Xiao Shili didn't speak. He raised his hand and snapped his fingers. After about a minute, the two men dragged Yang Wei down from the upstairs like a broken sack.

"Wei As soon as Yang Meiyu's eyebrows stand up, she rushes up the steps. After a few steps, she is stopped by two blades. Gao Xiang and Fei Long hold a watermelon knife and cross the blades in front of each other.

At the same time, nearly a hundred people behind Yang Meiyu also surged up, choppers, steel pipes, sticks and so on all lit up for a moment. Seeing that the crowd was about to cross the steps and surround the five people above, Yang Meiyu suddenly waved her jade arm and stopped her subordinates behind her.

"Xiao Shili, you bastard, what did you do to my brother?" Seeing that Yang Wei is so soft that he can't even stand, he is obviously unconscious. Normal people will think that he must have been tortured and beaten like this. Yang Meiyu bit her lower lip slightly and stared at Xiao Shili with hate in her eyes.

"It's nothing. Our boss invited him to drink. We know ya is sister Yu's younger brother, but we are honored as guests of honor. We don't dare to neglect him at all." Gao Xiang shakes his knife and looks at the number 100 people below like a demonstration.

"Drink?" Yang Meiyu was slightly stunned. In fact, she felt strange just now, because there was no blood on Yang Wei's body. It didn't look like she had been punished. At this time, I finally understood what method they used to torture my brother. I felt a little relieved, but it must be very painful for a person to be so strongly drunk.

"Well, sister Yu, you've seen your brother. He's OK. Now can we go in and talk?" Xiao Shili walked away with a smile.

Yang Meiyu snorted coldly, the other Party chose the place here, naturally not for the sake of both sides' conflagration. She looked behind her, and her men had already shown the guy out. In this way, on the street, she could not help causing the panic of passers-by.

"Good." She was about to walk up, but she wanted to see what this guy was trying to do.

In this way, Chang Kunyu was in a hurry. When the other party put down the grand banquet, he could not let the boss in danger. As soon as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt a cold and hard thing on his back.

"Be quiet." Li Yuanqi said softly behind his back.

Chang Kunyu hesitated. Yang Meiyu had come to Xiao Shili's side. She looked at each other's face closely again. Just like last time, she felt no threat from each other's face. Where did she know that Xiao Shili would never burst out his own fierce air for women.

Two groups of people entered the hotel. About 20 people followed Yang Meiyu. The rest of them gathered up and waited outside. Although the crowd was not as dense as before, there was only one door between them. As long as there was something inside, people outside could rush in immediately.

Both sides were seated on both sides of a round table in the lobby. All the 20 people Yang Meiyu brought were standing behind her, while Xiao Shili still had only three people Gao Xiang and Chang Kunyu who was under duress.

The air in the lobby was silent for a few seconds, and the manager and a group of waiters had long been hiding in the back kitchen. Yang Meiyu's slender jade fingers gently fiddled with the tea cup on the table. The light in her eyes was still cold. "Xiao, you tortured my brother today and kidnapped my brother. If you can't give me a reason, I promise you won't be able to get out of this room."

"Why? Ha ha. " Xiao Shili opened his hands with a smile, "there is no reason. If I don't do this, how can I ask elder sister Yu to come?"

"Then give me a reason why you want to see me."

"There are two things I need to get sister Yu's approval."


"First of all, I want to take charge of the whole higher level. Yang Wei is one of the obstacles. If I want to eliminate this obstacle, I have to get the consent of sister Yu."

Yang Meiyu's face was expressionless, "what's next?"

"Second." Xiao Shili stretched out a finger, "within a month, senior two will also be included in my power, this also needs Yu elder sister you to agree."

The girl was stunned for a moment, then a smile rippled on her cold face, "do you think it's possible?"

"It can't be stopped by me. Maybe God has the final say." Xiao Shili leaned back slightly. "Since both of us are not willing to give in, I can give sister Yu two more choices. First, I'll let you go out now, and then you take your people and I take my people. We'll fight here. Of course, the result may be that we are both defeated, and then we are taken away by the police."

Yang Meiyu and Yu Guang have swept the upstairs. The other party must still have a hidden hand here. If there is a real fight, the other party is defending, but he is attacking. Even if he has many people, it must not be so easy. Besides, the other party has two hostages in his hands. In fact, he is in a bad situation at the beginning.

"And the second?"

"Second, we don't have to fight. We can take it as a gamble."

"What's the bet?"

"Sister Yu can choose three people from your subordinates. If these three people can defeat me in turn, I will release them immediately, and automatically dissolve my forces and withdraw from the elite." Xiao Shili looks at the girl.

"Brother Li!" Gao Xiang and Fei Long yelled at the same time. The boss didn't discuss the matter with others in advance, so he made such a decision at the moment. Although several people knew Xiao Shili's strength, one person beat the other three. These three people must be good at selecting carefully. This is really a little too reluctant.

Yang Meiyu gently narrowed her eyes. She couldn't believe that the weak scholar on the opposite side would say such big words. If you want to choose your own person, don't say three. Only one is sure to make him fall to the ground in an instant.

Is this guy crazy!

Chang Kunyu was shocked. Was he wrong. It's different from what I imagined. The other party has already set an ambush. Why don't they come step by step? Is this another conspiracy.

Xiao Shili raised his hand, stopped the brothers behind him, and fixed his eyes on Yang Meiyu's snow-white face. "If I win, I want to see the current influence of senior two, and disappear from now on."

Of course, Yang Meiyu said to herself that she could not choose any method, that is, withdraw people first, and then choose a secluded place to fight. In this way, she has 90% hope of winning, but all this must be based on the condition that the other party has no hostages.

And... The girl's cold eyes flashed. In the face of the winning gamble, no one in the world would refuse. The other party may really have two talents, but he definitely overestimated himself.

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