"In fact, as soon as I sat down, I felt that you had a special smell, but I didn't know what it was." Xiao Shili poured wine on the old man. "When you talked about science just now, it suddenly occurred to me that you are wearing this white shirt, just like the kind of white coat that scientists wear for experiments. It's also your unique temperament that tells me that you are a scientist."

"Ha ha." The old man finally raised his head and laughed loudly, "boy, you are right. If a person has been engaged in a certain industry for too long, he will naturally take the breath of this industry."

"How long have you been in science?"

"Ha ha, it's not long, it's not short, it's more than 40 years."

"That's most of my life." Xiao Shili was surprised. Forty years, including the best time in his life, some people are willing to devote himself to science.

"Yes, I'm old now, and I don't have the strength to do it any more." The old man narrowed his eyes. "Maybe it's the last creation in my life."

"Don't say that. You're so smart. You can do it for another ten or eight years." Xiao Shili comforted the old man a few words and said, "you said this treasure book is just an experiment, so why don't you finish it?"

As soon as the words came out, I felt a little silly. People said it was an experiment, but obviously I did it myself.

Unexpectedly, the old man shook his head with a lonely expression on his face. "It's not that I don't want to do it, but that it's a matter of money. I've studied the treasure of cheating on fate for 25 years. In these 25 years, my wife ran away with others, and my only daughter doesn't recognize me now. Before my father died, he left me a great legacy, which is now spent. Plus my age, cough, it's all over. "

It's a pity for the old man to hear that. However, ordinary people who are out of the ordinary will be separated from him. Xiao Shili thought for a moment and asked, "if you continue your research until the finished product comes out, how much money do you need?" Although I don't think there is any hope even if I ask, at least this is the only one I can help.

The old man laughed and held out five fingers.

"Fifty million?"

The old man shook his head.

"500 million?"

"At least." The old man nodded.

Five hundred million is an astronomical number for myself, but it is nothing for the country or even a rich man in the upper class.

Xiao Shili didn't understand, "then why did you give me such a valuable thing? You can apply to the state for funding your research. Such a magical machine will surely attract the attention of the state."

"Young people's ideas are still a little too simple." The old man shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "do you think I don't want to do my research? Of course, my research is not for me. I've been to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the patent office, but everyone's eyes want to see madmen again. Those leaders and commissioners are not in the mood to listen to my explanation. In addition, I've been away from my original unit for more than ten years and have no relatives, The government almost sent me to a mental hospital. "

"It's OK to sell it to a private person. At least you can live a carefree life for the rest of your life."

"Ha ha, my old man's wife and children are separated and spent his whole life. Is it for money?"

Xiao Shili nodded. Naturally, the old man did this for the sake of fame and history, so that the whole world would remember him. But he still doesn't understand why he got the treasure. He doesn't think it's a coincidence, or he has any special talent. It's all the plots in martial arts novels.

The old man saw the question in the young man's eyes and sighed, "in fact, that day, my life had come to an end. The research of my poor life had no result in the end, and I had to sell old books to make a living. At that time, when the Chengguan came to open my old man's bookstall, I would have fought with them with a dead heart, if it wasn't for you, Maybe I'm dead in the detention center now. I think about it. No matter whether I die or not, I can't let the crystallization of my half life efforts disappear in this world. You are just a suitable object. Although I don't know whether you can use it or not, I hope it can bring some changes to your life, which is also regarded as the final value of my life. "

After hearing the old man's words, Xiao Shili was not sad, but also uncomfortable, so he said, "if you regret now, I can still give you the treasure."

"No need." The old man didn't wait for him to finish, then he waved his hand, "although I'm not talented, what I decide will not change."

After that, the old man stood up and gave Xiao Shili a smile. "Thank you, young man, for inviting me to drink this wine today. We'll see you later."

Before Xiao Shili could react, the old man had already stepped into the night. After a few steps, he looked back and said, "let me tell you another little secret. In the six words" fortune cheating treasure "on the cover of the book, click on that treasure to see what will happen."

Knowing that he couldn't keep the old man, Xiao Shili quickly stood up and asked, "old man, there is one last question. Why does Baojian sometimes fail to respond when I finish a good or bad thing?"

"Ha ha, the ancients said that if you are sincere, you can understand it well." The old man's figure along the road, slowly disappeared in the dim lights.

Xiao Shili sat down slowly. He didn't ask for the old man's address. He knew that this kind of detached elder would not accept any of his favors unless he had the ability to continue to complete the study of Baojian.

"Boss, check out."

"Ah." The boss wiped his hands and came over, "with beer, a total of 118 yuan and sixty cents, ha ha, now many young people don't know how to accompany the old people, young man accompany grandfather to relax, even if you are 118 yuan."

"What?" Xiao Shi left Leng for a moment, and there was only 118 yuan in his wallet. All the dishes were ordered by the old man.

"Yes, that's right." The boss thought the young man was wrong, so he took the bill and told him all about it

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