Chang naturally could not wait to stand up. First, he wanted to see his boss as soon as possible. Second, he wanted to see what the man was planning.

Five people, including Chang Kunyu, walked out of the box together. As soon as they got outside, Chang Kunyu was surprised. Everywhere in the corridor and stairwell were full of people, and even more people kept coming out of the box.

All of them were dressed in casual clothes, but Chang Kunyu was sure that they were all talented senior one students. It was a bit surprising for Xiao Shili to be able to mobilize such a large number of people. When they came in before, these people didn't know where they were hiding. The order in the hotel was normal, but in a flash, everything changed.

Now is not the time to be surprised. Chang Kunyu shakes his head. The most important thing is to find a way to warn sister Yu. Previously, he thought Xiao Shili would not choose to merge with sister Yu. It seems that he is really wrong this time.

When one foot fell on the stairs, Chang Kunyu suddenly felt a shock in his head. No, he didn't think wrong. The other side didn't want to fight sister Yu head-on, but

He looked around with Yu Guang. Sure enough, when Xiao Shili and Gao Xiang and others walked down, the rest of them stood in the corridor and did not move.


This is the real purpose of the other party. Chang Kunyu is afraid. Fortunately, he thought of it. He thought of ambushing himself in the alley before and then invited Yang Wei to come here to ambush and sneak attack. Isn't that what the other party is good at?

Wait a minute, Xiao will cheat Yu into the hotel first, and then... Chang Kunyu doesn't dare to think about the next thing. The high-level and second-class forces are going to fall at this moment. This kind of thing is absolutely impossible!

Compared with these, he is more worried about his boss. Although she is the overlord, she is a girl after all, and she can make countless men excited. If she falls into the hands of these people, what will happen? He doesn't want to think about it. The scene of Yang Wei's suffering just now is deeply imprinted in his mind. These animals can do anything.

In the end, what method should be used to tell Yu elder sister the other party's plot? While Chang Kunyu was thinking hard, a hand suddenly patted on his shoulder.

Chang Kunyu could not help but shiver a little. He looked up and saw Xiao Shili's smiling face.

"Look." He stretched out his hand and pointed under the window. Chang Kunyu went to the window and looked out. He was stunned again.

The sidewalk under hongbinlou was also full of people, but it was not Xiao Shili's people. The flow of people along the two sides of the sidewalk, with the hotel gate as the center, formed a semicircle with a diameter of more than 10 meters, some even crowded into the road, all of them were dark black Chinese tunics (high-grade two school uniforms), in the gap of the crowd, You can see the light reflected from the iron.

Chang Kunyu had been out for such a long time. It was the first time he saw such a scene. I remember that when Yu Jie and the red star of the second middle school met last time, the people he took were less than half of this time. And at the moment, standing below, is undoubtedly all the power of the whole senior two. It seems that sister Yu is really angry this time.

At the same time, he also admired the head of the boss. Xiao chose the place on the noisy street to limit the momentum of the other side. Such a large number of people gathered in the downtown, it is difficult not to attract other people's attention, or even some panic. But if they all wear school uniforms, people may regard it as a student gathering or an activity organized by the school, thus weakening people's attention.

Now the only thing to do is to prevent sister Yu from entering the hotel. Chang Kunyu suddenly realized that Xiao Shili would never let him do this. With his preliminary understanding of this person, he would certainly not ignore this point. Since you dare to meet the boss, it means that the other party must have full confidence.

So what is the opponent's card? A name came to his mind, Yang Wei? you 're right! If you use Yang Wei as a threat, even if you remind yourself that the boss is stubborn and stubborn, you will surely fall into the trap of the other party.

The cold sweat on Chang Kunyu's forehead has come down.

"Brother Yu, how are you? You think that if the forces of you and me fight here now, the chances of who will win will be higher. " Xiao Shili moved his eyes away from the window and continued to walk down. He saw the scene outside, but the man's expression didn't change. There was no tension under the pressure of soldiers.

Chang Kunyu didn't answer Xiao Shili's question, but shook his head, "Xiao Shili, aren't you really afraid?"

"Brother Yu thinks I'll lose?"

"Even if you have so many people lying in ambush and occupying favorable terrain, do you think you can win if you really start? In the face of three or four times more than their opponents Chang Kunyu gave a sneer.

At this time, they had already reached the lobby on the first floor. Xiao Shili's people were sparsely arranged here, with only eight people guarding on both sides of the door.

The guests in the lobby on the first floor have already run away. No one is a fool. They can't see the situation. Even if they are wearing school uniforms, they are all fierce and murderous. They come to smash the shop.

Several waiters in the hotel turned pale with fright. The manager wanted to call the police just now. Of course, he was held down by Xiao Shili's people.

Xiao Shili went to the manager and patted each other on the shoulder. "Don't worry, it's just to delay you to do less business for a while. After a while, we'll go our way and you'll continue to do your business. But if you call the police, we'll have to come to you for dinner in the future."

The manager looked like a sensible person. Knowing that these people could not be provoked, he nodded repeatedly, "no, no, as long as... A few big brothers don't damage the things in the store, I will treat you as if you haven't been here."

Xiao Shili ignores each other and turns to walk to the gate. Gao Xiang, Fei long, Li Yuanqi and Chang Kunyu all follow him, but the latter is sandwiched between the three people in front of him.

People outside the door have surrounded the whole front of the hotel. It seems that there is no deliberate containment posture, but in fact, even a fly can't fly out.

Five people stood outside the gate, looking at the black sea of people under the steps, with no fear on their faces. At the same time, the eyes of the students of grade two in senior high school were all focused, which was naturally full of ferocity and anger. In their eyes, these senior students have just entered school, and they dare to challenge themselves before they get hot. They really don't know what to do.

In this dark color, there are several white figures that are particularly eye-catching. Five girls in school skirts are standing in the front of the crowd, and their murderous looks are not weaker than those of the boys around them. All the five girls are good-looking, but from the perspective of hairstyle and dressing, they are little girls. Their eyes are constantly scanning the four men in the opposite direction, as if they are judging who is the leader in the opposite direction.

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