The old man laughed and stroked his long goatee with one hand. "It seems that I didn't read it wrong at the beginning. This treasure book really came to its owner's hand."

"How do you say that?"

"No hurry, no hurry." The old man bit a piece of waist, chewed a few mouthfuls, "well, then I'll tell you that the treasure I gave you is not a book."

"I know that." Xiao Shili thought, who has seen a book without a word or a picture.

"No, I don't mean what it means, just literally." The old man's muddleheaded expression suddenly became serious. "I mean, it's not a book.

"And what is it?"

"To be exact, it can be regarded as a machine. Fortune cheat is just a name given to it. You can also think of it as a model. A book is just its appearance. In fact, what you are holding is a product of high-end technology in modern society." The old man put a cucumber into his mouth, then slapped his chopsticks on the table with a bang. "Its original name was" human mental terminal analysis and evolution creator. "

It's better for fate to cheat. This is Xiao Shili's first reaction after listening.

"As the old saying goes," birds of a feather flock together. Since ancient times, there has been a distinction between good and evil in the world. The ancients had two theories of good nature and evil nature. In a word, there are good people and bad people in the world. This may be nonsense, but do you know why? " Old man said rise, eyebrows, chopsticks a little bit opposite the juvenile road.

Xiao Shili shook his head with a smile. "I don't know. Please give me some advice."

"Ha ha." The old man laughed twice. "Some people think that this is determined by a person's natural character, but what determines a person's character? It is estimated that few people in the world can answer this question. People always attribute unexplained problems to ghosts and gods. This is really a kind of extremely stupid psychology and behavior."

"Then who can answer?" Xiao Shili felt his heart beat for a while. He didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. This sentence about good and evil seemed to hit his heart.

"Lucky for you, you have one right in front of you." The old man sipped his wine and said with a smile.

This question seems to be a bit off topic, in fact, it still does not leave their own fate cheating treasure, Xiao Shili busy way, "I'm all ears."

"Well, listen up, all emotions of people, such as happiness, anger, sadness, joy, sadness, joy, bitterness and sorrow, are actually the result of chemical reactions. There are two kinds of charge in human body, one is called Yin charge, commonly known as Yin Qi, and the other is called Yang charge, commonly known as Yang Qi. A person's character comes from the accumulation of these two kinds of charge.

"To put it simply, if a person's body stores more negative charges, his nature will be vicious, vicious, insidious and so on, which will produce a series of negative emotions. If a person's body has more positive charges, he will show kindness, enthusiasm, loyalty and other positive emotions. On the contrary, if a person occasionally does bad things, Then the negative charges in his body will gather and increase, and so will the positive charges. "

Although Xiao Shili is a poor student, he has been studying for ten years. He has never heard of this strange theory. He only knows that there are positive and negative charges in the human body, which may also be called positive and negative charges. But everyone knows that these two kinds of charges are equal in the human body. The so-called balance of yin and Yang, where can there be more.

If an ordinary person said such a thing in front of him, Xiao Shili would surely regard him as a madman and turn around to leave. However, having felt the magical effect of fate's cheating treasure, he did not speak at the moment, but continued to listen.

"The treasure of cheating in fate is to collect these two kinds of new charges in the human body, and then transform them into a special particle to change and adjust one's luck." The old man finally got to the point, and his eyes began to glow“ After the changes of yin and Yang, Yin Qi and Yang Qi have different fortunes. You should have seen this in the manual

"Change your luck? What is the principle? " Xiao Shili asked.

"It's a pity." The old man frowned, laughed and shook his head. "The scientists who invented this machine have not yet understood the principle, so they have to come to the final conclusion."

"Well, it doesn't matter to me, including the front one." After his curiosity was satisfied, whether it was true or not, Xiao Shili finally got to the point.

"I just want to know why I have accumulated good value and bad value at the same time, but when I use them to change my luck, there are always unstable situations. For example, the consumption of good value and bad value has no rules to follow, and why every time I change my luck, I don't know how to use them, In fact, up to now, I'm not very clear. "

"You're right. The consumption of good value and evil value is random. In addition, as long as you are the owner of this treasure book, no matter when and where you are, the results of your good deeds or accumulated evil will be recorded in the treasure book. However, only when you carry the treasure book with you can it work. " The old man answered Xiao Shili's questions one by one.

"Is there no way to control it?" This is what Xiao Shili really wanted to ask.

After a few seconds of silence, the old man said slowly, "in fact, this book is just an incomplete experiment. If it can become a real finished product, at that time, it may be possible to control the consumption of good and evil value at will, but the scientists who study it have not completed this step until now."

Xiao Shili suddenly laughed, "if I guess correctly, the scientist who developed this machine should be you."

Although the old man didn't show much surprise at what he said suddenly, he was somewhat surprised. He looked up at him carefully and said, "why do you say that, boy?"

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