Now it's up to the person concerned. Xiao Shili lit a cigarette and said with a smile, "second brother, I heard that you want to sell this shop and open a bar near xinmenqiao, don't you?"

Ma Yi didn't understand how Xiao Shili suddenly turned the topic to this and nodded, "that's right. Did Wen Yang tell you? I'm optimistic about the store, but I still don't have enough money on hand. Plus the money sold by the billiards hall, it's estimated that it won't be sold until the end of next year. "

"Next year? The cucumbers are damn cold! " Wen Yang exclaimed, "maybe the store has already been sold by others."

Ma Yi shakes his head. Of course, he knows that the location of the store is remote. In addition, the facilities have not been replaced. In recent years, it has been worn down and used very reluctantly. He can only attract customers by lowering the price. Most of the people who come here are junior high school students nearby. They can't make much money at all. From this year on, they can't make ends meet.

Brother's business is his own business, but other people are also in a tight pocket. Even if Shang Dazhuang usually acts as a thug and collects protection fees from school, he doesn't get much money.

"What's the difference?" Xiao Shili asked with a cigarette.

"More than one hundred thousand, how can you be the third? Do you have a way? " It's hard to decorate a bar of a little higher grade. Although Ma Yi knows Xiao Shili's character very well, he is also a poor one. If he can suddenly put out so much money, he really doesn't believe it.

"Second brother, your bar will close next week." Xiao Shili smiles.

"What?" All three were in a daze.

Ma Yi was the first to react. He picked his eyebrows and said, "you don't want to..."

"Ha ha." Xiao Shili did not speak, just a gloomy smile, "brother, can you find me some young ladies over there?" He knows that Dazhuang usually lives in the neighborhood. There are many shampoos with small faces in the street behind him. They are all Dazhuang's sphere of influence, and they have to pay him the protection fee every month. If someone comes to the door to make trouble or the clients of the whores default on their accounts, Dazhuang will bring someone over with him with a phone call.

Dazhuang didn't understand it yet. In a flash, he was in a daze again. "How, old three, you finally figured it out..."

He knows that Xiao Shili has never been good at this. There is an extremely obscure secret that the third is still a virgin. The brothers usually make fun of Xiao Shili.

"What do you think? If you have something, call it now. You must be young and beautiful. You'd better be open-minded in character." Xiao Shili felt that this sentence did not apply to the young lady, and added, "it's good business technology."

"No problem." Dazhuang grabs the phone and dials a mummy's phone.

After connecting, there immediately came a jiaodidi voice, "Oh, it's Dongge. Why are you calling so late? What's the matter?"

"Sister Ping, help me find some beautiful girls in your place and ask them to take a taxi to the billiards hall opposite the Dongmen market. By the way, the name of the billiards hall is Yuntian."

"Dongge wants miss. Of course, it's our store's red card. To tell you the truth, two younger sisters have just come to the store recently. They have never been on the stage before. They are gentle, beautiful and clean. Let them accompany Dongge tonight..."

"Well, well, let them hurry up." It's endless to talk with these women. Dazhuang is really uncomfortable. After that, he hung up the phone and said, "I'll be there in 20 minutes."

"By the way, do you know a man named Gao Xiang?" Xiao Shili asked again, a few people live in the east of the city, basically in this area of the little gangster, big shape and Wen Yang are very familiar.

"I don't know what you're talking about? I know there's a Gao Xiang over there in xiaoshuwan. I've been in touch with him several times. I've heard that he's doing well. I don't know anything else. " Dazhuang put out the cigarette in the ashtray and raised his eyebrows, "what? Did he offend you? " Xiao Shili didn't mention Gao Xiang when he said it earlier, so several people didn't know.

Xiaoshuwan, not far from my school, seems to be right. Xiao Shili said with a smile, "it's OK. Just ask. He's my classmate. He's in my next class. I'll have to deal with him well in the future."

After that, I looked at my watch. It's ten o'clock to go home. I can stay a little longer. Because of the unexpected results of the high school entrance examination, his parents also relaxed Xiao Shili's control, allowing him to play outside until 11 o'clock every night. This is mainly because Xiao Shili has been fooling around in the eyes of his parents since he went to school. This time, he made a big hit in the middle school entrance examination, which made his parents feel that although the child is fond of playing, he still knows how to learn, so he no longer chases after him all the time.

"Come on, second brother, cut another plate." Xiao Shili throws the handle to Ma Yi. Several people kill time while playing games. Seeing Xiao Shili's devotion, the other three don't know what medicine he sells in the gourd. They guess that, except Ma Yi, the others give Xiao Shili several times in 20 minutes. Naturally, it goes without saying.

At 10:30, the door of billiards hall opened, and six girls with sexy and enchanting clothes and heavy makeup came in. More than a dozen half boys in the room immediately whistled and began to be excited. Their eyes were constantly sweeping the girls' white thighs and half exposed breasts.

These girls all knew Dazhuang, and when they saw him, they came this way.

"Hello, Dongge." A young lady whined, and without the men's orders, she sat next to the four. Xiao Shili's two arms were held by two young ladies at the same time, and his muscles immediately felt the soft touch. At the same time, a young lady poured a glass of wine and raised it to his mouth. The two young ladies pressed their high chests on the young man's arms at the same time, and the whole person pasted them up. The snow-white fragrant ditch in the low chested T-shirt swayed gently in the light.

This time, Mommy asked them to serve Dongge. Of course, she gave them a "glorious and arduous" task. Naturally, she had to do her best. And the ladies know that Dongge's men are young men, which is much better than letting them accompany those 40-50-year-old men, yelling under the beer belly and crumbling * *. Not to mention, as soon as I came in, I saw a gentle young girl sitting on the sofa. She seemed to be a senior high school student. The young ladies were overindulged by those old men, and they had an unusual love for this kind of pretty boy. The two young ladies almost rushed to sit beside Xiao Shili.

Xiao Shili doesn't discriminate against the young lady. Everyone has a way to get money, but the way is different. It depends on what you are willing to pay. There is no difference between nobility and inferiority.

But after all, he is a man. Under the repeated "touch" of Miss soft meatball, Xiao Shili's body involuntarily reacts and blushes. Next to Wen Yang, he was very happy. His third brother never blushed when he did something a hundred times more shameless. Today, he was rubbed by two chickens, and he was embarrassed. Where does he know that Xiao Shili's "sorry" is just because of the following changes, which is the difference between a virgin and a non virgin.

A young lady picked up a beer and poured wine for four people one by one. Among the six young ladies, she seemed to be the leader. She seemed to have been on the scene for several years. After she came in, she didn't get tired of people's arms like other young ladies. Instead, she talked with Dazhuang. When she came to Xiao Shili's side to pour wine, Xiao Shili looked at him. Originally, she planned to choose three young ladies, Suddenly I changed my mind.

When the young lady bent down to pour the wine, he pressed the bottle in the other party's hand, "you stay, they can go."

Several other young ladies were reluctant to listen.

"Ah, I've just come here, and I haven't had enough fun. Let me accompany my brother for a while."

"Brother, my little sister is waiting on you tonight. I'm sure it will make you happy." A young lady said, lying on Wen Yang's ear.

Wen Yang is a little excited and looks at Xiao Shili. The latter only looks at the young lady who poured the wine. There is nothing in it. There is not even what an ordinary man shows to a woman. It's just cold, quiet and serious.

Wen Yang and Xiao Shili grew up naked together. Their third brother knows too well that he will not go whoring, but they are so interested in a young lady. Why is it? He can't figure it out.

The ladies thought that they would go to bed with the men around them tonight. They were all 16-year-old or 17-year-old boys. They were all pretty good, just to the taste of the ladies. Besides, they were friends of Dongge. They were certainly not ordinary people. I'm not sure they could find a support. Of course, the main point is that there is no money to make. Although Dongge dominates this area, he is generous. People like him will never fight for nothing.

"Go on, don't dawdle." Dazhuang waved and took out a few hundred pieces from his pocket. They were still on the table. He knew it was time for Xiao Shili to go home.

Of course, it's not depressing to have money, but some of the young ladies are still reluctant to leave. Looking at the one who stayed, Xiao Shili asked, "how many years have you been doing it?"

"Five years."

"Five years?" Wen Yang was surprised. This young lady was different from the others just now. She only had a thin layer of makeup on her face, and she could see her face clearly. It seemed that she was only in her early twenties. "So, you sold it when you were a teenager?"

Ma Yi stares at him. Wen Yang's shortcomings are known by his brothers, but he is too immature. If he can't change his mind, he will suffer a big loss sooner or later.

"Yes." The young lady gave a little smile, not a trace of anger. It's good that she hasn't heard any ugly words in the romantic arena for so many years. Besides, as the people in front of her, she doesn't dare to have any emotions.

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