..."

"Forget it, or come back. These people are unreasonable. Be careful not to hurt yourself." Xiao Shili sighed.

"Boy, you say who is unreasonable!" Cried a city manager at the back.

"No, No." The old man shook his head, "in broad daylight, is there any royal law? I'll ask everyone for justice today."

"Well, you want justice." The head of the city management sneered, "come on, resist law enforcement, hinder official business, take people away with me!"

"Wait a minute." Xiao Shili suddenly yelled, then took out a hundred yuan from his pocket and quickly put it into the old man's hand, "uncle, I've bought all your books. Do you think a hundred yuan is enough?"

The old man took the money and was in a daze for a while. He really lowered his head and counted one by one.

"Well, it's ninety-two dollars and five, and seven dollars and five for you." The old man finished calculating and touched his body. "Ah, I didn't bring any change today."

"Come on, don't look for it. Now you can go." Xiao Shili gave a bitter smile.

"Well, young man, you are a good man." The old man squatted down, tucked the plastic cloth on the ground in his pocket, walked a few steps into the crowd, and then looked back, "I'll see you later."

"Hum." The Chengguan standing behind him sneered twice and waved his hand, "let's go!" Several people climbed into the car.

The crowd around him gradually dispersed, and people whispered. Many eyes with ridicule, ridicule, Schadenfreude, praise and respect fell on Xiao Shili. More people were disappointed, and they all blame the boy. There was no excitement to watch.

Xiao Shili stepped on his bike again, and suddenly regretted it. At this moment, he felt that he was really stupid. Why did he and the old man give him 100 yuan for no reason. It was the first day of school when my parents gave it to me to keep the flowers. In the past ten years, this is the most money my parents have ever given me.

Alas, he blamed himself for his impulse. He swore in his heart that he would never care about such things again.

Xiao Shili's home is located near the East Gate market. When he enters the alley next to the market, he just turns around and sees a figure with a bent back looking around under a big tree.

It's the old man!

The old man also saw Xiao Shili and welcomed him. He said happily, "Oh, young man, let me find you."

Xiao Shi left the army for a while. It's a coincidence. Of course, the old man didn't know where he lived. They met again.

"What else can I do for you?" Xiao Shili stopped the car and put his foot on the side of the road. He didn't plan to stop more.

"Well, I didn't give you the change just now, I'm..." the old man said and went to take out his pants pocket.

"Well, old man, I said you don't need to change it. Keep your own flowers." Xiao Shili is about to leave as soon as he presses the handlebar.

"No, it's not." The old man said, "it's not money. I just remembered that I still have a book here, even if it's seven yuan and fifty cents."

Xiao Shili couldn't laugh or cry. At this time, he began to think that the old man might have brain problems or Alzheimer's disease. He knew that he should have contacted his family.

"Well, I see." Xiao Shili took the book over, but he didn't read it carefully. He just stuffed it in his schoolbag and wanted to go home soon.

"Ha ha." The old man narrowed his eyes and laughed, "young man, there is a bright future. You must read this book well."

"Yes, yes." Xiao Shili agreed and quickly rode away from the old man. He was so absorbed in leaving here that he didn't notice the difference in the old man's tone.

The old man stood under the tree and looked at the young man's back as he left quickly. With a smile, he stroked the goatee on his chin with his hand, then turned around and slowly disappeared at the end of the alley.

"Mom, I'm back."

As soon as Xiao Shili came in, he rushed into his room and closed the door. He knew that on his first day of school, when he came back, his parents would ask questions. It was very troublesome. In fact, he was guilty. He didn't listen to a lesson today and promised his parents yesterday.

"Son, how are you doing at school today? How is the new school? " Xiao's mother knocked on the door outside.

"Very good."

"Yingcai is the most famous good school in the city. All the students are good students and the teachers are good teachers. You must..."

"Mom, I know." Knowing that his mother was going to nag again, Xiao Shili interrupted her.

"Son of a mother, you come here." Xiao Fu's voice came in, and then whispered, "the son is not small, so you can give him some private space. Don't ask, cook for him."

"The world is gone." Before leaving, Xiao's mother said, "you have to study hard now, so your mother will help you put away your comics and online novels, and then you can read them when you have a rest on Sunday."

"Alas..." as soon as Xiao Shili put his hand into the drawer, he found that it was empty and sighed, "Tong" fell on the bed.

There is still half an hour left for dinner. What are you doing? It's very boring. He brought the Chinese book on the table, read two pages and threw it aside.

After a few minutes, Xiao Shili suddenly thought of something in his boredom. He sat up and opened his schoolbag to find it.

Yes, the book the old man gave himself.

Although I don't know what the book is, the old man set up a stall to sell something like novels.

At this time, he felt that the old man was better. Hey, you are really a timely help.

As soon as he held the book in his hand, Xiao Shili was stunned. The book was square and three inches thick, but it was as light as a piece of paper.

Then look at the book, the thick and hard cover, carefully look at the texture, like what is the composition of leather. The two sides of the book are divided into two colors, white in the front and black in the back. Even the middle page is black and white in half. In the middle of the cover was a few big words.

Fortune is a treasure of cheating.

What book is this? I have never seen it before. It looks like an ancient book.

The two sides as like as two peas are not alike, and they can not tell which is right and which is reverse. Xiao Shili opened it, but he was stunned again.

There's not a word in the book. It's completely blank!

Damn, he was so smart that he was fooled by a dead old man today. Xiao Shili threw the book on the table and carried it for half a day. He began to love his 100 yuan again.

After a while, he picked up the book again. It's impossible for such a well packaged book not to print a single word inside. Who would like to spend such a high price to fool people? It's the layer with the book cover. Although he doesn't understand it very well, Xiao Shili believes that it must be the real animal skin.

He took the book and turned it over carefully. This time, he finally found a few lines on the title page, which seemed to be similar to the description.

The white front page reads:

Fortune is a treasure of cheating.

Every time you do a good deed, you can accumulate a certain amount of good value.

The greater the good value is, the greater the effect will be.

And the black front page says:

Every time you do a bad thing, you can accumulate a certain amount of evil value.

The greater the evil value is, the greater the effect will be.

What's the matter? Xiao Shili murmured. Turning another page, he saw an Arabic numeral 10 written on the first white page. There was nothing on the black one.

Xiao Shili suddenly began to laugh. The old man really had a good heart. It seems that the old man, after what he has done today, wants to use this method to encourage him to do more good deeds in the future.

Hehe, he stuffed the book into the drawer. Unfortunately, he didn't have the talent to be a good man. In other words, he was not a good man.

Forget it, he leaned on the back of the chair. He thought about what to do tonight. Cui Yu's face came into his mind.

You will be unlucky soon, Xiao Shili's eyes show a faint smile.

At 8 p.m., it is located in the "cloud sky" billiards hall on the west side of Dongmen market.

The area of the ball hall is not big, only a little more than 200 square meters. There are several ball tables in the center of the room, and there are several TVs with PS3 at the bottom of the wall. Today's guests are not many, only a few people are playing the ball.

On a table against the wall, two teenagers of 16 or 17 are chatting while playing. In fact, one is playing while the other is leaning on a pole. The one wearing a black shirt is Xiao Shili.

Xiao Shili at night is different from that during the day. He takes off his school uniform and changes into a black casual suit. His elegant face adds a bit of gloomy color against the black background.

Xiao Shili a beautiful tie rod, the last black 8 into the bag. Next to the pole of the youth immediately called up, "Oh, no, three brothers, and bright my seven colors, don't fight, don't fight." Said shaking his head back to the sofa against the wall to sit down, a face not satisfied and helpless place on a cigarette.

"After playing for so many years, you still can't change your weakness." Xiao Shili also sat down on the sofa, "after hitting a ball, at the same time to do the next goal, ready, you are like this, always just look at the front."

"That is, on this point, of course, I can't compare with you." The young man turned his mouth, but in his voice he was totally impressed.

The young man who spoke was Li Wenyang, who grew up in the same courtyard with Xiao Shili. They had the same feelings. They also went from primary school to junior high school together, and they didn't go to school until senior high school. (that's why Xiao Shili was so depressed in the front). In Xiao Shili's eyes, Wen Yang was no different from his brother, but he was always unreliable, Let yourself not be completely at ease. Now I'm studying in No.3 middle school, which is not far from the two families. I can enjoy it there.

Just as they were talking, sitting on another single sofa beside them, the man who was playing PS3 called, "third, come and play with me."

Xiao Shili knew that this man called himself. He must have something to say to himself, so he took a beer and went over, "second brother."

Xiao Shili had three brothers who had fought together since childhood. Ma Yi was the second oldest brother among them, but his face was the oldest. He had long hair on his head and shoulders, and a little mustache on his chin. At first glance, he was a bit of an artist. He was very resourceful, and he dropped out of school in his second year of junior high school, He owns this "cloud sky" billiards hall.

Ma Yi is playing "real quick fight 9", which is a bloody game. In the end, Ko's ending skill can easily tear people in two and make them fly. Ma Yi is not tired of this game, which shows that he has a deep tendency of violence and abuse. Anyway, Xiao Shili has been here ten times and has seen him playing this game nine times.

Ma Yi threw a handle to his brother, and the two candidates began to talk to each other.

"Lao San, I heard that you were given the first time you went to school today. Is that the case?"

"Second brother, who did you listen to?" Xiao Shili smiles and asks clearly. He told Wen Yang about it.

"That's it?" Ma Yi pressed the handle and glanced at him.

"Don't be so ugly. What do you mean?" Xiao Shili was soon Ko, the game he really can't play second brother, put down the handle, point on a flue.

"Third brother, don't pretend. Do you want me to find some people to unload the boy's legs?" Wen Yang also came over with his hands in his pocket. Of course, he didn't have such a strong hand. He just likes to talk big. Xiao Shili has said it dozens of times, but he can't change it.

"Third, I just want to know why you didn't fight back then." Ma Yi himself and the computer started the second game.

"Hey, second brother, why are you so stupid today? What school does third brother go to now? It's different from our shabby school. Third brother must be afraid of being expelled from school, right? I hear the school rules there are very strict. " Wen Yang sat down on another sofa and snorted, "let him go at school first. When he gets out of school, he will pay ten times as much for his grandson. Don't worry. I'll do it. You won't be doubted about it. "

"You do it? I'm not sure. " Xiao Shi left Wen Yang's joke, and his brothers could accept whatever he said.

"What's wrong, what's wrong." Wen Yang a listen to anxious, "you have no confidence to me so?"

"Old four, don't interrupt." Ma Yidao and Xiao Shili don't care about that kind of thing. Naturally, some of the brothers know it best. Wen Yang makes fun of the school he goes to now. The latter will never willingly endure being ridden to the head in order not to be punished by the school.

Xiao Shili knew that the second brother's eyes were staring at the TV screen, but his attention was all on his side. He laughed and said, "wait until the big brother comes."

Just to say that, the door of the ball hall was suddenly opened, and several men came in. The first one was more than 1.9 meters tall, wearing a black elastic vest, two bare arms, high bronze muscles, followed by a few hoodlums with colorful hair.

This is Liu Pengdong, the eldest of the four. His nickname is Dazhuang. He dropped out of school one year earlier than Ma Yi. Since then, he has been fooling around in the society. He is forthright and careless, but he is impulsive. He often ignores the consequences and knows many friends in the underworld.

Dazhuang came over and sat down on the sofa. The sofa was small and pushed Wen Yang aside. The latter complained repeatedly.

"Brother, this time you are the latest. Next time you want to get together, you should call us when you arrive first." Wen Yang said and sat down in another chair.

"Hey, I've just run a couple of small bastards on the other side of Xinmen bridge. One of them has a very smooth leg. I've been chasing them for several blocks before catching up with them."

"What's the matter?"

"What else? Take money and help people do things. " As soon as Dazhuang opened his mouth, several customers who were playing in the ball hall immediately looked towards him. The noise in the room was much less. The former was not affected at all, and drank Xiao Shili's beer.

"Elder brother, we are almost 18 years old now. I think it's better to do less fighting and killing." Xiao Shili said, listening to his tone, as if he was more mature, but in other people's eyes, 18 years old is the age of domineering, do what you want, not to mention a few people are not 18.

"What's your idea?" Dazhuang lights a cigarette and looks at Xiao Shili. He knows that his third brother will not say this kind of words without any reason. When he talks, he probably has some ideas in his stomach. The nine-year relationship with Xiao Shili convinced him of this.

"Well, let's talk about you first." Wen Yang interrupts them, "what are you going to do about this? It won't be like this. Just entering the school, how can we establish the starting point prestige in the school? "

Dazhuang didn't know that today was Xiao Shili's first day of school. After listening, he turned to him and said, "why, old three? Did you get into trouble at school? "

"It's not my third brother who's causing trouble. It's someone else who's causing trouble to my third brother!"

"Who is so bold?" Dazhuang's eyes stare, and he hears that his brother has been bullied. Dazhuang's first reaction is to go and chop that man. It doesn't mean that no one dares to move his brother's finger after so many years in this area.

But seeing that Wen Yang's tone is very strong and his face is smiling, he knows that the matter is not particularly serious. Da Zhuang slowly leans back to the sofa again. Ma Yi simply tells the matter once again. The key is not how Xiao Shili is found, but how to pay back to the opposite party.

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