The car stops at the gate of Anju community. Ye ruoqing jumps out of the car, but doesn't say goodbye to Xiao Shi immediately. Although it's very late now, she still stands on the side of the road, hesitant. Of course, the girl will not ignore that she is still wearing Xiao Shili's school uniform, and there is only one bra on the smooth jade body.

Xiao Shili took ye ruoqing's shirt out of his schoolbag. Just now, after he "knocked down" the hooligans, he took the clothes out of each other's hands and put them into his schoolbag. But at that time, the girl was absent-minded and didn't notice.

"Thank you." Ye ruoqing took the clothes with a red face. She just lost a few buttons. It should be OK to hide from her family. But of course not here.

"I'll give you back your school uniform tomorrow." Ye ruoqing held her clothes on her chest and whispered, "wait a minute, I won't be told by your mother, will I?"

"Ha ha." Xiao Shili smiles. No matter what time the girl is, she always thinks of others first. He stretched out his finger and scraped the tip of his opponent's nose. "Worry about yourself first."

Ye ruoqing drew back slightly, then spat out her tongue, "today, thank you very much."

"It's repeated lines again. I just hope you can forget today“

"Who let others always be saved by you." Ye ruoqing blushed again when she said this. The last sentence in her heart was "like a prince and a princess". Of course, she couldn't say it.

"Well, don't worry, I will." Ye ruoqing nods. Although the trauma caused by her boyfriend's betrayal still exists, she is not so sad and lost as before. She feels strange. Now she is not even sad except a little uncomfortable.

"That's good." Xiao Shili stepped back and said, "come on in, my uncle and aunt must be waiting."

"Well, I'll go." Ye ruoqing has a brilliant smile.

Silly girl, you can laugh even if you are like this. Xiao Shili thought in his heart that if he went back in this way, he would be interrogated by his parents all night. He was really worried about how she would pass her parents' test later. At the same time, he felt guilty. Of course, all this was due to him.

After seeing ye ruoqing home, Xiao Shili directly stops his bicycle in the neighborhood next to ye ruoqing's home. Then he takes a taxi and rushes back to the place where he met the old man just now.

Thank goodness, as soon as he got out of the car, Xiao Shili almost couldn't help kissing the earth under his feet. The old man was still there! But now it looks like it's going to sleep.

He walked past, the other party was not awake, bent body leaning on the billboard, shaking a nap.

A gust of cool wind blowing, rolled up the leaves on the ground, the old man slightly opened his eyes, saw standing in front of him with a face of surprise and excitement.

"Buy books, young man?" The old man didn't recognize Xiao Shili at first sight. Instead, he pointed to the broken book in front of him. "Look, there are martial arts and fantasy. You can pick one at five yuan."

"Old man, it's so late. Let me treat you to a snack." Xiao Shili said respectfully.

"Well, well, after sitting here for half a night, I'm hungry." When the old man heard this, he was happy that he was missing two front teeth. When someone invited him, of course, the stall was not set up. He got up and picked up the books on the floor.

Xiao Shili helped the old man and received the book into a blue cloth bag. The bag was not big, so the old man directly carried it on his shoulder. Xiao Shili wanted to help him, and the old man waved his hand, "no, no, my old man is not old enough to move."

When they were still sitting in the taxi, the old man did not put a bag of books in the trunk, so he held them directly in his arms. The car walked for a few minutes, and when passing a big stall on the side of the road, the old man pointed out, "OK, here it is."

They got out of the car and sat down at a table. "Waiter, give me 50 kebabs of mutton, 20 kebabs of roasted kidney, 10 roast fish, two dishes of cold dishes, and by the way, two bottles of knives." The old man was not polite at all. He sat down and began to order. It seemed as if he had invited him.

Xiao Shili smiles bitterly. He has more than 100 yuan in his pocket today. Although he can collect several thousand yuan of protection fee from the five classes of senior one every week, the money is in the charge of Li Yuanqi. He has never moved. This kind of roadside stall is not very expensive, but according to the old man's way of eating, he is really worried about whether he has enough money.

"Zizi" smelled, and the mutton rolled with oil soon came up. The old man grabbed it and began to chew it. At the same time, he called Xiao Shili to pour wine for him.

Xiao Shili filled the old man's glass. At this time, he finally had a chance to take a good look at this "world expert". As I saw last time, the old man was still thin and dry, with a snow-white goatee on his chin, which was no different from the ordinary old man on the street. The only thing that attracted Xiao Shili's attention was that the old man was wearing the same white shirt as last time, The snow-white fabric is spotless.

There is nothing strange about the white shirt, but Xiao Shili thinks it looks very different when he wears it on the old man. But what's the difference? He can't think of it for a moment. In a word, it feels very strange and familiar.

The old man looked as if he had not eaten for a day. Fifty string of mutton string soon left only the drill. After the old man drank a big Baijiu, he showed his comfortable expression after he had eaten enough food. He picked up a toothpick and picked it out. Then he finally spoke. "Ha ha, little boy, what does that book look like? What is it to you?"

Xiao Shili turned his lips, and the other party recognized him long ago. Since the old man came to the point, he would not beat around the bush. "To be honest, it's not so good?"

"Oh?" The old man's eyes showed a curious look, and his body leaned forward, "tell me about it."

Xiao Shili looked at each other. The old man's expression was really nothing but curiosity. He pressed down the words that came out of his heart several times. Now he was more concerned about the strange event and the strange person in front of him than the function of the treasure book.

"Of course I can tell you, but first of all, let me know what's going on?" Xiao Shili's two elbows were on the table. At this time, in addition to respect, he also showed a persistent persistence.

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