It's a pity that Xiao Shili didn't know about it, otherwise it would be a great opportunity for him to take advantage of.

Yang Wei closed his eyes and fell into the wonderful illusion of power and beauty. While waiting for the other party to offer him "Jiefeng wine", Gao Xiang and Fei Long came and stood on both sides of him.

"Weige, I respect you." With a smile, Gao Xiangyin takes a glass full of wine in one hand to Yang Wei's mouth. Without waiting for the other person to reach for it, he suddenly raises his wrist and pours the whole glass into the other person's mouth.

Caught off guard, Yang Wei pours a mouthful of liquor into his throat. The pungent alcohol stimulates his throat wall. He immediately bends down and spits out the remaining liquor, coughing violently and painfully.

"Yo, brother Wei, you drink so hard. Take your time. What's the hurry?" Feilongbad smiles and pats Yang Wei on the head. Then he straightens him up again. Gao Xiang pours another glass of wine and sends it to the other side.

Yang Wei coughed desperately. He couldn't even speak. He blocked the glass with one hand and pushed the other out with the other. "Cough... Wait... Cough... Wait a minute..."

Gao Xiang and Fei long look at each other. Then one grabs the other's head and makes it face up to the sky. The other grabs the other's nose and pours a glass of wine into the other's throat.

"Ah... Ah... Ah..." Yang Wei wriggled his body desperately, and finally knew that the other party was going to fix himself. Compared with the huge shock and disappointment, the immediate pain was the most important. But the four little brothers who came over soon pressed all his hands and feet to death, and fixed the man on the chair.

Yang Wei's feeling is really painful. The spicy liquor rushes into the esophagus one by one, and some of it chokes into the trachea. He wants to cough hard, but he can't help suffocating. At the same time, there is a hot pain in his stomach and esophagus. He kept closing his mouth, trying to block the wine coming in, but because of the lack of air, he opened it again, and then came the pain of enema.

Gao Xiang drank a few glasses of wine, but he didn't like it. He just copied a 55 degree Red Star Erguotou bottle from the table and put it in Yang Wei's mouth.

Chang Kunyu can't bear to see a person being held down by six people. Although Yang Wei is annoying, he has a special relationship with his boss. If something happens, he can't explain it to him.

He thought about it and whispered to Xiao Shili, "brother Li, it's OK. Even if I beg you, it's for your own good."

"Oh?" Xiao Shili, who was on the theme, kept his eyes closed. Then he raised his eyebrows and said, "how can brother Yu say this?"

"Hum, brother Li is a smart man. There's no need to play riddles between you and me." Chang Kunyu said with a smile, "in the elite, Yang Meiyu's power is far better than you. Even if you unify the whole higher level, I'm sure you are still not the opponent of the higher level. What's more, now you haven't done this step. Although I want to leave my brother and have some power outside the school, Yang Meiyu is not just a big sister in the school."

"Well, go on." Xiao Shili looked at each other with a smile.

Chang Kunyu secretly took a breath. He felt that in front of this man, when he was looked at by the other person's eyes, he had a great sense of oppression all the time. He was surprised that he would be a little nervous in front of a junior student, and all this had nothing to do with the present situation.

"The purpose of Li Ge's inviting me here is to lead Yang Meiyu to meet you, but I don't think Li Ge wants to face the conflagration with Yu Jie. Obviously, you and I all know that the higher level has no such strength." Chang Kunyu said bluntly, "although I don't know what you're going to do, if something happens to sister Yu's younger brother, I'm afraid the conflict between you and sister Yu will worsen to an irreparable level."

"Good, good." Xiao Shili claps his hands and squints at each other. This man is really a talent. No wonder Yang Meiyu is so relieved to hand over all her forces to him. It's a pity if this man doesn't get for himself.

"All right." He nodded faintly to the other side. Gao Xiang and others stopped when they heard the speech. Yang Wei, who was rolling his eyes, fell to the ground with a "bang". His whole body twitched. With a weak cough, the liquid mixed with wine and gastric juice came out of his mouth intermittently.

"Pull it down." As soon as Li Yuanqi waved, several younger brothers came forward and dragged Yang Wei into the bathroom of the box like a dead dog.

"Brother Yu, tell me their story." Xiao Shili handed Chang Kunyu a cigarette. "As far as I know, although Yang Meiyu and Yang Wei share the same surname, they are not brothers and sisters."

"That's right." Chang Kunyu took the cigarette. He knew what the other party wanted to know, and there was no need to hide it. "When Yu Jie was a talented person, Yang Wei was a little kid in junior high school. Once, when Yu Jie was racing with the boss of another small Gang in the society, she lost the pendant her mother left her. Yu Jie was a single parent family, and her mother died early, So naturally, she cherished her mother's legacy very much. Later, this pendant was picked up by Yang Wei, who was very smart at that time. When the two eldest brothers were racing, he followed one of his little gangsters, and the eldest brother was looking around. After seeing that one of the two eldest brothers had dropped the pendant, he didn't take it for himself, In fact, it's an ordinary pendant, and it's not worth much money. I don't have to tell you what happened later. Although sister Yu is a girl, she is very loyal. What's more, what's in her hand is what her favorite mother left her, so she thinks that she is a brother. "

"Drag racing?" Xiao Shili suddenly frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"No Xiao Shili's expression returned to normal again, with a smile, "ha ha, it seems that Yang Meiyu really trusts you."

"As I said, sister Yu is very loyal and never conceals anything from the people below."

Nothing to hide? I don't think so. Xiao Shili had a faint smile in his heart and said with a smile, "Yang Wei, a boy, was planning to get close to this big tree at that time."

Chang Kunyu sighed. From what he said just now, he could tell that he was also very dissatisfied with Yang Wei.

At this time, the box door opened from the outside, and a little brother looked flustered and poked his head in, "Li, Li Ge, coming!"

Chang Kunyu's eyebrows move, so fast? In his anticipation, to wait for the other party to call, Yu sister will bring people to come.

"Come on, brother woo." Xiao Shi left and stood up with a calm expression. "Let's go out and welcome your sister Yu."

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